Boost spammers flooding trade chat

For you, yes. But try to see the whole issue from another player’s perspective. No, let’s make it even worse: Let’s see it from a new player’s perspective who joined Draenor-EU and is overwhelmed with the spam and wants to ask other people if they could help him but if their message goes down in the endless second-spam there, then it will ruin their experience. The trade chat is, after all, still a default channel.

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Why a new player should ask in trade chat for random help when there are groups of people called guilds?

I know that most people are in those “social” guild where people don’t even know who are their GM/Officers.
You need trade chat if you want to buy some BoE or a crafted mount.

Because it is a new player. Don’t project your knowledge onto new players. The AD-chat is still used as offtopic platform for new and experienced WoWers, as an example.

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Well your is a strange projection as well.

I dont want to be rude, but there are no experienced players on AD for what I remember, there isn’t even a guild that has finished the current tier.

Since badboy doesn’t always do the trick, i just have trade chat on perma mute. There is nothing on that channel i need or want, so i unticked the box and man, what peace.

I advice you to take a look at gallywix discord to see how many people are applying to be an advertiser or to be accepted as a booster in a raid.
As long as the demand stays there , those boosting communities will continue to hire people .
Btw that piggyback only happened me once during Legion , some guy was trying to boost someone +15 while pugging me and my friend and we left the group when we realized it. It’s not hard to realize you are being used and ruining that trashs day is always worth it.

Not angry at all. Just dissapointed that they let boost scum operate and block all channels up with their drivel.

Ii I actually gave a damn about +whatever I certainly wouldn’t use a booster. Where is the fu in that.

Your one of them people who think that people like me should respect you because you do +15 mythics. sorry but that does not impress me whatsoever.
I just laugh at you and you like. Lets face it you aint alone in this scummery.

you are not jelly but you call me and others “scum” and other adjectives.

maybe stop being a clicker join a proper guild and play the game son.

Just need add the proper words.

The savier badboy from wotkl!

Either use an addon to filter the “boost ads out” or just leave the /2 channel all together. All my chars have simply left the trade channel and pretty much rarely see any boosting add now. Well of course sometimes they worm into LFG tool but you can just report them to disappear.

As for checking if /2 channel has any use. I once rejoined the channel…left 5 mins later once "I got my answer’. :smiley:

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