Body 1 and body 2

Like many other i do not like this change, and has been talked about over and over, and i belive blizzard is the only big gaming company that have done this, but im not here to talk about that. I have a suggestion.

If blizzard have to keep this, just stop calling it body 1 and 2 when you hover the mouse over, simply let there be 2 pictures of a masculine body and a feminine one.

I know people will tell me its not a big deal, well for me it is. Why change something just for the sake of it? a change none asked for.


You opinion is your own. You do not speak for the many people that may, infact, have wanted or welcome this change.


Well, what about our voice, the majority?


Funny how everyone assumes they’re the majority.


Depends on what you call big. CD Projekt Red did this in Cyberpunk and Bandai Namco did it in Elden Ring.


Show me an old post where they have been begging blizzard for this change, before blizzard made this a thing.


Well unless you are blind then I assume you can still tell which one you think is female and which one you think is male.


But how? They are just a body now. I have to assume they are a male.

Whether there are any or not doesn’t make you ‘the majority’.

I’d argue that the majority simply doesn’t care, and the people who come here to whine about it are actually a fairly small minority.


As long as what used to be male will be Body type 1 (seeing as 1 is a better number than 2) we, the players will all be OK with it.


So not blind then but just refusing to see. Shame.

However 2 is higher than 1 so therefore better. Plus it is even which makes it even betterer.


How do you tell the difference between male and female in the real world? Last I looked, people don’t go round with labels floating above their heads to say which they are.


Then proceeds to talk about it…

Really don’t get why it bothers people.

People don’t have to ask for changes, they can do whatever they want. This seems more like future-proofing so everyone can feel included without getting threads like “why is there no X or X option”, if a change like this seriously bugs you I’d say thats a you problem.


Well, i say phrase it differently, people nowdays love to label themself anything. Anything from thier sexualty to diagnoses etc.


Your characters are what you decide them to be.
If your character like apples you don’t need a button for you to know your character likes apples.
If your character thinks that trees are stupid you don’t need a button to know that either.

You decide how your character feels and thinks. You play the role you decide.

The customisations ingame only affect how the character looks. Red hair or small nose or whatever.


Indeed. And those labels must be very valuable to you since you can’t even tell the difference between male and female without them.

(Feel free to stop digging whenever you want.)

Well if you are okay with this, let the body 2 not wear bra then. Then we are equal.


I thought they went back to ‘male’ and ‘female’ now? May want to take a look before you make a thread like this.

Suits me fine.

Show me a post where people said they didn’t want it before Blizzard made this a thing.