Body 1 and body 2

Yeah, just swap the icons with neutral pictogram icons and a lot of the complaints and memes would probably dissolve over time.

I have no problem with body type 1/2 and that story… But having that labeling with “bio-gender” icons still in place is kinda offensive itself. Like Blizzard is trying to be serious and mocking at the same time.

This is going around in circles. It just seems desperation to discredit a recognised condition.

You seem to lack understanding of Covid as well but I’m really not going to open that can of worms. As nice as it would be for the UK top be Covid free, that’s not quite the reality.

Some day people like you will realise that there is no harm brought to you by others suffering conditions you can’t comprehend. Just like homosexuality was no longer an illegal act and is not something that can be ‘cured’. People took some very strange ‘biological’ views on that too.


It should be called: male and female. Why? Because the option is between a female and a male body. No other options are given.


I truly believe, to a large degree that society should bare the cost of those that are sick and in need of help; I truly believe this.

But at some point, it becomes too expensive, changing the meaning of words, and denying science and biology, is too much.

Body 1 and Body 2, because there are more than 2 genders, and that a man can be a female and a woman can be a male, really?


How does one manage to necro these gender threads? Like do you Google “body type Warcraft” and then respond randomly or do you scroll down through countless threads to find one to respond to people who wrote something half a month ago?


flagged this reply as trolling, obvious is obvious.

if the thread is still activewhich it is guess what genius ITS STILL ACTIVE, there was no necro of any thread, I scrolled nowhere I was already on this thread from a previous post I read but WTF has that got to do with you or how is that even relevant to this threads content though?

Nice try at trolling though honest, almost had me, not really.

Oh no.

No, I was genuinely interested in how you came across it. Whether you decided “ah I will Google some Body type and be outraged about it” or whether you just scrolled through loads of forum pages to find it. It did not occur that it was a belated reply to something.

But yes, other than this being a necro, I have nothing to say on the topic. Do have a nice day.

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but the forums are set up so you can no longer “necro” threads? if there is no reply after 1 month the thread is auto locked.

Anyway have a nice day too

That guild name suits you!

Whatever the body I pick, it is the one that I can crush on a person when they are disobedante. If they do not agree or follow on my command, then I surprise them with the gift of the neck cover with the my leg.

Why do body type 2 have a bra? Why can’t I remove it? And why is body type 1 forced into boxers and can’t have thongs?


This is complete insanity. Gender identity ideology is unscientific bs and should not be catered to. Delusional people should not be emboldened or enabled… Peoples gender and race is not something you have the right to just write off as you please.

And to people claiming legitimacy based on majority this or that… How about the truth? Not just what information tarded sheeple have been fed

When blizzard wants to remove peoples gender from them, THEY actually have the burden-of-proof, not the other way around. But since they obviously can’t verify gender identity nonsense that wont happen.


Also, if body 2 has boobs, why hasn’t body 1 got a nice bulge?

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I think that people don´t care about the truth, but what is generally accepted. This applies widely and not only in this category.

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peoples still mad about this silly thing ? :rofl:

oh now i remeber … allow girls have beards …
and give vulpera hair stiles i hate beeing bald …

It actually makes sense as well once you start playing a Drakthyr.
The visage form is just how they choose to represent themselves…they could easily be a female with a male visage or visa versa!

Women - big hips and breasts
Men - often built muscular and taller

Not sure why people feel the need to complicate basic biology.


Based on biology, people like to tell me I’m a woman, but I have neither of those things.

Right, but are they the majority? Because the majority by logic should get to see the design in the game reflect what they want to see. Design choice reflecting the minority is stupid.


I have an idea why not spend your energy worrying about things that are actually important in life ?