Blood elves belong in the Horde

well i dont repeat myself anymore wich is exatly why i tell him if he want to see thing he can scroll up to the answer i already given him several times as i get tired of writing the same thing overe and over to people like Brigante that dont listen anyways when given a respond :slightly_smiling_face:

Exactly, point of view! Not much to add to that anyway.
Difference is golden and it makes the world a colorful place, rather than a monotone gray world xD

Sigh… just cause i don’t have a Tauren character anymore, it doesn’t mean i didnt do the questing. I did tell you i play horde as well. So, you fall flat again with your smearing atempts. Which btw is all you got. Amends he says, like he did anything to hurt his people rather than ensure their survival.

But hey… by that logic what is any of us doing in a high elf thread right? We can’t play them. xD

Yes, and that is your pov, which you admited to being a detached player pov.
No, i think Baine is just fine. It’s your detached “sit on the high chair and have these characters amuse me” stance rather than act in a logical manner that is the problem.

Don’t you understand how using such language is insulting? Also, I repeat my invitation for you to copy and paste an example where I have directly insulted you. This is going in circles, me asking you to provide examples, and you not doing so.

Well, that isn’t my fault, repeating yourself once would have been good, I don’t class that as ‘more times than I can count’.

No it isn’t. I don’t know the intricacies of Nuclear Physics, so if someone said that I didn’t I would be “Yep, you’re right!” You don’t seem to know Blood Elf lore, which is fine, there is no reason why you should. That’s not an insult, if I turned round and said “Well you don’t know how International Money Laundering works” and they went “No I don’t” that isn’t an insult either!

You know that the Highmountain Tauren worked with the Alliance, don’t you?

How are the Tauren doing with their addiction to water and food?

You know that Lor’themar was the only racial leader who told Garrosh to go stuff himself to his face, right? Apart from Vol’jin of course.

Just once would be enough, I mean if these ‘facts’ are so self evident, it should not be hard, I mean I have just repeated myself for you, perhaps you can extend me the same courtesy.

But you won’t.


I’d rather of had the choice to go neutral to be frank and wandered off back to the Eastern Kingdoms when Sylvanas burned that tree down.
Eversong Woods is where my heart is :slight_smile:

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Sigh…So you don’t have a tauren character anymore, so your opinion is rather irrelevant by your own standards.

And yes he needs to make amends, as clearly pointed out, not for wanting peace, but for his inactions.

So this was rather obviously not a High Elf thread?
This was clearly about Blood Elves and why they’re in the Horde, just another thing you can’t really wrap your head around as seen above.

Ahah…So quote the part where I was ‘Detached’?, Because I’m rather sure I never wrote that word and it’d make zero sense for me to do so, evidently.

I’ve already explained why it would’ve been more logical to have Baine remove any offensive Alliance forces from Mulgore and the Barrens, why it was illogical for him to call Taurajo a legitimate target.

Once again, what if It had been Tyrande in his stead, what if she had called Astranaar or Auberdine a legitimate target and shrugged of the dead night elves, would you still think that’d be good writing?
I guess not, in fact if you do, you must think Tyrande Whisperwind and the Night Elves a bunch of awfull fools for chasing revenge and not signing the armistice, right?
How about Genn Greymane, trying to kill Sylvanas Windrunner during a massive Legion invasion, clearly a dumbass, right? Since the Horde and Alliance were to work together to fight a greater threat, and his actions endangered anyone on Azeroth.
Would love to hear your thoughts on that, and since you may or may not answer /shrug…I’ll take you ignoring it for the third time as an answer aswell.

Also, one more time; this is still relevant in dealing with someone like you;

Anyway, this is not ment to convince you, it’s just ment to make it clear that you won’t convince me Baine is a good character or a good leader, without asking me to ignore basicly any part of the story he was featured in.


By this point I’m not so sure.

Well technically you haven’t even given reasons once, you just keep saying “They don’t belong because I say so” which isn’t really a reason now, is it? Also that is another insult.

Well if that is so, you would know why the Blood Elves belong in the Horde, wouldn’t you?

The Entire Highmountain zone can be done on Alliance, thats more than ‘a few World Quests’. Face facts, the Highmountain were friendly with Alliance members. Yes it was the eponymous ‘hero’ and head of their Class Order hall, but an Alliance member is an Alliance member…

Err, it really is. Both High and Blood Elves need it to survive, the weakest members of their society (So the elderly and infants) started dying when it was cut off from them, whereas the healthiest (The Farstriders, who seem to be the constitutionally robust ones) were less effected, but still would have started dying off.

So yes, Mana was needed for Survival, and still is, the difference is that now the Sunwell nourishes Blood and High Elves.

Yeeeessss, I know that, oh by the way, thats another insult, Every playable species on Azeroth needs food and water, it’s just that Thalassian Elves have a third need as well, for Mana.

And again with the insults. You really can’t help yourself can you?


Just give it up this guy or girl whatever he may be in real life will never admit or show you the evidence. Also because there is not any evidence ,but he will just continu to repeat himself. That much at least is clear to me.

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Use this the upvote button on this post as a downvote against burger king.

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Would not dignify this Tauren with the title of king, brother.


True, what about uncooked trash?


Much better.

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Sure, it’s high elf and blood elf. Cause that is the root of the issue isn’t it? God i hate people that waste time and like to pretend things are not about what they obviously are about. Enjoy pretending you don’t know much? Maybe you actually don’t, which i guess you show.

You act detached when you say you want Baine to be a vengeful character. People aren’t eager to go to war. You treat it like it’s nothing. So, yes, you are detached. If you knew what war was, you wouldn’t be so eager to want some.
But, hey… you do cause you are a DETACHED Player. You do not relate to the horrors of war that these characters go through.

I don’t really care what you think. You are wrong. You have a cynical aproach. So, i’m gonna call that out. That is all. I have no intention of engaging on your faction spats like everyone needs to be the same character. The point here is that there is nothing wrong with Baine seeking peace. None of what you said has changed that.

Wait so…first I, supposedly, claim to be detached…which you can’t back up, obviously… and now you go for ; YoU aRe DeTacHeD!1’…
Also quote the part where I said ‘eager to go to war’, I mean, you trashtalk me, but you do some grasping yourself.
I didn’t argue that him going for peace was a bad thing in itself, I didn’t argue that he or the Tauren should be ‘eager to go to war’ either, I said he failed his duties since he didn’t do anything to protect his people when the Alliance invaded, the narrative backs that up as he just isn’t there or isn’t calling it out; like Jaina did with Theramore, or Tyrande with Teldrassil or Ashenvale - wich, guess what, you failed to adress again, so I can take it you measure with two weights here, one for Alliance champs and one for Baine and the Horde, you’re okay with the Night Elves being vengefull war mongers, but not when Baine would lift a finger to defend his own people from attacks.
So I guess that makes you DETACHED, when it comes to tauren or the Horde.

Also why are you lecturing me about war again? And assuming I’ve never been through anything, quite assumption on a European forum, wouldn’t you say?
Aren’t you playing the same game, so aren’t you also enjoying this? You’re also playing a Void Elf…can only imagine how that ‘empathical immersion’ works out…so, Stop acting like such a condescending hypocrit about fictional war, please…Or perhaps, you have difficulty telling apart fiction from reality? I’m lucky I have no such handicaps…

And you shouldn’t, never pretended otherwise, actually I explicitly stated, twice now, that I’m not here to change your mind.
But judging by this back and forth, I’m getting the feeling that I’m supposed to care about what you think about it, though- in that case you should’ve saved yourself the trouble and actually thoroughly read my second post adressed to you,…but that’s actually on you.
If all you can muster is lecturing, twisting words and shifting goal posts…you’re quite frankly wasting my time and I’m now done with you, have a nice day :wink:


Heck, i’m done wasting my time with you.

You go read what you posted and how you said that Baine needs to make reparations for what he did. Like what he did was anything more than to look for the best interests of his people.
That is what you said, you are the one going in circles with your tilted one-sided interpretations trying to get out of that one. But, you can’t. It’s an indefensible position. It is illogical from a story pov.
We know why you say it, and i am tired of babysitting your tantrums. I am not gonna waste my time debating your tangents cause you keep trying to slither through them. Goodbye.

We must start the purification of our void elves.
Their old master is temporary defeated and silver hand could use this opportunity to shut their connection to the void.

We can get high elves without resorting to nagging teen rebel elves to come home.

Pride is always the cause of problems, especially when they take fictional characters way too seriously.

Most of the people here cannot relate to war and gruesome murders. It’s a game which downplays how graphical deaths and war actually are.


The virginity % in this thread is over 9000

As a Roleplayer, quoting this for truth, you should -always- keep a healthy remove between yourself and your character. You are not a Stanislavsky method actor, you are not your character. Oddly roleplayers seem to be better at that, than non-roleplayers.

Also broadly true. I was trained for a war, but thankfully have never fought one, but I have seen a murder, along with a lot of other people at the time, and it is pretty horrific, by pretty horrific I mean -extremely- horrific. It isn’t even the physical violence involved (it was a stabbing) but the sudden coldness that goes through you when you realise you have just seen someone’s life snuffed out. You get scared. Very scared. Scared about the fact that someone’s or -your- life could be so quickly ended. No one needs that in their life. Our characters should be traumatised wrecks!

As a man in his 40’s my past girlfriends and ex-wife would be surprised to hear that fact…as am I. Also you can’t have 9000 %, the absolute maximum you can have is 100%. It’s why I hate Management phrases like “We need to give this 110%” Thats not possible. or “You have to go the extra mile” No you don’t. Who walks to a destination and goes an extra mile? Surely you’re going an extra two miles, one to walk an extra mile, and a second mile coming back, or are they walking an extra half-mile, then turning around and walking half a mile back to their destination?

Ridiculous phrase.