Bloodscalp (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Any old"Murder of Crows" or “The Muppets” players around? I went by a couple different names back then. Mostly Taurendruid or Phoenixian…
I remember raiding with Sot, Rot, Illy, Meraljin, Severinus, Novabane, Raan and a lot of other nice people. Would be cool to talk again

Lololo Gingaone o/

I think you can reserve up to 3 names on 2 servers? Will do that anyway and see where everyone decides is the best choice.

Avoiding streamers would be pretty good.

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Evil Eye is going Shazzrah for anyone interested!

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Looks like most of us will be doing the same. See you on the server!


Hey, dude - Rammie from The Feared, add me on Rammy#2329 I can tell you what I know about Lyl & Claire, don’t know about Flippin though.

I played in Fractured for a while as Tauren Druid tank. :slight_smile:
Remember some players name here. :slight_smile:
Will play on Shazzrah / Horde :slight_smile:

Hello Maedsigil/Trolle. See you on Shazzrah!

I used to play as Ganrod (undead mage) and Rancor (undead priest), in the guild Shiver, later Ethereal. Would love to meet some oldies from there.

Some names that I recall: Ivos, Cyberg, Ultimea, Toemjin, Xsjado, Indigo, Moomba, Gunatsuka, Adial, Savagepotato, Takecarer, Daracia, Sinda, Daracia, Elvira, Samsokk, Sorgoth


We got Daracia and Elvira coming back, got any hooks on Xsjado, Sorgoth, Savagepotato, Cyberg, Ultimea, Toemjin, Sinda,Samsokk?

Gingaone, Crow, Xsi, and os many others are coming back as well


I’m so special, you named me twice! :smiley:

Darã - Undead Warrior
Daracia - Undead Warlock
Daracìa - Troll Shaman
Played in Shiver mainly


Afraid not, didn’t keep in touch.

(Wow, I was already to late to reserve my two alt names!)


Grumble? (warrior)… Brammadan? (hunter)… Shivama? (mage) - are you guys still around?


Spoke with soska, huns seem to be forming up on swolemagg

Mainevent - Undead priest

been in Prophecy a while, and Renegade Legion.

Looking forward to this Classic launch

hey dudes
Kassh/Buboréka/Fyrmanus here from
Aurea Mediocritas - Coma - Vexillum(BC)

Mavi love, who are you playing with?

Sup, been ~7 years since I was last on bloodscalp. Playing there since tbc with people from Bomen zijn Relaxed Preparé / later named Noizer (priest), Joppieke/Koetjeh/Ayeshia… With people from Badgers with Human Faces (Gifted, Cowplait, Thistevie, Flakelorenz - Mostly Damaged Goods and later on they merged with Renegade Legion.

Been playing with Inzania since Cataclysm and on and off in WoD/s1 of BFA.

Me and my mates are looking for a steady nostalgic guild on any of the PvP realms… hoping you might have a few spots? Druid, 3x priest, rogue, warrior and 2 shamans :smile: Can’t wait to see familiar names again ^.-


Hey! I am planning to play with my brother (Entonic/Klurifaxo) if that rings any bells and some other people from finland and UK, whom I have met when playing in Legion. But it would be pretty cool to do some dungeons and pvp together :slight_smile: Is there any way to “safely” exchange battletags here?
EDIT: Apparantly it is pretty safe, so add Mavos#2555 if you would like!