Bloodfang or Earthshaker for Ally Transfer

Moved from Gehennas to Earthshaker and I do not regret it, sure there are plenty of Horde but quite a few Alliance as well, seems to be a healthy and growing community on the Alliance side.

There is often people ganking in Menethil and IF sure, but it’s usually the same people, so a few hardcore pvpers seems to be around but usually one just needs to wait a few minutes and more Alliance will show up and chase em away, I just view it as some extra HKs as I travel to where I need to go.

Comparing it to Gehennas it is like a nice summer breeze as opposed to a tornado.


I moved to Earthshaker from ZT horde a few weeks ago and it’s the best choice i’ve made in classic. But like the others said there are definitely more horde than alliance. It’s really nice to see the amount of new players on the horde side, and i hope the situation is the same on ally side with hopefully a few more allies than horde migrating here


“Things really changes fast” indeed, my friend. If you actually bothered to read the posts and compile them together.

Bloodfang is by far, the worst server I’ve played on and it’s no wonder it’s the most shilled server on the forums. From the 10 people I got on my flist while leveling, there’s only 1 player playing there now, and he’s an undead mage who sits in BRM for 12 hours a day.

Would you consider dragonfang, it has some teething issues but join a guild get a trade/skill and you’re away. The economy is more of a barter goods for goods so if you have something to offer you can get what you need. I trade herbs for ore/bars and then potions etc. It’s a unique setup and has a RP flavour by default.

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I played on earthshaker. Rerolled to a pve server. Guilds are declining. No people to raid.

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