BMAH mounts for free

They’re no more “the intended shoppers” than the person with 3 mil gold. BMAH is a gold sink - whether or not it drains one character’s coffers or one player’s doesn’t matter as long as a lot of gold is spent

The BMAH was introduced to curb inflation by swallowing gold from the big spenders, the people who do carries, big time tsm people, etc.

That is why the BMAH has T3, TCG tabards, exclusive mounts, because Blizzard wanted to part them and their gold for the good of the game economy, and the best way of doing this is to pump it full of super lucrative unavailable items, people get FOMO, the big spenders come out of hiding, and they keep doing a bid war into the millions.

This is the intended mechanic for the BMAH, try to go in a bidding war against a TCG tabard or a brutosaur and you will find there is going to be a big spender outbidding you every time, until it hits goldcap. Because to them dropping 9,999,999g is a drop in the ocean, but you’re tapped out

Thank you for explaining.
I am aware that the BMAH is nothing but a gold sink (that the game needs more of!), I just don’t think it’s directed toward the big spenders only but toward everyone willing to pay for something in it whether it’s a 20000g pet or a million gold mount. The result is the same, gold gets taken out of the economy.

If it wasn’t directed toward small spenders as well they wouldn’t bother putting the low gold amount things in, no?

It doesn’t matter what it starts at, since there is no buyout. The basis of the BMAH is that to guarantee you an item, the price tag starts at 10 mil.

I have bought several items from the BMAH lately for less than 20k each. Gold that was taken out of the economy. It may not be 10m gold in one fell swoop but all these smaller sales add up over time, too and before you know it another 10m gold is taken out of the economy.

A gold sink is a gold sink. It doesn’t matter how much each individual sinks into it at one time, the point of a gold sink is that gold gets taken out. Full stop. While I do agree the more gold the better, I disagree with the reasoning that only large amounts at once is what Blizz is after.

Small amounts add up over time, too.

You decide to spend your time on a video game. You decide what to spend your ingame currency on. You decide if you want to buy that ingame currency with real currency. You don’t really need the ingame currency. Besides, you get it passively anyway.

Going from currency to time spent is moving the goalpost.

How do you gain millions of gold (or even several hundred thousand gold) passively in this game?

Again, you don’t really need the gold. Play however you want and you get it passively. I have earned thousands by just doing other stuff that isn’t directly related to gold making.
But if we’re now adding time commitment into the discussion then you decided to commit your precious time to earn money in game. It’s not a requirement, it’s not forced. It’s a decision. Obviously you have to commit time, or rather, have the know-how to make millions. There is apparently a way to get that money you spent on the BMAH back anyway.

It’s a video game in the end. How you use your limited time is up to you and no one else. Blizzard can do whatever they want with their game and it’s assets.

The point is he had it potentially for years, so he bought it when he wanted it. Stop valuing things based on exclusivity. Its a video game just coloured pixels, the mark should be, it brings you joy to have it there for it has value to you, whether others have it or not has no impact on you having it.

But is your gold really wasted, if you enjoyed the mount? It seems you don’t really care for the mount itself but for the exclusivity of it.

Your problem basically boils down to, you buying a ticket to a roller coaster park, and 6 months later the park announces free entry to celebrate their birthday, and now you feel cheated and want them to announce every future free entry days.

You got to enjoy a mount during a time where it was not announced that it would return, no one knew, you got it and probably felt good. If you really don’t care that others get it, as you say, I don’t see why all of a sudden you feel like your gold was “wasted” when you didn’t feel like that prior? You valued the mount at the time to be the half million gold…

At the end of the day, it’s pixels, we all know from MoP remix and Twitch Drops, that Blizzard has and probably will bring more mounts back and or do easier obtainable methods for them. So knowing this, you can just not buy any mount and hope/wait for them to be given away “free” ? Or you can buy/farm the mounts when you can and want, with the risk of them being added in another Remix for a few hours of gameplay

Exactly make it harder if you want.
just let me work for the stuff i want!
the mage tower is easier at the moment but still a challenge for many btw…
the challenge mode items could be easily a 2500 dg rating ach.

I can tell you they (we) do care. We don’t want it for free, it can even be a hard challenge again but I dislike they removed them from the game, and I know for a fact a lot of people that started after Legion or didn’t play a specific class back then feel the same way.

What a weird take and silly attempt at gatekeeping. You can buy plenty of stuff on bmah for cheap.
I bought a 1% raiddrop flying mount for 200k on raid release day past Wednesday.
I bought my entire T3 set for under 750k. Those two combined aren’t even 1 million gold so what are you on about?
I also bought a Darkmoon fannypack for 80k right before WW released, just to give you another example.

You know what might be intended for those ‘big moneybags goldspenders’ are those unclaimed containers, aka RNG gambling. I see people throw +500k on these just to get a common pet or a tabard they received from prime gaming the day before (true story).
I just laugh and not touch those.

I get where you’re coming from, I’m also a mount collector (sitting at 487 unique) and while it can be frustrating that something you obtained when it was hard/expensive/slow is now freely or easily accessible, I dont think that kind of gatekeeping is much fun.

I got Rivendares Deathcharger back in the day on a tauren (they couldn’t even use undead horses back then) and that was really cool, but do I care about people being able to farm it today in 1 day? Not really.

MOP Remix was appreciated from my end, now I dont have to camp the mop worldbosses for years to get those mounts.

Yep, the time that people really care what others ride is past. There’s so so many mounts in the game I can hardly keep track, and I’m also a casual collector sitting at almost 600 unique mounts (according to simplearmory).

Oh I’m sure it’s still a challenge for many, but I tried it in DF and was able to do the Arms/Fury/Outlaw ones on my first pull, none of the challenge remained, there was no method to it because the tuning was so loose.

When it first released at original difficulty it was utterly ridiculous how tightly tuned it was, if you made one small error in rotation or position you’d fail. Of course it’s worth mentioning that Blizzard allowed you to overgear it during Legion, so it wasn’t “that” tough by the end, particularly if you had Antorus raiding gear, but now it’s a lot easier.

If they bring back the rewards, they have to bring back the challenge.

No No No!

“I can you, I care” is what you should have said :wink:

It’s just a visual thing, which has no impact on the game or the way someone clears a dungeon/raid. It’s a collection of pixels, which has no impact on your life!

Mage tower is still there if you want a challenge. I highly doubt they’ll give these things away for free, but will put people through the same challenges that we all experienced, when we tried them back in WoD & Legion.

I dont care that people are getting it for free? How many times can I say it lol.

I am annoyed on behalf of someone who paid for something and then it was given away for free weeks later. I dont care if its exclusive. If someone buys anything and then its given to other for free it feels bad.

Thats an easy thing to understand and I feel you are either not getting it on purpose or being a bit hostile.

Paying for something everyone else gets for free = Sad


The fact remains so many people care about visuals in this game. You can’t deny it, be it mounts or transmog sets. So no I’m not going to speak just for myself when it’s a well known fact loads and loads of players care about this.

What kind of strawman argument is this even? We’re on a video game forum talking about our hobby. Of course it’s going to pale in comparison to my wife and son but that’s not even a part of the discussion.

Yes, you’re speaking just for yourself, at this moment in time. You do not have a list of people/players who agree with you, word for word. You’re making an assumption based upon what you believe to be accurate.

I’ve done the mage tower on my DH and got the original skin colours. Do I care if people can go ahead and get it again, no! Because it will not impact me in any way whatsoever.

I never bothered with the challenge mode stuff at the time in WoD as I never found it interesting. Would I do it this time around, if it was made available? Sure, I don’t care if it’s a different colour or has no achievement linked to it.

If people get emotional over the fact someone can now get a transmog, that they took time to get multiple expansions ago… I’m sorry, but a major amount of grass needs to be touched for those individuals.

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