Bloodscalp (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Bloodscalp in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Jaggerjack, Orc Warrior.

Dreameater? Blood Elf Female Preist.
We played around 2008 when TBC was out though.
One of my closest friend. <3

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Mydon, Undead Shadowpriest
Epimenides, Orc Fury Warrior
Marlynn, Troll Frost mage

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• Modnahr
• Suicide Kings
• Whoever is available :slight_smile:


Maedsigil here, GM for Evil Eye.

EE is reforming for vanilla, come and have fun with old farts, we are about 40 from the vanilla lineup

Maedsigil, Zuluhed, Xsi, Crow, xavi, Mardröm, Ulath/arjon, Shmabit, Notte, Robin, Madjack, Sumerian, Tuskard, Fern/elienor,Gingaone, hajen, donkaa, elvira, demolia, hollander, odlan, sitron, tyraell/zaijko, umbra, doss, nox, nurf, clerc, reed, parabellum, pyta, waraze,raginghorn, tuck, zyrae

Rumor has it the alliance scum dwight, cruniac, brevi, sunapple and casseya might show up

We are also interested in finding old guilds that wanna have some love and hate battling it out in BGs and over World Bosses :wink:


Davelogan, Tauren Warrior
Restored Flame
Aurea Mediocritas

Öreg cimborák, ha látjátok, írjatok :slight_smile:
Rid, Slim, Sheepy, Viharpöröly, Caracarn, Atib,


Wrothag - orc warrior here. DiE has a FB grp, played rbgs with Casseya, Cruniac and Lysithea back in cata, lost contact with them tho. Will ask the gm of Cruentus about any info


Hello DiE. I remember whambulance. Lysithea is not playing, getting cruniac, brevi dwight and sunapple. We also have daracia, zyrae and crow with us :slight_smile:

Got oak, a orc shaman with us, he played in DiE

Mekanik here.

Going to be coming back for this, along with a couple other old folks. Villager, Deadfires, Stark. A few others are still pondering returning as well.

Edit: Will hit up Stoat, see if he fancies it too.

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Villager here,

As Mek stated above, lets meet up!

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Hey all,

It’s Syuomi here, from The Feared

Lyl, Claire, Flippin - you still around?


Am I still worth DKP?


I did some PvP back in the day as alliance in a guild “You are in combat”. I remember fighting an undead rogue GingaOne, who was allways ganking at the entrance of BlackRockMountain. Killed him a couple times, he killed me a couple of times. He also recorded it and made some pvp movies about it.
Most annoying was a orc shaman with "scar"in his name. He was rank 14 and pretty much invincible in BG’s. I remember i killed him one time with my rogue and was so happy, cause i was allways dieing to him. fun times.
I do remember Evil Eye though, wasn’t that called 16 Bit before it became EE ?

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EE, Mekanik, any decision about the server? Golemagg or Shazzrah?

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Not yet, we are waiting to see what happens, a lot of factors, we wanna avoid method and streamers preferably, we are in talks with some guilds. The hun community will decide for example where they are going (Guess lots of old Bloodscalpers will be there). What the nordic server project choose is also interesting.

Gingaone is back in action for some more PVPing :wink:

EE came from a guild called Rsextio (But we split after 5 days of server being up due to different goals)

Sure you are :sweat_smile:


Coming back too :upside_down_face:

what server are you guys picking?

My chars in vanilla were :

Krisse orc hunter
Essirk ud mage

Beyound Controls/Prophecy/Dagon Roots

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Hey Krisse, cool to see you again as well. are any of the other old dagon members coming back?
Got a group of old bloodscalp players and some others going, would love to rejoin some old bloodscalp players.
Played with a fair few as a slew of Fires named characters, also later as a paladin named Volleteil

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