Boost services taking over every aspect of public chat

Please start banning people for this, last few months this is the only thing that appears in general and trade chats, same five names that keep one-upping each other with boost offers “ONLY FOR GOLD BTW”.

I keep putting them on ignore, reporting for cheating, reporting for language and spam with information to their discord servers. I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone else had enough of it as well, I refuse to believe that people are so indifferent to this behavior and aren’t bothered by it. Put some rules in place and start enforcing them.

It was somewhat manageable until boosters started offering commissions to people that bring them work, they even provide them with separate accounts for the sole purpose of doing the work of advertising for them.

Advertising in LFG is no longer tolerated, make it an official stance and forbid the use of public in game channels for this purpose, because these people don’t understand moderation and are constantly flooding the chat. If people want boosts they can always easily find wanted information by either messaging their favorite streamers or by looking at unofficial forums.

To everyone who didn’t read the rest of the conversation; this is a discussion only about banning intrusive advertising in public game chats, since boosting is somewhat tolerated (but not supported) by Blizzard when the trade is done with gold.


The thing is…As annoying as it is, its not “illegal” when its being payed by gold.

But the problem it has gone too far, they sell boosts for low levels, for old raiding achievs, for raiding achievs, for curve, for cutting edge… Basically they sell boosts for everything…

So annoying, specially when they spam the same message 3-4 times in the row, you ignore them and they come up with a new alt to spam your eyes with. Bust still not banable because its “GOLD” (and blizzard sells gold for RL money thesedays)


Well, to be fair, they do offer a trade. So it’s not really wrong for them to use the public trade channel.

And apparently spamming it every other minute (must be since there’s at least one whenever I join the trade chat ><) is not considered “spam” by Blizzard, so there’s nothing we can do other than keep ignoring them or leaving the otherwise empty channels.


It wasn’t a problem before we had WOW tokens and when each server had its own economy. But since the advent of cross realm grouping and raiding it’s gone out of control.

It’s one thing when you randomly encounter a rare mob and offer to share it with others for compensation, and it’s entirely different when you see an advertisement to join a discord server where they have each of these mounts and items separately priced.


tbh people like you should get banned for false reporting. There are rules and you are ignoring them and reporting stuff “because you don’t like it”.

Funny thing is, theres a demand for this stuff, otherwise it wouldn’t be happening.


So you are false reporting? good luck with that.


They are selling a trade, a service. A dungeon completed on time and possible loot stacking in exchange for in game gold. So they are in the right place.

You can always opt out of the channel :wink:


Indeed, and as long as it is for gold it’s allowed by Blizzard.


Yeah and the whole point of this thread is that blizzard should change their stance on allowing boosts.


Which I disagree with, it’s a service, paid for by ingame currency. I see nothing wrong with that. Don’t like it ? Just /ignore them or leave /2, easy as that.

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Disagreements are expected, after all a lot of people benefit from this and obviously they would choose personal interest over the the betterment of the game as a whole, however your previous statement is irrelevant and completely misses the point.
Lastly saying to not use the in-game chat is one step from saying “if you don’t like it then don’t play the game”, do i need to explain why this comment is moronic aswell?


Except it is really not, Turning off /2 or ignoring the sellers is not the same as stop playing a game all together.

Many people can’t, or don’t have time to do the content, and so they pay what they earne dpreviously, gold, into a boost for the content they want. I have friends who boost, but I have never bought a boost myself, and do not intend to. Boosting is not bad for the game, otherwise it would be gone completly, even since Vanilla times.

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Would be great if they could get a separate wts services channel though…


Sure, if everyone opted out of the public channels then we’d definitely kill their business and solve the problem over night. I would have never thought of this myself.

So if I report a level 1 bot account that keeps posting the exact same character-capped advertisement on a timer for spam, I am the bad guy and I’m abusing the system?

I don’t mind at all that they’re performing boosts or care wether they’re using gold or a real world currency to conduct their business, it was an expected aspect of the game that simply came into place to satisfy the demand for it. It’s not entirely supported but is tolerated by Blizzard if it is done in gold. And now Blizzard is taking an extra cut through the purchase of tokens from it so they don’t really care. My post was never about the services, it was about advertisement.

But please stop ruining the game for everyone else. If I need something I can find it in 5 minutes and don’t need someone in general chat to tell me about it. Draw a line for acceptable behavior somewhere. Trade channel should only be used for the trade of in-game items against gold, leave your services out of it, or at least limit the offer of such to your guild recruitment posts and be moderate, because at some point you just become annoying and people will report you.


If you report them for cheating and language, yes, you are false reporting at that point.

There’s really nothing the can report boosters for, moat I have seen wait atleast 3 minutes before advertising again, and since they do it for gold, they don’t break the ToS, amd it is their way to pay for their gametime, and to earn gold, that should not be taken away just because you don’t like it, if they made a seperate channel for it, it would be good, but for now Trade is the place that is the most appropriate for boosting, hence they will post it there.


You are too convinced that no policy can change if people show off their displeasure over it, and it is unrealistic that you find the advertising at this level as acceptable. Also you are largely underestimating the number of people that constantly report these spammers simply to clear the chat from their posts and to send a message that they’ve had enough of it.


If that was the case there would not be any left, shut down as they appeared. But it isn’t like that now, is it ?

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Except there is, in their HOTS game you automatically get silenced and or even have your account locked after you reach a certain threshold of reports. Sure, it is prone to abuse and people hate it, but it has a build in decay on such reports so you won’t be punished if you stop the behavior.

But since wow is subscription based, it probably offers a luxury of having someone review the reports against your account before any action is taken, and that sometimes takes too long, but in the end accomplishes nothing since they just switch to another account.

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Yeah the all have to be banned from the game imo.


This thread is so funny, it just shows how the people on this forum have double standards for things, especially when we can see how some of the same people which are advocating now boosting services for gold in the game for basically everything as stated above say how the gear should be harder to obtain in the game and how everyone should get the one which they deserve according to the difficulty of the content they do.