Boost services taking over every aspect of public chat

I noticed the other guy made the same error and perhaps you should read properly.
Also based on your other posts i know you’re not that bright so at least tone down the smugness. I know what trade is and guess what, blizzard has rules, you can trade some things but you can’t trade others, there are few limitations and that’s what this topic is about, not the act of trading but the things being traded.


why even have a spam report feature in first place if the same 10 people will chain repeat the advertisement one after another every few minutes?

If I started using public channels to talk with my friends someone would have an equal right to report the same way. There’s a clear difference between being moderate and obnoxious.

You admitted to false reporting, you’re the delusional one if you think you’re doing something else. And “most people agree on”. Citation needed please.

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Who cares about my reports if not enough of them accumulated to warrant a review? It’s not like I have the time to manually request a talk with a game master each time I don’t like something. So how am I hurting anyone? If you somehow do get your account silenced, then you might want to reconsider your chat activity.

I might as well be a human pos but how does that impact the merit of my claim that the advertising in this state is detrimental to the game? You obviously have nothing to contribute so why are you even participating in the discussion?


I care.

You’re being deceitful because you believe that your pov is the one that matters even though no rules are being broken. You’re abusing a system to your own ends. Thats self centred and selfish. But sure, tell me I’m not contributing.

Also, great addition bringing human trafficking into this, I’m sure it adds to the discussion in many constructive ways.


I don’t report anyone in trade chat, but I do echo his sentiments, so I’ll carry that torch if need be. It seems silly to try and discredit the point by going after the person and not the argument brought forth when others have proclaimed the same displeasure with boosting services in public chat.

Fact of the matter is that these boosting services clearly have several accounts with characters that post an advertisement at a set interval, one after another. It never becomes spam because it’s cleverly done across several characters on different accounts, but in practice it still results in the chat being littered with numerous advertisement messages on a constant basis.

Obviously something has to be done about it.
I’m going to guess that we only have to wait until Classic WoW is released before Blizzard will act on the matter. Retail WoW may tolerate it somewhat for now, but it’s not going to be approved in Classic WoW. Blizzard will be forced to act.


Gold spammers and boosters where in trade in 2005 aswell you know.

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Blizzard will no doubt take a much tougher stance against these services in Classic. They will be policing the servers actively in the first months and once the hype settles down, majority of players will abandon ship, but the communities will mostly stay centered around big name streamers. It will be much easier for these groups of players to express their displeasure on any topic in a collective manner.

It is a 15 year old product but they understand people’s nostalgia and passion for it. They even added a timer to the character armory page like its something entirely new and exciting. It will be a while before they abandon it like did Diablo 3 for example.

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What is silly is a person talking about human trafficing in post dumbest thing ive seen in 14+ years

Boosting services in Trade are for Money NOT gold - wow.vendor is paid boosting service for £s euro or dollars - Blizzard never bans them ever, I report all the time while waiting in qs - OR BLIZZARD OWNS WOW VENDOR !!!


That’s a whole new level of conspiracy theory, does it come with a free tin foil hat?


It is supported by Blizzard since they gave up on stop boosting. No action will be taken since “it’s not possible to stop booster according to blizz”

It started with stopping bots and gold sellers. Now they introduced in game gold sellers omegalul. Let’s introduce in game token so people will stop buying gold - and here comes gold sellers become boosters and very organized; even many players enjoying boosting.

So just because the spam report is scripted and didn’t get enough reports, let’s report them for something they didn’t do, so GMs will have to manually see the reports and will not find any evidence to what you have reported them for.

They maybe could abuse the tradechat, but you are abusing the report feature indeed, so, yeah…

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doubt anyone cares about him as a person, and no one really went after person. people went after the action, which is falsely mass reporting people.
but hey, if you think, falsely reporting people and abusing report system is fine, that’s you.

yes some people do have special accounts to advertise in trade chat, which is by no means against rules.
some people have several accounts to farm multiple instances A LOT of times
and some people have several accounts to have A LOT of characters.
how’s that relevant tho?

it never becomes spam because trade chat is meant for trade, and no - no one uses 2 accounts to advertise on the same server, people do it to advertise on multiple servers and be efficient, at least check up facts before you make up illumanti theories.

not really, trade is being used for trade and there’s nothing wrong with it.
what do you suggest trade chat should be for?
the most i can see being done about it, is limiting everyone to post less often in trade, but that’s about it.

how come?


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”If you don’t agree with me you are either trolling or you are a booster” Rock solid logic there mate.

Yet right after you say this, a few posts below you say this.

It doesn’t really mix together.

Heh, as if that would ever happen, you’ll see, there’s gonna be boosters in classic too, especially how ”Hard” it is, which means when people will start to get good gear, or some gold they just buy their way into a 40 man raid, I mean you don’t even need 40 people, 15 can be afk and you can still beat a lot of raid bosses. Not to mention boosts for Anathema… Dungeon sets… Ranked PvP… Yea, it will be there.

Citation needed.

Or you know, it’s an illegal website that can afford to make new Accounts to sell their illegal services ? What in the conspiracy theory is even this.

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Of course there will be boosting services and advertisements in Classic WoW. There was back in 2005 and players hated it then. There will be in 2019 and players will hate it then too.

There is no way that gets to fly under the radar. People will obviously not want the public chats overrun with advertisements when those public chats are meant to be the foundation for the server communities.

So Blizzard’s hand will inevitably be forced on the matter, which is good in my opinion.

I asked Ion about it in the last Q&A they did, and he basically said that boosting services are here to stay and they’re okay, and what’s problematic is the advertisements that dominate communication channels, and Blizzard have tried to update their policies in reponse to that.
And I agree with that - but it’s not enough, because the advertisement is obviously still there and it’s still intrusive upon the respective communication channels. So more needs to happen, and I suspect more will happen once the advertising descends on Classic WoW, because I suspect their tolerance for it is much lower than Retail WoW’s.

For the record:

They haven’t done anything on Live about it, what makes you think they will do it on a classic realm with maybe 1/10 of the population of retail? That also includes the buyers and the boosters

But they have done something on Live about it. They updated their policy, curbed the ability to spam in chat, and gave players the ability to report advertisements in the LFG menu.

So Blizzard obviously recognize the problem, their efforts so far just haven’t dealt with the problem in its entirety - and the public chat channels are a good example of where it still runs amok and is instrusive upon the intended experience.

So why will it be different with Classic WoW? Because in Classic WoW the public chat channels are the foundation for the server communities. It’s imperative that Legeolasdkdk can offer his Enchanting services in trade chat without his message being drowned in boosting advertisements. It’s imperative because Legeolasdkdk’s reputation on the server is built through the public chat channels - that people get to know him as a trusted Enchanter who offers good prices, is easy to locate, and always has the materials for any enchant. But fostering that sense of community cannot happen if boosters overrun the public chats with advertisements.

In Retail WoW the outcry over this is moderately low, because server communities aren’t really a thing anymore, so the public chat channels aren’t that important either. But they will be in Classic WoW.

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Guess what, you can’t even report most advertisers. :wink:

I advertise a lot myself but there are addons that can help for example autoflood.

In that addon, you can setup the time between sending the messages.

Good luck reporting someone who is sending his message every 200-300 seconds :joy:

life in 2019…

life was so much less complicated when all we had was a ball and a stick…:stuck_out_tongue:

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