On every classic version i played Arcane Crystal was the more expensive gem or they were at least equal, now on Spineshatter Horde Blue Sapphire is 3-4times more expensive what changed in this launch on classic to cause this dramatic market shift?
No idea for what sapphire is used in this phase but I know I was selling it for less then 10g in P5/P6 in 2019.
I sold one for 46g yesterday and was really surprised. It’s even more expensive then Righteous Orb.
it is just for lionheart. it will be cheaper next weeks cuz warrs get r10 head
In the phase we are in now we dont have as a big use for serten things. I newer played a mage but then need some crystal tha use to be expensive in the erly phases and then die of. Lionheart will aslo die out soon. Arcanrcrystals will be most in demand just before Nax.
Arcane Crystals will go nuts once people get Bindings and it’s actually possible to craft TF.
Y still weird to see that market i mean arcane crystals are used in much more useful stuff and sapphires are only lionheart and frost reflector tbh
Lionheart is the most demand item (at least for this phase). There are very little use of arcane crystals except of lionheart. Arcane crystals drop 4 times more often then blue sapphires. Lets say you get 40 arcane crystals and 10 sapphires after long farming. 12 of those arcane crystals and all 10 sapphires will be used by someone to craft his lionheart helm. 28 arcane crystals still in game economy. 1 more player want to craft his lionheart helm. He buys 12 more arcane crystals but cant buy 10 more blue sapphires. So thats the reason why they are so expencive, because lionheart helm is the most common use of arcane crystals and blue sapphires this phase and you need much more time to farm 10 blue sapphires then 12 arcane crystals. Situation will change in later phases with more use of arcane crystals (Legendaries from MC, naxx attune and tier 3 sets), but for now lionheart is their main use
Ah i always thought drop chance is around the same cant remember having that much more arcane crystals then sapphires in 2019 when i was mining alot but that makes sense if there is such a difference in the drop chance
Never seen them outprice stuff like this.
I get it’s for lionheart but was it ever really like this?
Maybe they were, just seems off. 108g atm, arcane crystal remaining at 30g.
Then again libram of voracity/constitution is almost at 250g. But this could be aniticipating the pvp legs and then the pvp helm the week after that.
you can check wowhead. Arcane crystal is 3% drop per tap and blue sapphire 0,7%
There is gold sellers botting AH buying mats under a certain threshold to keep the price high. The fly hack bots get 10-15 nodes a hour in DME
It is weird. Sapphires are a lot rarer than arcane crystals, but the sapphires went up even higher post DM East, which makes no sense, as it should be lower with guaranteed 2-3 veins.
In Classic 2019, specifically Gehennas & Earthshaker, sapphires were around 15 gold while arcane crystals were around 35-40
Y those are the prices i remember as well i guess the gold buying is so rampant in this release of classic noone farms just buy gold and buy from ah
Price is based onn supply and demand. You can control the price only if you control ALL (or at least 80-90%) of the sources of that resources (which is possible with some open world resources such as devilsaur leather or black lotus but not with blue sapphires, because any player can run dm jump run and “mafia” can’t stop him of doing it).
Yes bots can sometimes buy your resources from ah if you undercut too much (post it much below market price), but they cant manipulate with market price because it’s based on supply and demand, and those bots dont control all supply.
No, botting is DM is fixed (it was fixed on classic era 1 year ago). All bots are in LBRS right now. And bots always lower the price of resources they farm, just check pattern robe of archmage or recipe of GFPP price on ah (thats drop from LBRS), its botted and its price is slightly above vendor price (when on classic both of that recipes were around 50-100 gold). Bots always lower the price of resources they farm, they DONT keep it high, because supply is too much if resource is botted.
i just hope bots start going strat live again noone want to farm orbs really