So Blizz announced that the deathwing obsidian mount is coming back in the event next patch.
I have an issue with this.
See I am all for them brining back old mounts, and for everyone getting a shot at getting them, but why bring back mounts that we were told previously, get it on the BMAH or lose it? A friend of mine recently bought it for just under a million as they couldnt get it when it was live. This was recently aswell, like 6 weeks ago?
All that gold wasted.
Can Blizz confirm that there is no point buying anything off there now? As I know a few collectors who pump money into it to help with the economy. Seems like a bad call IMO.
But those people are not some that should be catered too, as you can see from this mount coming back and also whenever they add the old TSG mounts as twitch drops
Why? I pay my sub? Im not saying other cant get it. I am happy they can. I just want more clarity on it for the future as I wouldnt have wasted the money.
Forums are pretty toxic it seems. Its an issue I have and wanted to share with others to bring to blizzards attention. If it doesnt effect you thats cool, just go about your business?
I bought a few mounts off it back in early days of MoP when it wasn’t well known… bagged myself a few mounts for 20+k back then (roughly 300k today with gold inflation), which was their starting bid…
So I was expected to thing far ahead after 6 years they would bring it back?
Im justy annoyed I lost my gold. I am happy its back for others. Im just annoyed about my gold and that it was on the BMAH. These patches are done months and months if not years in advance. Why not quietly take it off 6 months before so people couldnt buy it?
Its not the end of the world but its annoying and could have been done better
Look at the state and everything wonky with and around the war within release.
Then ask yourself, If this company did not even QA test the expansion, what makes you think that this dragon mount or this specific interaction with the BMAH was ever in their mind?
I am sure many on the dev team are not even aware there is a BMAH
How? You’re bidding against other players. Few days ago the Ragnaros Firehawk was on my server’s bmah but since it was the first raid night I could swipe it for cheap. Same with some of the T3 pieces. other mounts are popular and go for millions because people want to spend their gold on that.
Hell I sold 4 Beledar mounts the first weeks for a total of little over 2 million gold, with one of them being 1m. For a 3% drop mount that everyone will have eventually.
For some people this is pocket change.
I think players should collect stuff because they genuinely want it, not because they want something ‘exclusive’ that the vast majority of players are just going to shrug at with indifference anyway.