Body 1 and body 2

we learned about this in School.

How European rich children gave boys pink clothing (war) and girls blue clothing (Virgin Mary)

this was switched in the 1950s to combat beliefs of colors towards one gender, but it backfired. As today most men wont even wear pink due to its assosiation with feminine.


I’d disagree as all they’re doing is saying that they are here and that they exist and that they would like to be recognised. It isn’t about the historical past it is about the here and now.

They’ve adapted to our world view for centuries and now we are having to alter our perception on what is going on around us.

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Agreed, comma, however, if you’re going to challenge the status quo you have to substantiate your claim.

Unsubstantiated claims are anarchy, you agree with this, right?

Let them make a third gender, called “Nonbinary” and keep “Female” and “Male” as they were in the beginning.

The problem is that they are interested in saying that “biology is a social construct”, as was shown in that school where children were prohibited from identifying themselves as “male or female”

This is all part of the woke agenda.

If they really wanted to be just inclusive, they would have put in a third gender that allows you to choose the body and voice you want without having to remove the male or female gender.


Clown seldom wears one at gym but I own a pink tank top.
It feels nice!


As far as I am aware no one is saying that biology is a social construct. People are saying that gender is a social construct. Entirely different things.

And I would really like to see this “Woke Agenda” it sounds like a fascinating manifesto. Is it available online?

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thats a nice shirt :smile:

I dont have anything pink, but as a child i had these pink shorts that i loved wearing.

Now i only have a salmon shirt.

I like blue more anyway. and Black


I have been looking at official statistics for the amount of people who consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ community compared to the total population and all I can find is a 2020 ONS survey that says, and I quote

An estimated 3.1% of the UK population aged 16 years and over identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) in 2020, an increase from 2.7% in 2019 and almost double the percentage from 2014 (1.6%).

So, if the number is that small, why has the game moved away from the “normal” labels?

I have a pink bass guitar.


Reminded me of Ross and his salmon shirt.

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Might wanna look at US numbers, since game is based in California.

Almost every American i met in online games is LGBT.

I did, it’s 3.5% in the US.

edit: I was 0.1% out and it’s from 2011

Yes, it’s a bit old but it’s the first google search option. We could probably say it’s higher now, but it’s still a low percentage of the total population.

5.6% Compare that to the other 94.4%, sixteen times more.

I’m expecting this to be hidden soon.


You have a lot of information. It is not so difficult to find it. ^^


Any change that helps promote inclusion and selfidentification is a good one :slight_smile:


thats higher than the numbers of Native Americans, who are about 2.09%

like i said, almost every american gamer i met online has been either supportive or of the community.

As a muslim i was respective of their beleifs even though i dont share the same belief.
but as human beings who want to share the earth peacefully, you need to respect people even if you have different opinions.

especially when you travel.

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Once again. Inclusivity would be if they had added a 3Âș gender option named “nonbinary”, not removing the existing ones just for pleasing a minority over the majority.


Let me tell you a story, A friend used to work for the Land registry in the UK, he took redundancy after 28 years, they said after 2 years he can apply for any jobs there.

So after three years he did. He taught the people interviewing him to do the job and knows it inside out, but for some reason he didn’t get the job. They had to choose others, now I won’t say from what section they employed people from but you can guess.

My friend goes to the pub with some of those interviewing occasionally and all they do is moan about who they are forced to employ, and the newly employed people usually leave within 4 months so they have to go through it all again.

I don’t mind people being supportive or being part of the community. It’s that a small percentage of the population seem to be over represented.

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Come on, that’s how it is in the working area today - no one stays at the same job forever like they used to do, and everyone complains about everyone when it comes to work.

Let me tell yoou a story, that like yours have nothing to do with anything:

in my former job, we had a problem with morfine getting stolen, and we were having a hard time figuring out who it was and everyone judged everyone, because it is really a problem when something steals medicinal drugs and talking to the police really isn’t so fun.

But months passed and even if we did what we could, we just couldn’t figure out who it was - in the end it turned out to be one of the team leaders who was taking them, the one who found out got fired and the team leader has a new job somewhere else
 With medicine - work sucks, always has and usually doesn’t benefit those it should

And it has no impact on this game whatsoever.

I don’t mind being critical, but this is a game and the change has so little effect that it feels like the whining about salt in food.

But given the kind of flagg and actual bullying you, Dottie, recieve on this forum, I wonder why this is what gets your blood boiling.


Who is making the argument that they are not people?

Leave that emotional stuff at the door, this conversation should exist only in the realm of science and biology.

If you can’t prove it it’s an unfounded ideology.


Same thing was said when Sims 4 added the Hijab.

People claimed why is the minority of gamers getting represented, and why is the minority in the US getting represented too.

People complained, people whined, people ranted they will quit the game but never did.

And many muslims were finaly happy to create themselves in accuracy and/or be able to create their mothers accuratly.

Knowing how happy this small change made me and others (the minority) im sure this small change in wow also made someone happy.

Although if it was up to me i would add a third option called “Non binary” like youtube does, but whatever. Wont affect my gameplay


I’ve been working for a long time, since the 80s back before the LGBTQ+ movement existed, it was the Gay rights movement and things like that. I saw people get overlooked for advancement due to their sexuality or gender, and some types of sexuality were actually illegal in the UK up until fairly recently, the 1960s I think.

I’ve seen so much prejudice, I even spoke out against it at the time, and got labelled as a “sympathiser” and got called gay myself as an insult, which I’m not.

What it is actually is when I see a group or organisation get far more influence than their numbers suggest they should have. Which is why I looked up the statistics.

But that’s what should of happened, getting the police involved. If someone told their manager that stuff has gone missing and the police aren’t brought in then it’s a bit more obvious who is taking the stuff.

Muslims make up a huge part of the worlds population, I can see why it was added and I’m all for it. I believe Warcraft have had something similar for a long time.