Bloodfang or Earthshaker for Ally Transfer

Thinking about using the free character transfer on 3 of my alliance characters. Any feedback on how Alliance PVP (balance) is on Bloodfang vs Earthshaker?

Heard Bloodfang is decent. But also what about ability to raid/pve with other level 60s?

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Im happy with Bloodfang as alliance. Its around 50/50 faction wise, but horde a bit more active in PVP.
Im not 60 yet, so cant comment much on raids, but see a lot of Ony/MC raids going on in chat LFM, so it seems its quite active

Bloodfang is decent, but as with all PvP servers, people do run around griefing, most solo 60’s ganking lowbies due to there lack of skill. But in primetime also ramping zerg groups. But a lot better than Gandling i must say. If you level 2 or 3, there should be no problem most of the time. Felwood and Winterpsring can be very bad, avoid them.

I like Bloodfang. I hear Earthshaker is overrun by Horde now, whereas Bloodfang is more even as far as faction balance goes.

Bloodfang all day long.
Wish I had taken up the transfer way before I did.

bloodfang is good for me.

Bloodfang is a dead server, sure you will be able to chill as any faction


Earthshaker is slightly horde heavy, so we will be happy to see alliance transfers. We’re also way more populated than bloodfang and have a nice community overall.


After trying out the servers at launch and the disgrace they made of it, I came back a couple of months later, and tried Bloodfang.

I am level 31 paladin now, and I’ve only had a few incursions with horde while leveling up. Sure, I got ganked a few times by high level horde, but that is to be expected on a pvp server. There are also horde doing little attacks on menethil harbour from my few times flying in and out of there, but alliance seem to come in and mow them down, so the area isn’t fully camped all the time.

The server isn’t empty. I’ve often formed groups with people doing similar quests, leveling up too. Only today, we had a full group for the murloc quest in southshore.

At the moment, I am in shimmering flats, and there are a few horde around that haven’t attacked me yet. I think as you level up more, the more you are introduced to contested zones.

Not sure how the end-game level 60 is on Bloodfang, but it’s not a dead server. It might be a less populated one than others, but then everyone seems to be crying for vanilla populated servers.

I have a good feeling about Bloodfang, and I’m staying on this server.

The 55+ leveling zones are bad. My suggestion is to go to BRD in the morning before school/work, and log out there. Then try gather a group and level there at night. otherwise make sure all arrive at the FP and the same time, usually there is no more than a few campers standing there picking people off people one by one

Earthshaker is apparently quite heavy on the Horde, so rolling Alliance there to help balance the numbers is always good.
I’ve not heard good things about Bloodfang since it sounds like it’s well on it’s way to dying/becoming an Alliance hug box.


I made a lvl 1 orc and Human on both servers before transfering from ZandalariTribe. I checked out the AH and LFG chat on both factions/servers and Earthshaker is way more active + Earthshaker is usually listed as high pop in the evening. Tho i know Earthshaker is atleast 55:45 horde:Alliance due to the overwhelming amount of horde refugees who transfered here from ZandalariTribe

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Eartshaker is listed as medium just as Bloodfang and havent been at high pop for over 1 month.

It was listed as High pop a week ago

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Census addon for classic is updated, and works again. Players on ally side, sunday at 07:30 pm, total of 1124 players with 940 being level 60. Recently lots have transfered with their guild. Explain why so many are level 60.

Bloodfang was extreme Horde heavy a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully its better now, even tho Im pretty sure it isnt.

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Actually it does feel a little better. I have noticed a difference.
Sure you still get ganked at BRM and the other common locations but now you also regularly see alliance raids forming for pvp to fight back.
Its not good objectively but probably good enough comparatively with other realms.
The numbers difference is just one issue. It’s participation rather than population and also skill/items/consumables.
In skirmishes of equal numbers horde almost always wins, sometimes with no casualties. Epic geared horde often win 2vs1 and small groups of horde vs larger alliance seem to get away alive in seemingly impossible situations.

Bloodfang is pretty balanced, as for me :slight_smile: It looks like “Sometimes you enter BRM and meet horde raid, and sometimes you enter BRM and meet alliance raid”. It is still a pvp server with no zones to relax, but… I think it is better than totally horde-dominated realm.

Bloodfang is by far the worse choice of the 2 and here’s why:

I have a 60 Horde rogue there and the server is a ghost town. As a DPS, you wait for about 3-4 hours to find a group to Strat/Scholo and the server is very, very heavily Horde-favored. Tanks are so rare, that most of them demand 15g or “all orbs reserved” for run.

DO NOT listen to the people shilling here about transferring as Alliance to Bloodfang.

I transferred my 2 heroes from ZT to Earthshaker. The server is definitely Horde-dominated as well. But from rough estimations, it’s about 55-60% Horde. During the day, it’s a bit tricky to find a group but the community is the best I’ve ever seen. People help each other a lot, but this is something I value personally. There are a few fuggheads here and there, but that’s completely acceptable.

The best part is that more and more Alliance players are transferring and the server might reach 55-45 soon.

I would recommend all the Alliance guilds and/or players looking to transfer here to do so en masse so we can turn the tides a bit. You’ll still see camping parties of horde in LHC, BRM and Morgan’s throughout the whole day, but it’s nowhere near as bad as what I’ve seen on other servers.


2 days ago you wrote:

This will without a doubt happen with the most populated servers. Low/Med pop servers like Earthshaker (the one I transferred my 2 Alliance characters from ZT) will suffer the same fate, just slower. The server is currently being advertised as 55-45 for the Horde side, but the reality is that it’s at least 60 bordering on 70%.

Despite the lower number of Horde players you’re forced to encounter, you cannot experience the game for which you pay for.

Menethil is camped 24/7, there are 20-30 Blackrock rats at all times, every single vein/herb is taken where black lotuses are now up to 90g. Winterspring has about 3 groups of 3-5 players who are roaming endlessly 24 hours a day, LHC is camped for about 17 hours a day by at least 10 people.

Things really changes fast in two days eh? :wink: I get why you want more alliance on Earthshaker, but no need to spread false info about Bloodfang

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