Blood elves belong in the Horde



In your attempt at “snark”, you actually made it impossible for me to even understand what you mean.

SinIvAnAss? Who or what is that even supposed to be?

I feel just fine about them all exept from blood elves and well maybe abit less for pandaren than other races as they can join both factions. The other horde races i have no issue with as they have proven themself and also the fact that you can relate to them with the other horde reaces as some of them are obvious to why the fit in like goblins having worked with the horde for ages and was really just a suprise they didnt join earlier than they did and even thought nightborne may not resemble appearnce or culture to horde i still think they fit in verry well as you can relate to their hardships that is quite simillar to what many horde races have been through. Other allied races like highmountain tauren and mag’har orcs have alot in common the tauren and orcs of Kalimdor so i dont think i need to make a unecessary long comment on why i think they fit in. The Vulpera i admit are not my favorite but still they shown their uses both at problem solving and being usefull at delivering gods and they also seem like a race that is willing to work hard for the greater good of the horde so they have teir uses and like the other races you can easily relate to their hardships so i find them fitting in just fine aswell.

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I think you didn’t get that I was being sarcastic, which is understandable, Forums are an awful method of communicating tone and meaning :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, lets be fair here, Blood Elves don’t do that anymore, there’s no point to it now that the Sunwell has been reignited. It is also a learned technique, we have no idea whether Blood Elf children are being taught that technique currently.

Uhh, you know that isn’t what the Horde is about, right? They don’t have a sliding scale of ‘ugliness’ that has to be ticked off before a race can join.

Then maybe the humans and night elves in lore should stop driving races into the Horde’s embrace? I mean Lor’themar himself says it “Don’t they realise that the Horde only exists because of their bigotry?”

Actually most don’t. They -are- the most played race on Horde, but not by as big a margin as people like to whinge about, They’re not actually that far ahead of Orcs and Forsaken.

I don’t know, why would you?

Thankfully that is not what Blood Elves are, the clue is in the name. Elves are not human, they think differently, have different views on life, live longer, They’re not human at all.

Interesting rant. No Facts or evidence, but I get it, that’s your thing, You’ve told us, loads of times, and have given proof of it, we just have to scroll up to see it, or else we cannot read and are morons, apparently.

Nah, you never have, and you know that the Blood Elves are High Elves who called themselves Blood Elves, right?

Also Didn’t Baine work with the Alliance in giving Derek Proudmoore over to Jaina, Didn’t he work with the Alliance at the siege of Orgrimmar? Didn’t he sent warning to Jaina before Theramore. Treacherous Tauren! Kick them out of the Horde!

The uh, Wow game seems to differ on this, I think if you log into the game you’ll see them there are a core race. Highmountain Tauren however are an Allied Race. Weird that.

Have you played this game? There are Alliance High Elves at Allerian stronghold in TBC, there are Alliance aligned High Elves in Dalaran, there are Alliance High Elves in MoP on Thunder Isle, There are Alliance High Elves in Legion at the battle for Suramar, there are Alliance High Elves conjuring Portals for the Alliance in BfA. They kind of are Alliance.

Imagine that happening a long time ago, when the Alliance attacked much more recently and attempted to shut down your sources of power, which would cause widespread death, of becoming part of a federation that looks after its own, of retaining your original language but also learning the lingua Franca of the Horde, of learning from the past, and after being attacked by the Alliance, joining such a federation, but being one of the few Species to dare to backchat an Orc Warchief when they become too full of themselves.

Yet one who is on the ascendant, and has proven they can fight Wars on their own, without help from anyone.

Shame Humans have never been able to do that.

Who the heck is that?

Where does this happen?

Their hardships are exactly the same as the Blood Elves though, honestly, how can you live with this hypocrisy?

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Well i quess you didnt pay any attention if you didnt see “any” while i can say i remmeber any great names of then there where still shown high mountain npc here and there. Hahaha Lor’themar took part in every important meeting? hate to beark it to you most leaders where involved in meeting an at most of time lor’themar just stood there looking like a fool i believe the only time i remmeber him saying something was probobly when he was in Nazjatar standing by a campfire while the rest of the horde was doing the dirty work

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Oh wow, thats uh, sure doing a lot. Much contribution there,

You haven’t played BfA yet then? You missed the fact that he is the one who instigates the conversation about the Horde’s new leadership?, or that he is part of the Triumvirate who set up the Horde Council, with Baine and Thrall? At which point the other members step forwards and join the Triumvirate in forming the Council.

Well you must have a rubbish memory then. And sorry, whilst the rest of the Horde was doing the dirty work? Him and Thalyssra were the only leaders there! None of the other Horde leaders was doing -anything- at that point. They both fight alongside you to confront Aszhara, unlike any other Horde leader. Who was doing the dirty work again?

You’re also going to hate Shadowlands, he’s the one leading the expedition to rescue Baine, -Again-


Hey now, we already established that my post was exaggeration to make a point hundreds of posts ago. You’ve responded twice.

Heh, true, my bad, this thread is giving me shell shock, and I’m an old man, the memory isn’t what it was :smiley:

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You can remmeber? please explain to me what that is?

Yeah the non important npc. But tell me what highmountain leader has done something within bfa?

You use such interesting words please tell me what is beark?

That “fool” at least participated in the defense of lordaeron. I saw no high mountain tauren there.

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Agree with most of what you’ve said, but:

Actually most don’t. They -are- the most played race on Horde, but not by as big a margin as people like to whinge about, They’re not actually that far ahead of Orcs and Forsaken.

Is just not true Brig. There are somewhere between 3 and 4 belf for every Troll, Orc or Forsaken. That isn’t “slightly ahead”. It’s not necessarily problematic (I find it a bit jarring the horde in terms of players is most strongly represented by Belf but whatever) but there’s no sense trying to underplay the disparity, because it is large. Belf are approx 40% of the Horde playerbase. Even if we left it to core races, and assumed they all have equal representation (they don’t) that makes them at best about 3.3 times less populous than belf by numbers alone on average. Nobody can seriously argue the 2nd place race is “close” when the one in front of them is three times ahead. We’re talking a difference of over 200% here.

If the temp today was 20 degrees, I’d say a temp of 17-23 was similar. But figures of -20+ or 60 degrees plus? Not even remotely close or similar.

Close is humans and night elves. A difference of maybe 2-3% of alliance players. The difference between Belf and their closest competitor is well over 20% of all horde players.

As said, it’s fine, but the numbers are there and they can’t be argued against.

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Oh yeah, not disputing that for a moment, that was the latest confirmed figure I saw as well, I was more saying that isn’t ‘most’, it would need to be 51% for that to be the case, it -is- the most played race, that is undeniable, but it is not ‘most’ of the Horde playerbase. I realise it is a fine distinction, but it is an important one. Its the same with humans in the Alliance. I think it goes Humans, then Night Elves, then Draenei, then Dwarves, Gnomes and Pandaren if I remember rightly.

I also agree that some people play them because they look ‘pretty’. I don’t like that ethos, personally. Yes, I know in lore other races find Elves beautiful/handsome, but that’s not what drew me to them, it was the fact that they were cruel, self-serving, vicious when necessary, and capable of absolute brutality whilst looking -good- doing it.

So basically the Elves of our myth and legend before Tolkien and Warhammer butchered them. I’m totally going Ardenweald in SL because I love the fact that they have the ‘Wild Hunt’ aspect to them, which not only appeals to the Celtic scholar in me, but also makes sense for an RP character who is a Farstrider. I like the fact that WoW’s Elves are -different- to humans, and think and act differently, not that they are ‘pretty’.

Sadly some do not. They play them as pointy eared humans, which they absolutely are not.

They are the most played race on Horde, but do not make up most of the Horde, is what I was correcting.

Again i never rant so here ones again you prove that you are the one resorting to insult. And yes i have given you fact and evidence several times its you that never backs it up with facst as all you do is make up lies and give yor opinion but you never once give facts that back up what you say. Yes i have and the Blood elves are not high elves it even says itself in the name that their no longer see themself as that for one thing the high elves did not infuse themself with fel energy like blood elves wich gave the diffrent charateristics. The blood elves “were high elfs” not “are high elves” So it wasnt enough for you to insult the horde now you start throwing out insult gainst the high elfs aswell by saying they are “your race”. Yes i have proven it its yiou who havent done it.And no they blood elves are not high elves. And no Baine didnt work with them cause unlike you filthy blood elves he didnt conspire against the horde like you blood elves do. Yes i have played the game have you? cause you dont act like you have. And the they are not kinda alliance. It happens everywhere either if you see when they join the horde and after they have joined up with the horde you can clearly see them pulling their weight to support the faction hey joined. And there you go again insulting the nighborne making them out to be the same as you… They are not exactly liek you here are just some few example that dmake you diffrent The nighborn pulls theyre weight to support the horde, they are trust worthy and unlike you blood elves theyre hardship was not caused by their own stupidity like with the blood elves going around making deals with everyone so that they have enemies everywhere they go yes the blood elves have had hardships but the blood elves hardship was caused to them BY THEMSELF like i have already explained to you in detail where the lore shows how the blood elves ended up where they are. so no im not the hypocrite here you are the hypocrite trying to drag other inosent races under the same shame as the blood elves.

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Yes i have played BFA but its appear that you didnt if you didnt notice anything else that went on. Yeah right i have a rubbish memory huh? thats coming from the guy who have hade his questions answered countless times and cant even remmeber it when someone 10 minutes later. Oh buhu so your blood elf leader had to do something for ones in his life and yeah it wasnt you blood elves that did the dirty work as you well know. And no im not gonna hate shadowland dont think you can speak for me.

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Oh now thats funny coming from the guy who cant mentiuon an thing the blood elves leader have don as the blood elves only action have been from none important npc. Im glad you agree that he is a fool and i would hardly call what he “did” was verry helpfull

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I find it very interesting that you are responding on a different character all of a sudden?
Did your kim character got silenced?
Or are you afraid you will say something on that character that might get you banned ? And you just created another character to be safe…

Whatever the case may be I never agreed on anything you said I only used your own words against you thats all have a nice day…


Fun for you to find it intresting then why dont you keep wondering about that and im not afraid of saying anythig as all i said is true. Actually yes you did just agree that he was a fool as you mention in your reply and no you havent used my own words against me as you have not proven anything if anything you just proved yourself wrong

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I dont need to… Because I know that if kim got silenced you would not be able to talk on any character on that account. So it stands to reason that if he got silenced you are using a different account all togather…

The only thing I can not proof if it is for keeping yourself save or it is because you did get silenced. Anyways I will be keeping a close eye on this thread for the next few days hahahahaha.

Oh dear, oh dearie dearie dear. You know that isn’t what happened, don’t you? Kael’thas renamed the High Elves ‘Blood Elves’ to commemorate the fallen, during WCIII, I mean you even play through the quests where it happened. -Later- (but before TBC) he had went to Outlands, where he obtained the Fel Crystals from Illidan, and also learned the trick of how to drain living creatures, instead of just ley lines and items like the High Elves had, both of which he sent back with Rommath, Rommath did not know what the Fel Crystals were, but he -did- know that the Blood Elves could siphon Fel energy from Demons, however he rightly gauged the situation that the Regent Lord would be disgusted by the idea, so did not pass on that part of the teachings. The Fel Crystals were installed in Silvermoon to keep the floating buildings up, a role the Sunwell used to do, the Blood Elves learned how to drain mana from living creatures, and the 10% who refused to learn were Exiled (Which seems to be the Elven way of dealing with dissenters.) The Blood Elves did not infuse themselves with fel, we see what happens to Elves who do, they become Felblood Elves, with red skin, vestigial wings, and horns. (Selin Fireheart in MT is a good example, and he looks nothing like a Blood Elf.)

That’s right, they now call themselves ‘Blood Elves’, they are biologically identical species.

Umm, have you read “Tides of War”? He really does conspire with the Alliance. Have you played BfA? Baine really does conspire with Jaina.

Nah it doesn’t. Facts please?

You haven’t got any, have you?

On the contrary, I have a very good memory.

No I don’t ‘know’ that, as that isn’t what happens in game. Facts please?

You might not hate it, but guess who comes to save your beloved Baine?

Ah huh, Lor’themar. He’s the Horde leader in the cinematic squaring off against the Alliance.

Can you pick this apart and try to explain what you mean, as you seem a bit confused.

Also what -did- happen to your Highmountain Tauren avatar?

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So yeah you dont know anything just keep wondering and its not “the only thing you cant prove” as you havent proven anything in any reply

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New Kim, who dis? :slight_smile: :cow: