Blue post confirms that Alliance players were wrong about same-faction BGs 💯

In the last two weeks, the guild I was in transferred, the guild I wanted to join transferred the week after, the guild I’m now in is talking about transferring. This change is making the game unplayable. And it IS because of this change that people are transferring. Noggenfogger server population was GROWING till it was announced and people started talking about the consequences on here and in trade. No new players, no future, groups, no raid guilds, no arena partners, no economy. This change makes the game not classic, but Nu-retail-like-tbc short-term cash cow spin off.

They haven’t transferred because of the change. They have trasnferred because they were weak-minded and chose the easy path. I’m sorry that happened to you, but you’re deluded if you think it was because of the pvp change.

Does it though? Couldn’t we ask of you to wait or reroll? Why you have to destroy TBC for what it was? Why do you need to bring retail features into the game? Why don’t you go play retail, if you can not wait for your BGs?

So based on 2 servers (Btw i don’t know if you lying here or not, you might be) that goes for every other server too? Despite the fact that most servers are horde dominated and despite the fact that there are other ally dominated servers (as few of em as there are) are out there wher the things that happen on earhtshaker or ashbringer didn’t happen, we should all just go based on your very narrow personal experience on ashbringer and earthshaker?

Are you srs?

Yesss, it’s all just pure coincidence.

It was a direct result of the pvp change. I was there and observed the reasoning behind the transfers in groups, guild chat, trade chat, discord, forums, youtube. While you were on here trying to cancel classic for Nu-retail-like-tbc.

because players don’t want to play alliance, like I already said. We want to play horde and we want to be able to pvp.

Yes I am serious because perhaps you weren’t there back then but I was. And Alliance cried all over the forums over that, irrespective of what server they were one. They eventually got their way and coerced blizzard into rolling out bgs way sooner than they would otherwise have been.

It was a direct result of the pvp change. I was there and observed the reasoning behind the transfers in groups, guild chat, trade chat, discord, forums, youtube. While you were on here trying to cancel classic for Nu-retail-like-tbc.

Trust me, this change had nothing to do with that.

So you want to play horde, you want to pvp. Do you also speak for the rest of the players that A) actually want to play alliance and B) the ones that rolled alliance to try to save this tragedy of a game?

I think not

Like horde cried when you had to wait an hour in the queue? Have you forgotten the QQ posts of horde 1-2 weeks ago? All about the queue times? I sure didn’t. I even play horde and i felt like ashamed just reading those too.

I guess rolling out bgs a bit sooner is not as bad as adding merc mode 2.0 because horde cried like little kids for a few weeks. Atleast bgs were always planned for classic. Merc mode 2.0 was never planned for TBC originally.

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It’s equally as bad. Alliance received a lot of special treatment, seal of blood, P2, shameless change to priest mind control not being able to MC low levels etc etc.

You guys just cry, cry and cry until you get it your way and then when the opposite faction complains about a legitimate issue which wasn’t solved for 2 years you go apesh*t because someone else is able to enjoy the game. Ok.

If you hate this game so much nobody forces you to continue playing it. “Playing horde” on a lvl 24 alt is not playing horde, you’re obviously a bitter alliance player that’s upset about a change that makes the game enjoyable for horde.

Didn’t horde get the ally seal as well? same treatment?

Im not sure what ally got here? What did they get? If you consider a sped up BG timeline, well i can assure you its cause horde ganked too much in wpvp. Cause there were more hordes on pvp servers in p2 than there was ally. So they Zug Zugd so much BGs came early… which in turn, also benefited horde.

What? Stop lying. Also Ally and Horde have MC. But unlike Horde Ally can not WotF out of MC.

Horde cried for a few weeks “cRy CrY” all day and then they got same faction queues. How can you not see this?

I don’t hate TBC. I just question why you would come here, spill lies, make weak arguments and try to create TBCC into smth that it was not meant to be. Why do you like retail changes in TBC? Stop ruining the game, thanks.


This change is the direct cause of that. Alliance pvp server populations were GROWING for two years until the literal day Activision announced they were turning classic into Nu-retail. I observed all the discussions. I’ve read the forum posts from top Alliance guilds stating reasoning for transferring. You have no basis for your opinion other than not wanting the observable truth to be true.

You know what? Not make HvH . For sure all Horde Will continue to gank for to get Honor and still we Will have the chance for to farm PvP gear.

u follow americans to much this is njot the case on eu

MC change was applied just because alliance players cried they’re getting jumped off ships and ledges.

Acceleration of P2 timeline benefited alliance because they were getting decimated in open world.

Everyone cries and the game had so many changes that it no longer is TBC, it never was. Stop pretending like this is game breaking because it isn’t. Notice that only alliance players are complaining about this. If you guys dislike this change so much we can make it so alliance never plays against alliance but horde can play against horde, deal? That way it’s completely invisible to you.

You’re obviously deluded if you think the game hasn’t deviated from the original TBC enough to say HvH is a game-ruining change. Lol.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. That’s all I can reply to this statement, sorry.

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Ally could do thesame thing man…

no it didn’t. World pvp always gave worse honor to either horde and ally.

Imagine advocating for more changes because there already are changes. You really are a retail andy aren’t u?


Actually I quit retail shortly before deathwing raid was released in Cata. WoW lost its charm beyond Wotlk. But some changes were clearly much needed and it’s one of them.

And about the MC change you can search forums, I clearly remember alliance crying about this (horde wasn’t) on forums. Perhaps you weren’t there.

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Who cares that your alliance buddies decided to transfer to better servers? It doesn’t hurt the game particularly. Horde do it all the time too. Check the crazy growth on Gehennas/Earthshaker.


Real faction racism haha. Well why would anyone want someone who hates one faction to speak their mind on how to control faction balance. Worst part is you’re not even a troll, you’re just ignorant.

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Khovane is a horde idiot who doesnt even think there should be another faction at all. Not worth the breath to discuss with them.

It’s not hate, it’s the truth, if you mistook truth for hate you’re clearly deluded.
Besides, anyone can speak their mind, I presented facts that were ignored by all alliance zombies that mindlessly keep putting forth ludicrous statements. You guys are detached from reality, so from now on I’ll just be brutally honest.


You’re aware that BGs are cross-server, right? Some alliance guilds transferring to another server over the one that you are in won’t change anything. Chances are that you’ll meet your old guildies in BGs from time to time.

This is exactly how it was back in the days, maybe you don’t remember it too well. People and guilds moved around all the time, it was commonplace. Blizzard eventually “solved” this with cross-server play so that they wouldn’t have to give free server transfers every now and then. Free server transfers were super common and occured all the time to try and solve faction imbalance, overpopulation or giving people the chance to escape “dead” servers.

In retail you can play with anyone in the same region, and the server-cluster thing with guilds is incredibly forgiving. I think that’s the game for you if you actually can’t handle very outdated old school mechanics.

HvH BGs did not affect you, stop it. Server jumping was commonplace back then and an integral part of the game, like it or not. This is all on you, anecdotal evidence of a coincidence is not worth anything compared to the data that Blizz ammassed that actually can get a proper overview of what went on.


Too much blabla from alliance. Nonsense.

The main problem is not only queue times but also premading! Alliance CAN do premades but horde cant because you cant make 14 other people wait for 1 hour for a single match.

Alliance crybabies just want a bribe to play alliance. Even tests cant change their ignorance because they just want free honor farm x20 faster.

Cry or not. Blizzard will bring it. Otherwise theyll loose much more players. Waiting 1 hour to play against a premade and gaining 50 honor is just plain stupid so we go and gank lowbies.