BM Hunters need to be redesigned and heavily nerfed until it happens

Didn’t Horizon wipe the floor with Method EU and Skill-capped? It was the only team that a actually beat Skill-capped - guys who won the first circuit and play for quite some time together.

At the end of AWC Ziqo, Ven, Supatease predicted Horizon winning EU finals.

So if it’s not an indicator of Jungle being strong I don’t know what is.

I guess it’s only classed as overpowered if all 4 teams in the final would be Jungle

Yes I got be honest, they all are playing their main spec and jungle since years and are probably the best jungle in EU but in bfa they were crushed by every team almost, they had some good win strike too.

But this year they suddenly crush the best team and player only as jungle and pretty much easily so I guess we can say it’s Op at this point.

Let’s be honest Maro is the best Mage EU and probably world, Froffsy is insane SP and Asgarath since Loony cannot play is the best healer there. Not to mention they have Blizo in their roster in case something goes wrong. So imagine you have two the best and versatile casters in the game with such players like Maro and Froffsy complimented by Blizo on Warrior and Monk with Asgarath playing R Druid and H Paladin in case. This team was destroying everyone and then jungle goes in and wipes the floor with them winning even in dampening. Casters were even joking that Jungle suddenly became dampening comp with Necro Feral and NF Disc.

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BM/SV are arguably the best speccs in this game right now 2s, 3s doesn’t matter.

And there is literally no argueing about that in any case. Hunter is literally that strong that you can play a c tier comp but if you have a hunter you win every rogue mage with ease.

And talking about 2s the only class which can win hunters in a 30/70 settings is funnily a windwalker which hunters counter.

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99% OK with what you said except the 2s part I feel like sub rogue team can win hunter at a decent ratio.

I guess rm is the best comp but maybe sp/sub too dépend on the healer.

12 warriors top 100 3v3
7 ww’s top 100 3v3
3 hunters top 100 3v3

See a pattern?

Insane that you even talk about 2s

good copium u got there bud

Yes :slight_smile: I’m interested about ww state right now. Its pretty bad right? How about rmp and jungle? They are broken ?

Ngl never seen u post anything else than those lines. Have a good day sir!

post on ur main first b4 u talk to me with limited information

I’m priest main now so i can play those op rmp/jungle every season ! :slight_smile: Can recommend it to you as well!

BM has a lot of issues stacked on top of each other. First and foremost, 2 pets, one of which is a fake pet. Yeah, you can select the correct the right pet with macro etc etc but since there are 2 pets running at you with permanent 200% speed there is no way to counter them.
This means that classes that rely on stopping those pets from attacking them get the short end of the stick. If we compare with TBC, once BM uses his Bestial Wrath cooldown you can casually slow/cc the pet. Demo has at least ranged pets that you can line except the main felguard.
Then there is a problem with cleave, which again, creates issue because the fake pet exists. Sweeping strikes gets eaten by the second pet, chill streak, the main damage source from frost DK gets completely denied just from the pet being nearby.
Since killing the fake pet does nothing and it will just reappear a few sec after you basically pump your cleave into nothing. This definitly requires some fix. If blizz want hunter to have 2 pets, okay, but let them share HP.
Then the Sac. 12 sec duration, 1 min CD, very long duration to deny any burst CD, very short CD to have it up on each burst. There are classes, like the said DK, whose burst CDs rely completely on crit. With roar you basically not only reduce damage, you completely disable burst of certain specs.
Then the FD legendary, that again, completely denies certain specs and also has extremely low CD.
And not to mention the unmonitored PvE buffs that weren’t reduced in PvP, the low CD pet stun+trap, the overall high damage and mobility.

As a warrior, I can deal with BM hunters, even while I can’t really cleave the main pet because my single target damage is high, I can stop trap on my healer, I can still do damage through Sac because I don’t 100% rely on crit.
However what options do I have as frost DK? Roar denies my pillar completely. I have no defense vs physical other than IBF. Chill Streak just gets divided by all the pets. This is the problem, there are a lot of specs that can’t play at all against a BM hunter doing his PvE rotation and pressing focus petstun trap on cooldown. Even above 2.1k I see BM hunters that somehow got there without even knowing how this spec works.


i bet 17 of them are bicmex’s alts xD

BM should have been what survival is today

Makes no sense a master of beasts is behind his pets when he should be the alpha leading the pack for the kill

And survival should have just stayed as range…its in the damn name lol

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Prot bm rog mage need to be Removed from 3v3

What Balance?

Hunters are currently one of the most obviously op classes that have ever existed in the game. It’s disgusting

Clearly you haven’t been playing for a very long time then

I’d rather face a billion bm hunters than a single bfa destro/dh

Atleast both were killable even if they were disgusting.

No, not even close. That was the point