Body 1 and body 2

No, im playing the beta and it says body 1 and body 2.

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I actually agree that calling them body 1 and body 2 and still making them obviously male and female is ridiculous.

They should have got rid of the choice of body type and just made one body type with a huge range of customisation options.

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Huh? Thats interesting. I know in the live version they did at one point have it body type 1 and 2, but they’ve gone back to male and female… Be interesting to see when DF goes live.

I can semi agree on that option, its better than what we will get.

I get the feeling that the engine just couldn’t handle that

The perfect consumer does not have an identity; to them, the perfect consumer is a number, not verbatim, comma, however, it is essentially what Italy’s first female prime minister said, and she’s absolutely correct.

The scary thing about the people that push these types of narratives (body 1, body 2), is that in their heads, they are the protagonist and any dissenting point of view is from the antagonist.

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Careful there.
You have to ask their pronouns.

No you don’t . You just have to not assume them.


Is this the Royal we?

A game where you can play as elves, orcs, furry foxes and pandas and you are still getting upset over what is male and what is female?

Sort your priorities out


I honestly couldn’t care less about this change. If it’s more inclusive to others then great, I can still make characters exactly the same as before.

It’s just two icons being updated and I do not understand the fuss.


Usually during the weekend or with the weekend around the corner someone decides to flog this dead horse with a very new and original take on the matter.


I mean I still view the genders as male and female because that’s the culture I grew up with.

But it won’t ruin my Gameplay by any means. I still love Wow and still love Sims 4.

And if you love these games I doubt you will quit over a customization option. I probably wouldn’t have even noticed about it if it weren’t for the forum/ social media.

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I do play sims 4 aswell, but its made differently there. Here we are forced to imagine or assume that we are a male or female.

sad when biological male or female is bad in this twitter bubble

reason is just dying


This tbh.

99% of players don’t care and haven’t voiced an opinion because they don’t have one.

The rest is 0.5% vs 0.5%.

This too, tbh. Of late it’s been all “wuhh, Blizz tryina make this game about raiding” - Blizz have every right to make that choice, it’s their game. If anything, it used to be all about raiding and drifted off track, and now we’re getting back to the origin.

And if we don’t like the outcome, we can either leave, or shut up. Nothing we say matters. Only quitting the game will change anything, and if people aren’t willing to quit over an issue, then it’s not an issue.


Except that people do care about the changes, but those that voice thier opinions gets banned or silenced etc, there is a reason that wow has never had so few subscribers ever as today.

The blizzard team now values political correctives more so than making a good gameplay and story.

Blizzard were great game developers, and you could tell the developers realy put thier passion into the game, now its all about making money as quickly as possible.

Heck, even gms used to show themself in game to mess and help the players, this never happens today. This just goes to show what has happend to this company.


I just logged in and this happened.


It always seemed stupid to me that they eliminated “male” or “female” to please a very minority (In this case, the “non-binaries”). Why do we all have to adapt to them, but they can’t adapt to us?


So why is the change necessary…?