Blue to Red: What to expect?

Well, first things first. Welcome to the Horde side of things on this server I know what it’s like going from one massive community and switching sides after so long. It can be daunting especially without friends.

I’m sure you’ve heard the horror stories about how Horde-RP is
“Only guild-based” and “It’s a tiny community not worth the bother.” both of which are nothing other than completely wrong.
I’ve seen nothing but care and compassion from every single member of the Horde community on this realm as they work together to make the small numbers they have viable, and they do it very well, there are hundreds of casual community events posted all the time on these Forums for the Horde ranging from Social to Massive RP(PVP) events.

As for if Horde is more Guild-based I’m also going to shoot that down as well, it isn’t, not by a long shot. The problem people seem to have and don’t want to deal with is “I’m going to say it’s Guild-based because I’m horrified I’ll actually have to put in some commitment and walk up and start some social RP with people.” you do have to make that step in Horde-RP and be ready to actively get yourself involved instead of just standing in a corner hoping someone will come talk to you.

Regardless of all that if you’re looking for a guild for the Elves of the Horde I know plenty of the folk from Highblood Myrmidons and they’re all lovely folk, alternatively if you’re looking for the Forsaken side of things there’s the Rotgarde and lastly if you’re looking for a multi-cultural Horde military/warband sort of Guild there’s the Hand of Conquest - lovely folk - and the Frozen Paw Clan - also lovely folk - Good luck!
Link to all the named Guilds below to check them out:

Edit 2: Aaah forgot more Guilds I’m sorry!

Goblins - <The Bilgewater Battalion> Troll Troubles!

More Evil-centered Horde Guild - [H-RP] Grim Gest - Gruesome deeds for the greater good

The Sun Hawks: Five Years on... as well good lord I’m forgetting everyone!

As for RP Hotspots well you can find plenty of the above Guilds currently stationed in and around Orgrimmar.


Have only personally encountered the Frozen Paw and Duskwatch during my time (the latter ironically as a Night Elf. Curse you, maaaaageeeess! /e shakefist) but will happily attest to both being very good. (Just don’t annoy the Duskwatch Captain. And don’t scuff his shiny, shiny hat)

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Yeah, the Highblood are pretty much the best guild I’ve ever encountered. None of that terrible hardcore military RP that usually just involves people trying to walk in formation and looking terrible at it, just pure adventure and glory coupled with superb events.

10/10 good friends


Lmao but RG, HoC and the Myrmidons are guilds ran by the same people

Sounds like the best people to make quality guilds, boi.


What’s wrong with that? if anything it shows that they have an extensive knowledge of setting up and running lasting communities.


Indeed they are however they also have many varying people, the person who leads them all however has - I think up to 10 years now - experience when it comes to working with guild projects and events. Not to mention the massive events he sets up for the Server (Drums of war, _ Of Soggoth etc.) I’ve had nothing but good experiences with everyone in each of these guilds.
Quick Edit: Whilst that may not be the case for everyone it’s why I’ve linked plenty of Guild options just in case. It should be noted no one is perfect either, I’m definitely bias in my opinion but so is everyone.


You forgot GG and the Bilgewater friends :frowning_face: Us crazies and our 60 alts huh


Same person, you mean


1000% this. Totally agree.


yeah, i’d post on my RG main but I gotta rep grim gest too :blush:


Lmao and suddenly my post recieved 10 replies, each of them with atleast a couple of likes. You boys are ridicolous, most likely xd’ing in common discord and linking your own posts to eachother

Wait, we’re all different people? I thought we were all Perroy’s alternate accounts?


The real Perroy was inside of us all along. A christmas miracle.


Or maybe we all just browse the forums and press the heart button when there’s a based and red pilled post?

Shocking, I know!


Can I get my pill in blue? I refuse to support Horde enterprises.

I’d ask the worgen poster up there.


Whilst it may appear that way and that we are attacking you or lashing out at something that isn’t the case at all, most of those posts come off as a sarcastic remark/joke/witty remark and not as anything harmful or meant for ill-intent and I can ensure that because neither are any of the above people who replied to you “Linking their posts to each other.” nor are they “xd’ing” about it.

Edit: Regardless let’s all try not to derail the purpose of the thread.


Might be dabbing pretty hard though.


Sarcasm is one of the Horde’s best weapons, that and Big Muscle bound boys dressed like they’re from a Van Darkholme fan club.