Seriously? ‘‘Your PC doesn’t meet the required specs for running the game’’?
But it did yesterday? What is this? Hello? Help anyone?
Update: Changed to ‘‘WOW51900102’’
Seriously? ‘‘Your PC doesn’t meet the required specs for running the game’’?
But it did yesterday? What is this? Hello? Help anyone?
Update: Changed to ‘‘WOW51900102’’
Any recent auto driver update?
Afaik this is “their side” problem, when servers were ddosed it used to hit woth this error, also there usualy are people those get in, but it aint much win, if server is geting this error and u get chance to play, its most likely unplayable at all due to lags.
I know this isnt helpfull much, but at least u or someone else reading wont reinstal gake drivers and whatnot
No, in fact i could play the game just fine 2 hours ago, used a wormhole to draenor, got an infinite load screen, closed the game then was prompted with ‘‘BLZ51901016’’
Hopefully, because everything is up to date, and my system definently is over and beyond what is required to run wow
Oh ok, good to know its not just me.
Just keep logging in, I had the same error twice then it worked
Guild and friendslist are all disabled. Also the game runs ultra slow when you log in, AH, mailbox etc.
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