BM Hunters need to be redesigned and heavily nerfed until it happens

WW are fine if you watch out for their burst, they are useless outside of it. Healing could be nerfed tho.
Idk if arms warriors are OP or just hard to play against, but at least they require some skills to win.
DH could use a buff.
Hunters, though, are absolutely broken, every time we spend most cc on them to shut down their dps and it’s not possible, it’s possible to stun their every offensive cd, but they still do too much dps outside of them, all while feigning death and then healed to full easily, never stopping dpsing, and as if that’s not enough they have turtle and by the time it’s down their offensive cooldowns come online and they murder everyone (losing them is nearly impossible aswell due to high mobility). The only way to trade hits with BM hunter is using defensives, but they don’t last long and then you’re dead.
Oh and they keep throwing traps left and right and as soon as your healer is trapped you’re done.


Says the class that can crit 30k on you while being immune to damage.
In either dps,tank or healer spec.

Byeeee FOTM.

I’ve been pointing this out since forever, glad others actually notice that too cuz i think its a bigger issue than some people think. No idea who designed this spec but its the biggest design failure in the game rn.

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Imagine trying to defend a BM xD

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so by correcting a lie, im defending BM? solid logic. If you say that Hitler murdered 10000 billion jews and i said no, it was less, then i would “defend” hitler? wow.

none of those are any better and they are ladder stomping as well.
all feel terrible go play against and you are in a bid disadvantage if you play something else.
arms is not hard to play against but their pressure is the same as bm hunter thanks to random big hits a 30s cd stun and 50% ms.
on top they are hard to kill.
ww dmg is not fine. once you have no trinket you will die from a random proc.

dh has very similar mongo dmg as bm and has 2 stuns to top it off while also having a one shot available. only thing is they can flop quite quickly

dont get me wrong, bm is busted but others are very close and people just hate on bm and gave up on arms because its busted sinve release already

Please tell me, who has better SINGLE target dps?

yeah its kinda frustrating my main is disc and i usually play with assa in 2s
call me a liar but in a matchup vs rdruid bm (2,1k+ mmr) i deathed 4 traps and my rogue ate 1 … i lined clones from druid and my rogue helped me a big deal kicking clones … during aspect of wild or bestial wrath my rogue blinds or kidneys and kites also evasions at the right time… and the whole we cross cc every kidney… correct defensive rotation dome/ps/evasion etc despite all of that my rogue still dies due high st damage in just becomes frustrating att some point.
dont get me wrong i know assa is busted and hunt in general is supposed to counter rogue but vs survival or bm the matchup is so much better even in bfa vs survival rdruid at 2.2k+ mmr it wasnt like that. there definetly has to be a change to bm

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Are you kidding me? But ok:

SUSTAINED: warrior, ww, assa, dh.
BURST: warrior, ww, assa, dh, ret, sub, firemage, boomkin, feral, destro.

When it comes to burst, its under the assumption they get to free-cast it and not get interrupted. But you asked about purely dps and numbers here.

The difference is that BM gets to do the damage 100% of the time while also kiting 100% of the time. But given that everyone gets to have their uptime, BM is not even close to be the highest damage dealer. Ive said this in 100 threads: the problem with BM isnt the damage: its the fact it can be performed at 100% while also kiting 100%. Random 12-15k killshots are also an issue but not as much as the 100/100 issue.

You are deluded if you think a WW or DH has the same sustained damage as a BM Hunter.

Assassination if left to tunnel does have equal damage but this can be countered, Hunters not so much.

Warrior sustain is around 95% of that of a Hunter but with larger burst. Warrior are just as busted as Hunters but still doesn’t take away from Hunter having the best single target pressure in the game.

I’ve seen BM Hunters do MORE damage than an Affy lock does multi dotting on single target.

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So what youre saying is that what youve seen is not representative at all. Nice argument…

Anyway, this is not a discussion. You asked a question, I answered it. I think that even the most hardcore BM haters on this forum will agree with that I said regarding what the problem with BM is, and that the others have higher single target dps.

People asking for the game to be balanced around 2s are so weird

3s just becomes more aids when classes like hunter are nerfed over 2s

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Your using the argument that with a 100% up time a warrior / ww / Sin rogue / DH will out DPS a Hunter. which is probably true but this isn’t what really happens.

Hunters will normally have 9/10 top damage in the arena and the highest damage done to a singular target.

I don’t understand your argument is “not represented” at all. I mean yes Locks aren’t very well represented but they still pump. There issue isn’t damage its surviving the onslaught of double melee.

Hunters may not be the greatest 3s spec atm due to the likes of Ret/War and Sp/War destroying Hunter comps but this is due to serve hard counters at top tier level.

It doesn’t negate that BM Hunters has the lowest effort highest reward output in 2s and 3s.

BM Hunters should be redesigned and made more complex and until that point, they should have a demonology wod treatment and be made the worst of the 3 specs for PVP due to this.


They should start balancing out of RBGs KAPPA

I’m curious how would they handle balancing Enha in RBG to make it viable xD

So now you are changing what the discussion and what your question was about. Meaning, you realized you are wrong. Anyway, I said the exact same thing: the problem is hunter getting to do 100% damage while 100% kiting and others do not function that way.

You misunderstood. You said that youve seen hunters outperform multidotting locks and used that as an argument for hunters strenght. Since this isnt representative of reality at all, since this wont happen more than 1/20 times and is solely based on the players/that single game rather than state of specs, your observations of reality are useless.

Again, nothing was said about anything else than who has the highest single-target dps.

Just bring them in line with how every other spec by nerfing damage outside of BW by 20% and buff damage while BW by an additional 20%.

Or add a 0.1 cast-time on cobra shot.

Or replace it with old ranged-survival (personal choice here).

My beginner mate was asking for advice at start of Shadowlands, cos he really liked to play BM in arenas. I said play any other spec, but not BM cos it’s pve spec and won’t be good at late expansion. Seems like I gave wrong advice. This isn’t first expansion ever, that BM is so long time top dog in arenas?
Most likely it’s buffed for a reason, for noobs, same as DH was before

No i’m not changing the discussion. I said Hunters have the best single target DPS in arena, in the sense of how ARENA is played. I didn’t say

Hunters has the best single target dps when given 100% time compared to ther 100% uptime classes. because that would be stupid.

You took my statement out of context to defend hunters.

Dont you think you would have seen some more hunters in awc if they are so high-dmg-performing as you say? Or can those players actually get more uptime with the other classes that DO MORE DAMAGE?