Hello bloodscalpers!
used to play a Troll Rogue called Magistrate, lots of familiar names and guilds!
Shazzrah looks like a write off though if you are rolling on that server
PS: where is my troll bred Moonymaster?
Hello bloodscalpers!
used to play a Troll Rogue called Magistrate, lots of familiar names and guilds!
Shazzrah looks like a write off though if you are rolling on that server
PS: where is my troll bred Moonymaster?
Hey old Bloodies ,
Morc the ugly orc here
Used to tank/dps/pvp for Suicide kings/ Fractured / Bomen zijn relaxed and much more… With my warrior Morc
And good old days with my priest Naturelle with prophecy.
See you ingame.
Battletag : Morc#2956
Evil eye and the bloodscalpera changed aerver to dreadmist, come join the fun!
Gilmorendar, undead warlock
Evil Eye is still up and running on Dreadmist if someone reads this thread. We are soon thinking about TBC and you all are welcome to tag along for that experience as well.
You can find us here:
discord gg 6HDRq9t
If you don’t wanna play with us, but chat with any other old bloodscalper we ahve about 400 of them stored away in the #bloodscalp channel
Preparé :’) Komt de naam Nitroxyde je nog bekend voor?