You coming back?
You coming back?
We are trying to find shivama also, join ee discord if you want some nostalgia, got xsjado, sorgoth, gingaone, lysithea, astrales, brevi, daracia, spikeychris, kinkyfish and a ton of other people to chat with.
discord gg 013SFCCtN8wKrIixI
Sure do, discors is linked in this thread, we are 60 evil eyers nad maybe 20 to 30 shiver,exiled knights, prophecy, substance, nightwatchers, dagon roots, bomen zjin relaxed
Seems like alot of the old crew coming back!
I remember Krisse from Beyond Controls/Prophecy/Dagon Roots :o
From what i’ve read on the forums is that Shazzrah is already full?
Anyone can confirm?
I haven’t subbed again yet (kinda not wasting half a month); and i’m sure there are more people who think like this.
Seems like they supplied a new PVP Enlgish Server for Eu though.
Undead Priest - melting faces since whenever
Hey Mek!! Not sure mate, I mean I would like to play again ofc with you and old friends, but only casual, no time for raiding… plus I’ll need you to level to 60 for me
Join the ee discord
Ive found people from god damn every bs guild
Spikeychris,daracia, sorgoth, brevi, sadist, soulsedge, frikandel, bravojuice, astralea, crow, cruniac, lysithea, notte and like 30 more. Not all are tagging along with us but so fun to speak with the oldtimers.
People from dagon roots, exiled knights, prophecy, shiver, substance, nightwatchers, bomen zjin relaxed and a whole bunch of guilds.
Taurain useless druid (horde) but had all the loot was in dark pact/suicide kings/shiver at one point maybe can’t remember?
Taurain is on the EE discord (linked in the post above yours), come and join the nostalgia
I’ll be around for sure. Be good to catch up!
Going to join the EE discord as well. Sounds like a tonne of familiar names.
Bumpage now
As far as i know, the majority of hungarians will go to Golemagg or Mirage Raceway if PVE.
You just stay put, you hear Chaedlx!
been a while
Barney - Horde Rogue with Murky my pet
Thrakk / Azeron / Britmage here from the super casual guild Harveys Heroes here if anyone remembers them!
It is fun to scroll through the list and see some names I remember, though for the life of me I’m not sure why!
Come evil eye discord that is linked here, we are over hundred old bloodscalpers. Even if you dont to play with us come for a chat, there are so many peoplw on it.
Britmage I recognize. Come and check it out, its wild
Hai Thrakk! God, how i loved being a part of Harveys Heroes, but can’t remember the “brother” guild we used to raid with
There was the old guild we used to raid with “Dark Pact” back when we did some MC, Ony and attempted BWL with little success, then there was the later guild we used to raid with “Sillyhood” ! I still talk to Porkill / Holyham occasionally from there too
Beeky Orc Warlock
Brother was
Spletti Undead Mage