Body 1 and body 2

You know I just noticed that to create a character on screen it starts with, Im not allowed to use that word, begins with M & they have willies, so annoying can it just open with, begins with F & we have fannies. We like change, change it around. We dont need fruit. In classic we are labelled 1 & 2 wth is that, be banned for 60 days now but agitators will never win.

Maybe because that’s what they’ve been doing for centuries and now they’d quite like to not.

Male and Female… Well look at that both words are still perfectly valid.

Do I need to go in game and write them in chat to prove that they’re still allowed there too or are you just being deliberately dense?


1 and 2 normal 3 and 4 short 5 and 6 big sized then 7 and 8 slim sized :smiley:
there u have 8 body types :stuck_out_tongue:

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Humm, do humans come with male/female tattooed on their forehead? I don’t think so and we’ve been doing just fine without it.

We make assumptions about each other 24/7.

I’m sorry, what?


I can’t help you if you’re not being specific as to what you don’t understand.

“I’m sorry, what?”

How am I supposed to answer that question?

To you it’s some great big statement, to me it’s just two updated buttons for character creation in a fantasy game. Nothing has changed other than how they look.

I don’t care that they made this simple change:-

At some point in the future we may see people being able to set their pronouns too and voice selection as indicated in this article:-

Sounds pretty neat to me.


We could all be like Arnold Rimmer in Red Dwarf (H is for Hologram in this instance)

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I never claimed it’s ‘necessary’.

However, how DO you tell the difference between male and female in the real world? Do you need a label for that?

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You know exactly what I meant. They’re not unfounded ideologies, they’re people. It’s not something they believe in, it’s something they are.


:laughing: it does seem like some people need this so that they can keep living their lives without emotional distraught according to these threads.

I LOVE Red Dwarf btw. So funny. Czechs and Brits have the best humor :stuck_out_tongue:


Calling yourself various pronouns is a trend in the modern world. People that consider themself sex dysformic or dont relate to thier sex, have increased by about 8000% not kidding.


They haven’t increased, they’re just not so afraid of stating who they are publicly.
When I was growing up it would have been considered weird and offensive for someone to want to be who they were, thus they lived unhappy lives, having to pretend to conform to the norm when they knew inside it wasn’t who they are.


That’s the style of my gnome.

He looks fabulous might I add.

Now can we stop making these threads every weekend. Feel like it’s a big bowl of mess and only happens on the weekend.

This is why mean girls choose to wear pink on Wednesdays. Good for them.

Like I said before, I come from a culture that views male and female as strictly male and female. As long as it doesn’t effect my gameplay, I won’t quit the game over it.

Religious Arab Muslims still play Sims 4 despite so many things in it being forbidden like LGBT and alcohol. If you love a game very very much, you learn how to cope with things and simply ignore them. I doubt you spend 90% of your time in character creation…… well I do in the Sims 4, but that’s different! Don’t judge me!


It could be K-pop, I have seen some videos and they seem to do that :thinking:

If my hair is long and my beard is bushy, people call me a slacker - better be on the safe side and be shorthaired

As i have the earworm you can have it too…

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Oh the horror! Kids being taught there’s something else than pink for girls and blue for boys.

Not to mention historically pink was for boys as it was closer to red, red=war.

Most of this is just a way to either market or keep control. Humans deserve the freedom to discover and ponder about themselves and life in general. It’s way more interesting and real that way.


The historical past does not justify any type of positive discrimination in the present, given that what happened in past centuries is not part of anyone’s experiences today, so wrong answer.

Because the sexual dysmorphia?

Then explain me what is the point in these changes, if you continue to know perfectly which is male and female due to dysmorphia :wink: