BM Hunter vs all other ranged

In PVE why would anyone pick any ranged class over BM Hunter?

I am OK with my Demonology Warlock, but still would not pick it instead. I played Balance a lot but they have changed it for the worse now, Shadow Priest is bad at AoE, and cannot think what any other ranged class could offer over the BM Hunter.

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Through good times and bad my #1 will always be my Demo Locks.

Play style , class fantasy, ofspecs , hating pets, dealing dmg on your own instead of bunch of pets , overal love towards specific char over years , enjoyment of pretty tmogs ( we all know mail sux) etc etc, there is actualy many reasons why not main BM


Really annoys me when people spell destruction/destro wrong…


always destro!


edited post

I haven’t done any dungeons in SL and have no idea but in my bfa experience I’m very skeptical about hunters unless i know the person. They usually suck. I mean there’s no middle ground, they are either insanely good or stereotypical “huntard”. Think that’s because bm and demo entry levels are not the same. I’d prefer the demo if given two players had the same rio, because hunter might have gotten carried by the spec itself.


bm has zero skill expression and is the easiest spec in the game - i prefer not to fall asleep while playing


It largely doesn’t matter what class/spec you invite unless you’re doing really high keys.

Balance is bad? Shadow is bad at AoE? What are you smoking exactly? Both are neither or even close to it. Pre-patch as is is in no way representative of how specs will play come DF since there’s legendaries/conduits/whatever else that enable some straight private server-esque shenanigans (look at balance druid lmao).

Also yeah, like somebody above already said, some people prefer a interactive rotation than that of BM hunter, or hunters in general.

Depends on the type of PvE. For solo content, hunter always. For group content where you won’t be constantly bashed in the face, everything else is a lot more engaging imo.


Cuz hunters bring legit nothing to your raid group.
We have one hunter for when accidentally a bow drops, that’s all.

Other classes deal more dmg and are bringing more to the table.
Also, hunters generally are really really really carried by their class.

(Also Spriest is NOT bad in AOE!!!)
(Also, Balance druid is NOT bad!)

i think more complicated specs should reward better dps…

for example how when MOP worked

RIP retri pallys then.

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I would pick others for a variety of reasons.

BM is pretty good at handling mechanics without effort, and it is also good to keep your DPS optimal while you reach over for your coffee mug or to have a glass of water. From an entertainment standpoint it feels to be about as flat as a sheet of paper (it has a higher skill ceiling now, but you do not even need to reach for it to do decent damage with them, and it does not change the overall gameplay much).

I much rather go for other ranged classes: Fire mage, Affliction/Destro/Demo warlock (eventhough destro is pretty close to BM in terms of difficulty, minus the being mobile part). I would have said Shadow Priest as well, but I did not feel shadow ever since they destroyed their Legion-style gameplay that rewarded playing well around your void form.

Both mages and warlocks bring more to the table on top of it. Even if I do less damage on my warlock compared to a hunter I still have gateways and healthstones I can drop either before pull, or on the spot. I can also soak some mechanics that hunters can only do so with the use of turtle, which is a DPS loss for them.

Personal preference in the end.

I had this problem. I love the class fantasy, to have a pet, etc. But somehow it was very boring to play it when you reach max level. Even as someone who like more easy and simple classes/specs, it just felt that something is missing. And no matter what I play and try, Shaman is my go to class and always come back to it. Mage was the closest to it, but the downside is it doesn’t have healing spec or healing spells. Shaman gives me that diversity and the class fantasy is awesome! So I stick with it.

Alternatively you can give a try to vulpera mages, as they have a (very limited) form of healing with their racial.

Outside of that, as a mage you have to anticipate how much damage you are going to take. Careful use of alter time can revert 10 seconds worth of damage, so you can use it when you gathered a bigger pack, and if you drop to low HP you click it again and it reverts you back to full HP.

Nothing you can do about the lack of healing spec, sadly. It is also why I shifted back to play my monk instead. I love playing my mage, but the lack of role flexibility means I cannot play him as a main anymore.

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Power of christ compels you!!!

SoonTM Lightforge Spacegoat Mage has healing aswell!


i’ve played Beastmaster since the very start of wow marksman and survival never seemed that fun as for warlock i played Demo until they destroyed it then i went Destruction

Don’t you have some zug zuging to do at the local tavern or something?

Lightforged do not have self healing to my knowledge. Regular Draenei does however, so that is an option too.

But why would you want to play a walking fridge who skipped leg day/ Goldshire race?