Blood elves belong in the Horde

New Kim on the Block


No he didnt rename them as high elves still remain its only a part of the population that changed name to blood elves from high elves. No theyre not biologically identical as due to the fel energy they have changed biologically sorry to disapoint you but those green eyes are not natural for High elves wich mean the have biologically changed. yes i have played bfa and like in all expansions there have been conversations between horde and alliance but Baine never ploted against the horde. Yes they do pull their weight and that is a fact its you that dont have any. Your abillity to remmeber something said just minutes ago would say the oppsite about memory. Yes it is what happended in game so you have your facts already.Also while i like baine i never said i look up to him or agree with everything he does as i primary play as a Highmountain tauren and not kalimdor tauren (exept some of my alt that are still regular tauren) My racial leader is not Baine but Mayla Highmountain. as for your last question have you never heard of a thing called alt charachters?? :man_facepalming:

Tauren definitely do not belong in the horde. I have given proof of this several times. I have stated the facts over and over. Scroll back up and you will see that I have given factual proof that tauren do not belong in the horde. If you can’t read responses then just look at all the proof I have given several times. You can’t provide facts because you don’t have any.


Not that I agree with Kim, on well anything really.
But that Highmountain leader would be Lasan Skyhorn - features in several Horde war story scenarios(Mayla Highmountain features aswell for what it’s worth) and Invasions.
Aside the Highmountain tauren troops ofcourse.
Not much but far from nothing, and as someone that actually likes the HM tauren, I’ll take it over nothing.

yes they do and no you have never proven it. And i already have seen them so no i dont need to while you on the other hand have all the proof you need to see that blood elves dont belong but is just to immature to face that you are wrong

No, try again. He renamed them -from- High Elves- to -Blood Elves- That’s a pretty important lore point, also in an ask the CCDev’s interview it was confirmed that the green eye glow was what happened to any High Elf exposed to Fel energy. They specifically said any -High Elf- and explained that any High Elf who had went to Outlands would have that yummy green glow in their eyes, regardless of which faction they are in.

There is no biological difference, the green eyes is what happens to a High Elf, regardless of what they call themselves if exposed to Fel. They don’t have to consume it (Though that would certainly do it) they just have to be in the vicinity.

Siege of Orgrimmar, Baine plots against the Warchief, as does Vol’jin, Lor’themar and Sylvanas.
Tides of War, before the attack on Theramore, Baine plots against the Horde.
BfA returning Derek Proudmoore Baine plots against the Horde Warchief.

These are all facts.

Nah they don’t, you’ve given no examples.

Lasan Skyhorn is awesome. I hope we see more of him!

You’re not making any sense again, can you please try again?

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You know the thing is I know he will never provide evidence to anything, anyone tells him.
You come with things to proof something. he has not done that in any comment as far as i can remember.
But my goal is no longer to make him see that he is wrong… But yeah your right I do not remember it clearly but I know some of them where in the horde war campaign I had a different purpose telling that.

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Indeed, my heart lies with the horde.


this entire thread is about opinions, the lore is owned by Blizzard and they decide how races supposedly feel about their faction. As a fact, Blood Elves and Tauren are both part of the Horde.

There’s simply nothing to prove. Now, to get into the opinions territory:

If we consider the core of the Horde to be the Orcs, then story wise, Tauren are about as much of a misfit as are Blood Elves, but for different reasons.

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No i got it right and yes i just pointed out that it was because of the fel that cause the change so you really just agreed on what i wrote. well siege of ogrimmar is a pretty bad example as that one is obvious but that is more of garrosh turning his back on the hordes way when wanting a new horde ruled by almost only orcs and sylvannas needed to be dealt with so he didnt plot against the horde he did it to save the horde. and even with that counted its not nearly close to all the thing blood elves have done and unlike baine the blood elves have always had selfish reason behind theyre actions so like is aid before what i said was facts. Yes they do pull theyre weight and i have given you several reason like you already are aware of. Yes i do make sense as i have already backed up the facts that proves they dont belong while you have not.

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No, you just make no sense at all. At All. hardly anyone here agrees with you, and most disagree.

When will you call it a day and just accept that you are wrong, because I can keep this up constantly.


A big part of it is opinion but not the entire as there is a thing called facts that you can find in the lore. And yes as a fact Turen do belong with the horde but the blood elves dont fit in. Actually there is something to prove as long as there are poeple like Erevien and Brigante spreading lies about the horde. And if we do as you say go back core then the taurens is definitely not a misfit as the orcs and tauren have been good allies ever since the orcs helped the tauren to deal with the centaurs so pls dont throw us in with the like of blood elves :face_vomiting:

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OK then let me give you some proof.

As you can see from the character creation screen, created by Blizzard, owner and writer of the lore, Blood Elves belong to the Horde. They are clearly listed on the “Horde” side when creating the character.

This is the first actual evidence in this entire thread btw.


Yes i do make sense. I do see many people agreeing with you so i dont know whre you got that idea from. And i wont accept that im wrong because im not its is you that need to accept the fact that you are wrong aslong as you only give made up lies and opinion. And dont worry i can keep this up aswell aslong as you keep spreading lies about the blood elves belonging in the horde

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yeah because i never seen the create charachter screen before… And that is not a proof that the belong if you read the lore on the other hand you see proof that they dont belong. And no its not the first evidence as you can find tons of evidence proving that they belong if you scroll up to earlier comments

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Well, he’s trolling…he fakes outrage(part of the play) but it is what he’s doing.
Notice how Nightborne are pretty much fine, but the Blood Elves are a big no no in the Horde?
Maybe it’s one of those ‘High Elf fanatics’, some of them do blatantly lie, as I’ve experienced myself.


Kindly point me out that non-opinionated “evidence” so that I can read it.

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We furry will take over Silvermoon. We will mark the terrotory all over Silvermoon :rofl:

ah I see we have a new genius like myself and kim entering the thread. you seem to have views very similar to his are you here to help spread his message? good luck to you both

Well to be honest you can cry all you want about your lore nonsense you want on this forum it will never change the fact that blood elves are in the horde…

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