Blue to Red: What to expect?

Hi there Hordies! I’ve been playing Blue side now for far too many years to remember and I’m making the change, finally, to Red! I was hoping I could get a rough idea of what I can expect from your side of the sea? What big guilds are going around that are looking for new recruits? What RP hot spots are there? What are the easier races to start out as a fresh face in Orgrimmar? I hope you guys can help me out here a little, cause I really want to give Red a good go!


You’ll always find a Guild in search of new members about and I’d say that you’ll find the majority take residence in Orgrimmar, though there are exceptions that reside somewhere else.

When it comes to RP “hot spots”, Orgrimmar is definitely the most active. I’ve read that some have taken to Razor Hill or Durotar in general, and there’s some activity in the Northern Barrens(?). If there are other active areas with Horde-orientated RP outside of events and campaigns someone has to give an update on that.

In regards to what race to choose, I’d say it is very open. You should be able to find a Guild and other roleplayers so I’d say what to choose may potentially depend on what you’re looking for.

If in doubt, you can never go wrong with Orc.


Rotgarde are the top Forsaken guild. You’ve got Hand of Conquest for Grunt RP. Blood Howl are always doing their thing. Frozen Paw’s big and accepts everyone IIRC. There’s a dozen or so Blood Elf guilds. Gearfist IBS is large and does all the goblin RP you can imagine. Irontusk Clan is the leading orc clan guild.

Orgrimmar and Silvermoon are the only major RP spots. You gotta remember we are a much smaller percentage of the server population and have waaaay less players than Alliance does so public RP is a bit different to how it is on Alliance. Orgrimmar is never full and the IC spot is confined mostly to the Valley of Honor. RP here is, to parrot everyone else when speaking about this, very guild dependant. As faction we’re event-focused, traveling around the open world in groups. Now, you don’t need to join a guild to take part but it does help

100% personal preference. No race is harder than any other to play and because we all enjoy and want different things from RP I cannot really recommend any race on matters of difficulty. However, if you’re unsure what you want to play I would recommend an orc - because the clans are so varied and personalities differ between them you have a wealth of options to choose from after investing time and effort into leveling that toon.


Bilgewater Battalion is the epitome of goblin RP. Can definitely recommend.


Duskwatch outriders for Nightborne shenanigans :woman_mage:


The most Horde guilds right now are probably Belf, but there’s honestly stuff there for everyone and every race. There’s an abundance of millitary guilds, but there’s plenty of other initiatives as well(Lonecreek already listed a few, Wartotem Front has also just popped up for Tauren but it’s quite fresh still)

As for races for Orgrimmar, everyone’s gonna be welcome in Orgrimmar random RP but you might be better off with one of the four classic races. However, Blood Elves definitely have the most guilds dedicated to only them(With the occasional Nightborne allowed) so it’s not like it’s gonna be hard to find a place for them either.


Red goes faster!


Ah, but blue is lucky, innit?


For you being a night elf, you may find yourself gravitating more towards the Nightborne, they aren’t a bad race to start out as if you’re new to Horde side(If you have them unlocked that is). When it comes to the Nightborne, I second Fiolane’s comments in regards of the Duskwatch, they are always looking for new recruits and are a solid choice for Nightborne RP. Highblood Myrmidons being another solid option for you nightborne(and blood elven) folk.

As for the other races, there are plenty of options you can gravitate towards with being a forsaken(character wise). As the others have said Orc or tauren is a solid choice.

You have plenty of choices in the Blood Elven community when it comes to guilds, so you’ll find someone who is willing to take on a new face and be willing to help out new members to find their feet in the community. There will always be plenty of people around who are willing to give out pointers and so forth.

It all boils down to what you personally like. Do you have potential concepts in mind that you’d consider writing out in RP?


Horde uses hubs far less than Alliance, far more guild centric for good or worse so you’ll find far less RP in concentrated areas but are more likely to find some dotted around the map.

My recommendation would be to find a race with Lore you like and go with that, or look for a guild with people you like. One of these two will probably keep you about.

My personal recommendations would be Hand of Agony for Forsaken Military RP, Phoenix Dawn, Blazing Phoenix or Division Twenty Three for Blood Elves, Irontusk Clan for Orcs. There is also Shadow of the Empire(?) for Trolls but I believe they’re not Horde aligned but don’t quote me on that.

It might take some time to find a place you’ll enjoy staying and during that time you’ll likely be bombarded or pressured into guilds that recruit anything. Stick it out until you have options and then choose. Nobody likes to leave a guild.


If do look for Forsaken RP, so whisper me or anyone who is online and we can help out any way we can.


You can expect being hunted down like the traitorous mongrel you are.

Says the Hijacker of Azeroth’s technology. Maybe we should have left you to lose that war? And yet this is how you repay us…We see where the Light takes you…to Dark places, where you side with its foe. We see your true face now…“Lightforged” Be ye known and counted as darkest of foes, for you have made your bed, and so must you lie in it.

pls no meta qq

Yes, hunt her down or bubble trying!

Hah! I’ve served the Alliance for 8 or so years, I think it’s only fair I switch sides to get a better taste of things. You’ll understand in time!

We need another road of glory.

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Based on the way the Drustvar incursion played out we will likely build one from Arom’s Stand to Krazzlefrazz Outpost.

This guy for Warchief

Can we have an escalator on this one, walking that far in bare foot really hurts.

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