Blood elves belong in the Horde

Hey, no pissing on the streets of Silvermoon.

It would feel weird removing blood elves from the horde at this point.

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i have gone back and read your proofs. Yes you have some good facts from the lore. And yes i agree that tauren dont belong in the horde if we look at the facts you have given many times. Thank you for telling truth about the horde

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Yes that is good proof. If you read the lore it also agrees since it was written by blizzard who maded the blood elves and the horde

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That is very intersting about why they got named blood elves. I didnt know theyre biologically the same thank you for pointing that out. Baine ploting against the horde in bfa is maybe a good point. they could maybe pull their weight a bit more i guess. Your ability to remmeber something sounds nice to have.

The High Elves aren’t against you staying in Horde, they’re happy you are. All they want is to be represented in the Alliance as the Silver Covenant. Those who did not betray the Alliance and gorge themselves on Fel energy.

It’s about mentality and politics. The Quel’dorei who are now named Silver Covenant High elves were exiled. It’s not about Blood Elves, it’s about being Silverconvant High elf.

No problem, a lot of people forget that they renamed themselves -after- the Scourge Invasion, but before they learned how to drain mana from living creatures.

Agreed, they should have kept his original writing in there, which was quality stuff, and showed a bit of Tauren muscle.

It’s useful for remembering girlfriends birthdays and family members ones, I never had this problem before, my Wedding anniversary was Halloween and my wife’s birthday was Christmas day, hard to not notice those really… But it does come in useful…

The High Elves who went to the Alliance are not all Silver Covenant, they are just one group of them. Also, you can’t betray something you aren’t part of. The Exiles were part of Quel’thalas, which was a Neutral nation until the Alliance attacked it. The High Elves were not part of the Alliance except during the Second War, those who fought in the Alliance in the Third War were volunteers, not representative of the nation of Quel’thalas (Yes, even though Kael’thas led them) which was at that point ruled by Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron.

Which no Blood Elves did. You can’t betray an organisation you don’t belong to, and they never gorged themselves on Fel Energy. We see what happens to High/Blood Elves who do, they don’t look anything like Blood Elves. Blood Elves were -exposed- to Fel Energies, and Blizzard confirmed this would also happen to any High Elf exposed to Fel Energies, so for example in canon lore, the Allerian Stronghold Elves have fel-green peepers.

So how come that Warlock trainer in the Silver Covenant still has blue eyes? They must have dabbled in Fel a bit?

The Silver Covenant are just one -group- of High Elves in the Alliance, they are not the entirety of them. Quel’danil says Hi! for a start.


No i dont troll clearly you have no idea what a troll is

Oh looks like we have a child thinking he is funny by trying to copy my charachter…

Thank you for giving us more lore and proof on why the blood elves belong in the horde. It makes it obvious to anyone who isnt blind or just refusing to accept the facts. And wow i didnt know about that blue eyes warlock in silver conventant that is a intresting detail


He didnt give any lore and stop trying to impersonate my profil

that sound good coming from blood elves :grinning: who are some of the most loyal horde


Hi, I just wanted to join the “let’s show art of blood elf in the Horde” bandwagon.

Also with a high elf, who is not Horde


They are the most played WoW-Race given to the Horde-players because of the Asian market.


Oh no! I seem to have bumped this thread! … Anyway…

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but… you are already part of the horde…

Indeed we are :slight_smile:

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Can someone make a TL;DR so I can get up to speed on what on Azeroth is happening here?

Soon the alliance armies will liberate Silvermoon from horde opression and restart the highelf civilization and culture.
Dont worry there is a special place in outland for for Horde.
All Horde races are to be purged from azeroth and pushed into outland