Body 1 and body 2

By that argument any minority can be dismissed as being irrelevant.

Itā€™s not the change you dislike, itā€™s the reason for the change.

and frankly both the change and the reason for it are mehā€¦

What was the reason?

I know this is a wasp nest but i actually got a question
Is it possible for a worgen to have a Wolf form in another body type than your human form?

I really like the male wolf form but i want a human femaleā€¦is that possible?

Depends who you ask either to be more inclusive or the liberal woke agenda trying to destroy traditional family values and destroy the universe.

Doubt it was any of those.

If I remember right the change was made some time after the scandal Blizzard was implicated in. I think this was done for damage control. If you really think about it, their agenda is making money. Doubt Blizzard really cares about agendas that donā€™t involve them making lots of money.

Irrelevant is the word you wish to choose. How typical. Thereā€™s no wiggle room with this one, not like a food buffet giving a vegetarian option. Unless you want to see Male/Body1 & Female/Body2 if that ticks your box? Otherwise, that would be the best design that the minority deserve in this case, not outright changing female to body 2 and male to body 1.

In this case, the majority has become IRRELEVANT at the moment then, you daft sod. Which is even more ludicrous than making the minority irrelevant, ISNā€™T IT!

This should had been the most insignificant thing. I mean it is just a different way to talk about the same thing. It is not hurting anybody

But the actual reasons that motivated this change are so current day American that it is kind of annoying.

This change was too far after the aftermath of the allegations (which I believe happened) for this to make sense.

The damage control in game has nothing to do with the change to body 1 and 2, the damage control done in game was stuff like changing in game paintings of women deemed too sexual into fruit.

Youā€™d be surprised what companies these days do to appease certain groups of people. I do think that Blizzard is trying to ease things into the game slowly so that players wonā€™t notice but they always do. They even had the controversy over the diversity tool they used to make overwatch heroes with then denying it after praising the tool.

Movies from Hollywood are now feeling how the decisions to make films that people consider ā€œwokeā€ cost them negatively. They think that attacking potential viewers or ignoring feedback is the way to do things.

Warner Brothers have recently shelved Batgirl and other productions that potential viewers have considered woke and have just accepted the losses. Ironically, they supported Amber Heard and still support Ezra Miller despite how abusive they are as people, someone not considered LGBT wouldnā€™t have been given the same chances in the same circumstances.

Billy Eichner, the actor-director of Bros (a gay romcom) literally hit out at straight people and called them homophobic because the film had terrible viewing numbers, they werenā€™t even convincing enough to get their biggest demographic (the LGBT community) to go and see the movie in high numbers. He also forgot that romcoms are one of the least appealing movie genres of today.

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Isnā€™t it discriminating to have the ā€œtraditionally maleā€ looking body be labeled ā€œ1ā€ and the ā€œtraditionally femaleā€ looking body labeled ā€œ2ā€?
What makes the males superior to the females? Why introduce a ranking between them?
This is very problematic and Blizzard is obligated to address this issue immediately.

In seriousness, though, ā€œwokenessā€ isnā€™t whatā€™s ruining media - crappy media is whatā€™s ruining media.
Garbage like She-Hulk wouldnā€™t suddenly be good if you just removed the smoothbrain ā€œfeminismā€ (read: toxic femininity and sexism against men) aspect from it. Even if you swapped all the genders around randomly, youā€™d still be stuck with terrible, uninteresting characters in a terrible, uninteresting story told terribly and uninterestingly.

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Isnā€™t it more so that the story is the afterthought that is causing series or movies to fail? Thereā€™s countless of series and movies where characters are diverse in both race- or sexuality that do get positive reviews because theyā€™re treating the characters as actual human beings instead of puppets that constantly remind the viewer what they are supposed to project?

For example a few series that do it right:

The Expanse:


Killing Eve:

In these shows you donā€™t feel like their race- or sexuality or gender is the overarching theme, we know they are like that, but the stories have depth and the characters are believable representations of actual human beings.

Thereā€™s many shows however where characters constantly remind you of what they are, treating you (the viewer) as a numbskull that seemingly has a memory retention of 10 seconds. An example of a show like that is Modern Family, Mitch and Cam are over-the-top, while funny at times I canā€™t recall meeting any gay couple that acts like that in real life.

Obviously you canā€™t expect much depth in a comedy show in general, but still it portrays what many recent shows are doing, a nonsensical story with 1-dimensional characters that have zero depth.

I feel like any self-respecting human being should reject the notion of shows like that, even if they support your movement, as the portrayals I feel are way too shallow to positively identify yourself with.

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Yes and no, I agree that there are many great shows/movies with diverse casts that arenā€™t pushing narratives but there has been a sudden influx of newer ones which are trying to push them onto people when they just want to watch a good show/movie. It becomes a distraction that people donā€™t appreciate.

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The distraction being caused by the overarching themes instead of having human-like characters. People want meaningful stories, but the majority of shows from Hollywood lately are lacking any form of depth.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve lately turned to Korean series, takes a bit to get into them but there are quite a lot of surprisingly good oneā€™s.

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And sometimes the majority does need to be made irrelevant otherwise minorities will always be treated as second class citizens.

As for this change I can still make a male character or a female character so I donā€™t personally feel like I am being made irrelevant even though I am technically part of the majority.

I do ā€œpat patā€ like Goku, but people donā€™t like that :confused: itā€™s a real struggleā€¦


Hehehe, interesting.

This change is something insignificant indeed.

I suspect that at least some of the people who are concerned about it are more concerned about how many miles might be taken for each inch given.
In all of human history, most people are naturally averse to change. The main thing that people ask themselves is ā€œWhat will my position be on the new status quo?ā€

This is it. You have to be careful with the radical left. You donā€™t want to give them momentum.

A lot of body type 1 talk here.

Thatā€™s the dumbest thing Iā€™ve hear lately. And Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not true, Iā€™ve seen it myself. But how long can they really keep this up? I mean itā€™s not like itā€™s earning them fans, so thatā€™s a much smaller income.

This is so stupid that Iā€™m tempted to believe their agenda involves making the majority of people turn off the TV. I mean, Iā€™ve seen some disasters and Iā€™ve seen members of the targeted audiences (not straight white males) come out and just tell them to focus less on diversity and more on the actual content of the content they are trying to put out.

That being said, I agree there might be a form of pressure for most entertainment companies to adhere to this dogmatic belief that the eradication of certain demographics from their respective works comes before anything else, but as it shows, itā€™s not working and considering they are bleeding money, I donā€™t think they can keep up the show for long. Look at twitter for example, certain people are acting like Musk took it over cause heā€™s evil and the poor owners had to sell to him cause heā€™s a straight white male, or whatever nonsense these people believe. If twitter was doing so well, why did the owners sell it in the first place? Cause I donā€™t think it was cause Musk was evil. So if doing stuff like mentioned above represents an agenda then itā€™s a short lived agenda.