Body 1 and body 2

As I said in my previous post. It is possibly a ploy to keep women in the labour market past 30.

If they stay in work then the government is still getting a wedge of tax out of them albeit reduced by 30%. If they leave the workplace then the government is getting nothing out of them.

Men, the vast majority of men, aren’t going to drop work and become full time fathers so there is less incentive to offer them the same tax reduction.

There are 466 discriminatory laws toward men created recently. Yes, for sure these laws Will be removed soon and this is the best way to create a best society ^^

Nothing to do with wokeness, social revenge or anything else.


Here people very rarely are full time mother/father, because if you want to have childs, with our salaries both parts have to work if you want to gain enought money to survive. Wake Up, we are un 2022. We are not living anymore in a society where men work and women stay at home.

I find your absurd justifications terrible

I am not trying to justify anything here I am trying to propose a reason for this other than the ‘They must hate white men’ reasoning that you are applying to everything.

They’re not my tax laws so I really don’t have much for or against them. Over here as long as you earn the same you, theoretically, pay the same in taxes unless you have a good accountant that knows their way around the various loopholes.

There are people in this world that like Pineapple Pizza, I think it would be ridiculous of anyone to argue that someone shouldn’t fancy what they like.

Sure, let’s go down this rabbit hole.

Gender Dysphoria cannot be diagnosed, “feel like” is not a medical diagnosis.

I can’t describe to you what it feels like to have a dislocated shoulder if I’ve never experienced having one.

For Gender Dysphoria to exist a juxtaposition is required, you have to have experience being born as a male and being born as a female; so how does a man know what it’s like to feel like a woman if he never was one?: he can’t even tell you what it feels like to be a man because he never experienced being anything but being a man, the juxtaposition is needed.


Well, what about all these people that call “LTBGI-phobia” facts as there is little representation of their colective in some movie, game or book and ask for the cancellation of this?

But 466 laws that discriminate men in my country can’t be called hate against men?

Woke people have a very different yardstick depends on which cases: “yes, that laws are a bit unfair, but surely there is a good reason that justifies them”

Every self called “Woke” “Justice warrior” tells me exactly the same when I expose injustices to the other side that breaks their argument of oppressed and oppressors.



Are you one of those people that tells people with depression to pull themselves together or just cheer up? Just because some things can’t be seen, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

And you do not have to experience something to be able to diagnose it, otherwise very few would ever be qualified in their fields.


Not sure why you decided to spew that bile at me, but try to enjoy the rest of your weekend regardless.

Look who’s paying money to Blizzard just to talk trash about their game in the forums. So sad.

I actually had 2 months of gametime this entire year. And now Elrian you will be posting your transaction history here on the forum. And FYI I saw your initial post where you said that I pay a sub only to talk on the forum. Either way mate, you’re going to show us how much money you have given Blizzard this year.
If you fail to do so or give some other irrelevant response I will just take it as an acknowledgement that you are irrelevant and desperate for my validation.

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You tryna get some attention before mom calls you to bed?

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I do like the subliminal you done here with the ALPHA word on the screen showing the clearly female body-type highlighted completely unintentional of course (yeah right*cough)… VERY WELL DONE.

It was the first image that came up with the search, I’m not sure what your point is though, but I could just be being dense :grin:

It’s Saturday!

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How anyone can be so offended by something like this is beyond me. Of all the issues in the world one can be offended by, some decides that a minor change in a video game aimed at being more inclusive (or possibly being inclusive for the sake of saving face from years of having a work environment that didn’t exactly scream inclusive and positive) is the thing to really go at.
In all honesty, few cares about this because it’s such a non-issue to most people. It doesn’t change much of anything for anyone as it’s a quick pick and forget on the creation screen and then they won’t have to care about it again. Of course this isn’t counting those that spend the entirety of their gametime on the character creation screen, fuming at it not saying “male” and “female” instead of “body 1” and “body 2”.

I’m not surprised this case of being offended also comes with the usual “woke agenda” label and inability to distinguish between biological sex (the thing “proven” by hard science) and gender constructs (something belonging to soft science due to its tie in with sociology and culture studies).

Sometimes what people choose to be offended by says a lot about them.


I can’t see how it offend anyone you can clearly still see the two different icon.

I am a roman catholic not that it is of interest to anyone and still i think everyone should have the right to be who they want to be and not discriminated upon and that we are not just determined by the body we are born with.


Well, you never know which way it might change.

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Contragtz that’s the stupidest thing I’ve read this week, you won


In the end humanity keeps proving their unworthiness to exist with their intolerance and bigotry centuries may pass but a large part of humanity still have the ideology and cancerous religious belief of a 1000 years ago


You have this unique ability to keep misunderstanding what people say.

Let’s do a thought experiment, and at the end, you’re going to be the one that proves Gender Dysphoria isn’t a real thing.

Everyone that was born female will live on one side of the world and everyone that was born male will live on the opposite side.

Anything that proves that the opposite gender exists (pictures, videos, what have you) will be removed from Earth.

Multi-choice question, you can only pick one answer, here’s the question…

Over time (100+ years) which of the following medical conditions will cease to exist on the side of the world where only males reside and the side of the world where only females do if there wasn’t a cure?

  • A). Cancer
  • B). Covid
  • C). Schizophrenia
  • D). Gender Dysphoria

If your answer is D, that then must mean that Gender Dysphoria isn’t a medical condition.

Not knowing that the opposite gender exist shouldn’t prevent someone from having Gender Dysphoria.

Just like not knowing that Cancer exist won’t prevent someone from getting it.

So, what is your answer?: D, right?