Boost services taking over every aspect of public chat

I mean its same right now. if someone wants to buy certain mat, or mog, etc. they just type that in trade.
but most mats are available so there’s no real need for that - hence its rare.
mage portals arent needed either because we got those for the most part in capitals, and even tho mages offer more variation, its not really worth the time
enchanting changed, in the past someone had to enchant it for you, but now you can just buy the enchant and do it yourself. and rare stuff is still being sold in trade, including mounts and pets etc.

I dont oppose it, im not even bothered that much about it. what’s bothering me is being forced to type/use macro - which means I gotta stay in the city and i highly dislike it. best scenario is what i typed above.
just allow advertising in LFG again where it belongs, that’s best scenario imo, I’d just pop a group and lay back, not being forced to sit in boralus/SW.

What I asked tho is, if boosting goes away, I assume people want all the mount selling to go away as well, so what’s the point of trade after it if there’s already AH.

Not when you have left trade…

During legion I eventually got “physically” ill from watching all the boost macro’s in trade. I had to turn off the chat to not flip. That has never happened before, in the 13 years I’ve played? Ok, I flipped at the gold sellers too, but Blizzard took them out before I snapped.

There is just something about repeated macro’s and often at a certain length going on and on and on and on again in the chat channels. It doesn’t need to be the exact same macro, it can be multiple people, but it’s stressing me out. It also takes up so much space that other things get pushed out very fast, and variation drops out.

Like I said, it is a trade, but it is a very spesific and big type of trade/sale, and I wish it had it only channel for those who actively seek it, to find it in that spesififc channel.


I know you are really triggered by the selling spam but I really didn’t find it any different to the continued guild spam ads (before I left trade and general behind).

You can use addons like badboy and put in words for it to hide stuff from your view. I haven’t used it in years but I believe that still works.

I think perhaps it has to d with the repetition in it.

It could also be that I just don’t mind chatter between people. Dirge spam, okay… Not so cool, but as stated somewhere above, it wasn’t a huge issue. In general I tend to read conversations between people in trade, no matter quality. I’m a curious person I guess. That’s not saying I support trade being used as a chat channel like that, but the odd short convo once in a while is fine with me.

I misread the guild recruitment spam part, but yes, guild recruitment spam are the same. Not cool. In general, guilds advertising in trade were considered “lesser guilds”. You were pretty much looked down on if you advertised in trade(lack of social antennas?). On Emerald Dream anyways. None of the top guilds, or mid range guilds, would ever advertise in trade.

EDIT: Sorry, half asleep typing and reading today it seems…

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I used to answer questions in trade when people couldn’t find stuff or you’d get funny conversations. I have given up on all that. So I can relate /hug

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I think a bigger issue is just how pain in the butt it would be for Blizz to act like they cared again.

It used to be a very grey area before they said it’s ok and before that everyone knew they didn’t care.

It’s way too much work expected from them for a very minor return

Ah yes, AD tradechat. Beautiful thing isn’t it ?

Honestly i love it.


Words of wisdom from a guy that has been on my neck the entire two days attacking me for legitimately reporting spam, also calling me names and such without contributing to the discussion. Now he is back to endorsing something Blizzard publicly stated is unacceptable. I’m worried if he is incapable of breathing without opening his mouth first.


Spam should not be tolerated.
Everything else i could care less about. Its not like it causes you physical pain to ignore a line in your chat box every 30 minutes or something.

Only an issue if its spam. If not, then its just salt.

Reported/complained about the damned adverts every time you login a char but NOTHING gets done. How come they know when you just logged in and hit you every time with spam? Are they running some kind of script?

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You artificially created this demand with raider io.

No “I” didn’t. And the demand existed before raider io. Riddle me that.

oh sheet dont start summonign the Devil already xD You are a paladin :smiley: you are not supose to performe dark magick rember? :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope blizz will monitoring classic way closer then now the retail.

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Raider io is a cancer. not the earned point says from you that you are a good or skilful player or not. While i have seen a guy with more then 1000 point yet he havent even got a clue how does the dungeon even works…including mechanics.
And with lower points with good player skills, with decent gear you will be auto declined. Becasue Raider io is basicly just making the palyer base an eltists.

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Wait, I need to know something here. What if someone is advertising to sell in-game BoE items, Enchants, potions, regular in-game stuff for gold in trade chat. Would you report them for advertising more than a few times?

Because technically, they are not doing anything against the ToS. The same thing can be said about boosting services. They are usually done by Guild groups. And they sell those runs for gold. Which is not against the ToS. Now, if they are selling those very same services or any other service for real money in-game then yeah, sure, it is ok to report them.

You, on the other hand, had reported everyone that sells boosting services regardless of whether they are doing it for in-game gold or real money. And also apparently, not just for spamming but for cheating and language as well. I mean I can understand the reports for cheating if they are selling stuff for real money but for language. At this point, it’s you expressing your “feelings” via the reporting system which is a misuse of the reporting system.

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You could just install the addon BadBoy and BadBoyCCleaner to filter out anything that refers to boosting. You can make your own word filters. That’s what I did, and I haven’t seen any of those annoying WTS Boost messages in chat since.


Honsetly we shouldnt rely on addons.
But i have to admit you have a point too.
But should be solved accordingly from Blizzard.

No of course we shouldn’t need to rely on addons. But people trying to sell a service for gold in trade chat is not against any rules, and as such cannot be sanctioned on by Blizzard. Hence we have to use the tools given to us :slight_smile:

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