Boost services taking over every aspect of public chat

If you hurt legal service providers you will only empower and enrich illegal ones.
Trade chat was always annoying, that’s why you can shut it down and opt out of channel of ADVERTISEMENT.

My advice: get gut and start selling youself, cause you seem to be a beta now.

only person who should be banned is you, for abusing report button, false reporting and mass reporting.

leave trade if you dont like people trading lmao.


no one’s saying not to use in game chat :joy:
but if you dont want to see people trading, you shouldnt be in the trade chat, because T R A D E chat, is exactly what it says - A CHAT where you T R A D E

yeah you’re abusing report system and mass reporting people for no reason.

no one’s using general chat, they’re all using trade chat :joy:
what should be the use of trade chat if not trading? :joy:



At some point in late Legion there were speculations about Blizzard considering the option to implement an extra tab in LFG for ‘boost sale’ where those would have to be listed, so that the payment would have been mediated with an AH like cut, however making the sale secure for the player, and happen only when the specified boss(es) kill was completed.

Also, the players were supposed to be able to enter some kind of rating feedback.

Too bad it was not implemented, really, as I can imagine people willing to buy would rather use such a system to avoid scammers.

In the end, it would be all about setting proper rules and regulations, as it has happened with the token becoming available as an official mean to defeat the Gold Sellers. I am sure there still are… but not as many as before, and at least they do not spam trade as back in the days…

i report them for spam because they do spam all the chats!!


I would imagine it would be as effective as expecting people advertising guilds to post in the recruitment channel.

I sadly chose to leave the channels about a year ago. I couldn’t deal with it anymore. It’s quite sad because I never minded ordinary chatter and questions asked in those channels, and ordinary trades related to professions and similar. That made the game feel more like a community to me. The channels have turned into worthless junk, with no purpose.

In my opinion, boosters should be given their own chat channel which could be automaticly enabled when starting a character, but possible to leave for those who desire so. Other channels should be free of boost spam, and it should not be allowed to post boosting in other channels at all(like trade, general, local defence).

You could argue “But it’s trading”, but once it takes over a channel, it shouldn’t be there, or rather moved to it’s own channel called “Boost” or similar. I’m admin in a sales group on FB, and e.g. we don’t allow advertising for house and car sales on that site, because those types of sales have their own site elsewhere, and it gives more room for random sales for everything else. I kind of draw a connection to that when looking at WoW boosting. Give them their own channel!! There are far too many of them. I want a more alive and less robotic trade channel back(yes, the boost advertisements looks robotic and static, sorry!). I just can’t dea with it anymore, and it’s upsetting.


Go on go on, enjoying people arguing with the idea that it’s according to the rules while op clearly stated « put some rules in place ».

Also if Someone farms herbs and wants to sell them They’ll do it on their server. They don’t make a lvl 1 on another server to sell their herbs.

So besides not understanding it’s totally possible to add rules which is being asked by op, and failing at comparing basic server trade to cross realm boosting, I’m still trying to dig the value out of some answers :joy:


When you have a number of delusional people posting in the topic simply accusing me of fake reporting for something most users agree on, without offering any other feedback, it is hard to get conversation going.

They are either trolling intentionally or they have a stake in boosting services and are afraid of losing customers, thus trying to derail the topic in any way possible.

Especially the nonsense where someone mentioned empowering illegal service providers by silencing the legitimate ones.

This is all a gray area, literally no one cares if you do get scammed by someone in any way when buying a boost, word will spread out, the number of people asking for these services might drop, the game will be better for everyone else involved. Nothing of value will be lost. Maybe next time you list a LFM for the raid you’ll actually find competent players to play with, ones that haven’t swiped their credit card for internet prestige.


They should just make a channel for advertising, all the rest are a no go… so the ones that actually want a service can go there. Without me having to read the same message over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over… :stuck_out_tongue:


couldn’t agree more, it should definitely be reportable and bannable but blizzard make real life money from it (or did you think the newly 120’d character has farmed 200k gold whilst levelling) so that will never ever happen no matter what damage it is doing to the game or players.

Nice idea, itll never happen.


Agreed on that one but people won’t accept that because they are delusional they want that annoying spam of a boost service to be spammed and coming out off all our holes.I made my statement on boosting I do not support it because you are just making more noob players that have high end gear but lack experience I understand if you would ban boosting that would kill their business but I don’t care they can find another way to earn gold you have professions sell mats go on RP realm sell RP gear so I don’t support and never will support it.If only they used their service to tutor players and learn them instead of giving them gear on a plate.


Boosting should be banned. So many people running around with achievements they don’t deserve


Agreed but they don’t want that it would kill their business.Take IRL example so many people bought University diploma’s and some have fake doctor licences you want those people to heal you I think not.Its the same with boosting believe it or not.


The fact that peoples agree with your idea it doesn’t change the fact that you was fake reporting tho.

If Blizzard want to put some rules about the boosting thing, they will do it, but you should stop thinking that only because you find it unfair, it allows you to do something actually against the rules.

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I mean, you falsly report people, what else do you expect? :joy: pat on your head?

pretty sure most people dont really agree with that :joy: but hey! whatever makes you feel like you’re not wrong.

trading belongs in trade channel, its as simple as that, if you dont like people trading in trade channel. try /leave trade.

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In Silvermoon it is much worse. There are bots spamming paid boosts outside the AH. I really wish Blizz terminated all these accounts forever.


Well, they aren’t cheating nor using foul language. BTW means by the way… :wink:

Well they are cheating players from learning how to play :wink:.


Good one. :rofl: