Boosting destroyed the game, good job bli$$ard

Most of other times I was with healers aswell, but maybe they were just worse, idk.
I managed to reach 1580 as double dps too.

Objectively speaking - it was, yesterday only 2 out of 26 games were with boosters, so only 7% (compared to 22-40% in other times), a big decrease.

The idea is to survive until I get good procs and overwhelm with dps, if we manage to survive long enough - sooner or later it will happen. And tbh it doesn’t takes hours, I mean even medallion has 40% proc rate which is very high, extra annihilation/cs is 8% but can probably be improved to 10-12% later on, still not bad. No need to win a jackpot for this.
Despite some drawbacks, benefit is also that enemy team won’t see it coming, because it has 0 telegraphing and requires no setup that they can notice. Yes they can pop defensives when burst already started, but can’t plan for it in advance.
Also such RNG-based bursts happen way more often in match than some large-cd coordinated kill attempt (that, if failed, will force you to kite and wait for next cd for long time).

Yeah but it’s not the playstyle DH excels in as class. There are far better classes suited for that playstyle (rogue/mage etc). And sometimes you’ll be vs comps that just won’t let you have such ‘kill windows’, what then? While frequent RNG-based mini-bursts will overwhelm target sooner or later, as long as we stay alive.

You always have those windows if you create them.

It’s as simple as cc’ing one and bursting the other after you’ve worked through defensives / trinkets.

See the defensives / trinkets as a “to do” list. Once you’ve got em, the next time you have both damage and cc, thats your kill window.

But that makes your playstyle extremely predictable to enemy team.

I dunno DH may not excel at it but in my experience playing versus them they can do it well enough if they save The Hunt for the kill window. The issue with many lacklustre Hunt users is they burn it on the engage (worst time to use it as the opponent has every card to play).

Once my bubble and trinket was down if a DH managed to land a Prison into Hunt on me followed by nova → eye beam → annihilation spam I was generally down for the count.

As Deja said the trinket and defs are a to do list, and your first round of Cc use is mainly “fishing for the trinket” on your kill target by threatening their partner with a feint kill when you have them otherwise cCed, and then you CC the partner and swap for kill.

So for me and my monk partner this looked like this:
Monk paras kill target
We begin to pressure the sole target, monks pops their big visual CDs to pressure trinket from kill class (they last 20 seconds no NP)
If kill target sits in para for full duration, there is a fair chance the feint target will be in trouble (maybe maybe not, but we hope they believe they will.)
If kill target trinkets, I call swap and monk moves to them and I door of shadows into disorient on the fient target (fishing for trinket)
I begin pre casting Meditation on feint target to catch them out of trinket, if successful they’re out for 8 secs.
I join monk at kill target as I lay ashen hallow down over kill, use HoJ.
They now have to eat 6 secs of stun followed by our full burst.

If this bait worked, often the kill target would die if they had no way to fend the stun off otherwise (like being a paladin) if they were a paladin we’d often have to repeat this technique twice in a match.

The strategy mainly failed where the feint target was competent enough to hold us off for 8 secs without their partner trinketing para, and held their nerve. The other major fail was where the fient target would not trinket my DoS CC which meant I had to keep an eye on them to meditation them which impacted the burst I could lend the monk (as well as the HoJ).

Arena is totally about trying to force your opponent into mistakes like trinketing the para here. Because even if me and monk pop our burst, we’re saving the stun for the kill target, so a class with their defensive available who can’t be stunned is actually hard to kill even with burst. We were relying on the fact their partner panicked.

Choosing the kill class is very important here. Like if the opponent was arms plus resto, resto is the kill target because resto can easily hold off two enemies if not controlled, whereas if we disarm the arms warrior when going for the fient they have limited ways to hold us off and can fall into risky health. Healer players are also motivated to try and “save” teammates which means the chance of them trinketing to save an ally getting low is higher.

It wasn’t foolproof, sometimes the enemies would beat the strat or start the momentum on us (forcing us to use CDs suboptimally) so it was a case by case thing. But often the aim was to set up a window like that. The question is just how do we get there.

Other games we’d adjust the strategy accordingly depending on the enemy, like going 100% ham from the word go as our burst was good enough to do this quickly. I remember a game we had versus an enemy Ret paladin and a resto shaman (slow game plan due to heals) So we hid behind pillar until they tried to engage us. As soon as they began to move around I dropped hallow, popped wings and the monk opened their CDs and literally a second or two after the ret paladin tossed up their wings animation when coming into LoS they were dead on the floor before they could press their bubble button whilst their resto shaman partner was “coming from the other side” presumably trying to hex me or something. This is a good example of a play that was only possible because of me being Venthyr (I contributed most of the damage that killed the Ret paladin, I think I did something like 22k damage of his 32k health pool). The resto shaman promptly AFKed out.

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you have this mindset because you think you are good at the game
but the video i saw showed me you have no clue
your profile is telling me exactly the same thing
there is no need to pretend
as i said if blizzard will remove boosters from the game you will be stuck in low ratings
because your mindset not because everybody is gladiator booster
During s1 on my holy paladin i did around 40 games and i had 1500- 1550 rating something like that??
and i don’t even play pvp i just sometimes do it because i’m bored
you are playing constantly you have 868 games with 47% winrate
you should going for less excuses and more pvp addons more pvp macros etc etc and you should find some person or 2 to play with voice so you can actually learn how to play the game

I never said or thought I’m good. I just did objective statistics on amount of boosters in low crs, and numbers don’t lie.

As soon as we got slightly less boosters than usual (7% vs 22-40%) I quickly got 1.6k cr, it’s just another proof of existence of problem.

I’m sure there were way less boosters around then, so it’s irrelevant.

S1 boosting was a bigger issue than current, because pvp gear was bis for many classes looking to raid or do m+ so you had as many a 1 clear booster comp every 2-3 games. It was a very big issue in season 1 for sure.

It’s probably still an issue now, and I’ve argued that blizzard should (to preserve the integrity of the MMR) prevent players with high rating grouping with people with low rating or scale their gear down to the bracket they’re in (or just go to the true WoD system) but yeah I’d claim s1 boosting was bigger than now.

Only ppl buying arena boosts atm are mount farmers and pvp players looking for carry. In s1 it was them plus m+ players plus raiders because that pvp gear was better than the alternatives on offer and “quicker” to get if you could pay for the boosts (this was before m+ dropped two items and valor, so you have to remember in m+ it was one item per run, no upgrading items) it changed slightly after introduction of valor but was still a big deal for sure.

Nowadays it’s quicker to get pve items from m+. After all the 239 pvp items are only worth 226 in pve which you can get from running m8 which is a heck of a lot easier than getting 239 pvp items for most overs. Heck Korthia loot is 220 on its own.

Whereas in s1 combatant awarded 207 gear which you’d need to be doing m+12 or more to beat out (with only one item dropping per dungeon).

Lets be clear, your statistics were anything but objective. It was just guess work and best and mostly salty reporting of people with more HP than you.

There was higher demand, yes, but much less supply since less boosters managed to gear up by then (so probably much higher prices aswell). Now boosting is accessible to everyone and is all over the place.

Are there actual statistics, i.e. % of boosters per 100 games or something? Without statistics it’s just words and rumours.

If there are fewer categories of players now doesn’t mean there are fewer players buying boosts. Everybody wants to dominate in PvP, also there’s chain reaction that boosting made ‘honest’ cr pushing harder (especially for new players), so more are inclined to buy boosts (especially since there are way more boosters now and prices are much lower).

Yes, as I said, higher demand, but much less supply. I wasn’t playing then unfortunately so I don’t have any actual statistics but I’m curious to see one.

Calling group of 50k+ hp skilled player with 30k hp semi-afker boosting is pretty objective I’d say.

Eh, not going to revisit this. You want the outcome to be “I got smashed by boosters”, in the meantime some that you reported - in your video as cheaters - had way less HP than you, you just played poorly.

One paladin with less HP than you ganked you because you decided to full dps into his shield of vengeeance. You died laughably quickly, then decided to report the monk for cheating because he had a lot of HP. He could have been afk that game for all the difference it made.

Objective my backside.

I don’t have statistics to hand, only the observations of myself (and other pvpers of the time) of our own games and it was very much roughly around a third of games having boosters present in 2s from our observations.

I don’t agree the “supply was lesser but demand was higher” - supply meets demand often. Again, no data, by my observations of the game (and the forums) of the time did not convince me that there was a sea of people looking to be boosted and nobody providing it. There was a very visible anger at blizzard in s1 regarding the situation which wouldn’t have been the case if it wasn’t kicking up most games.

It’s the whole reason they decided to do the “kinda wod but not” gearing in the first place. Boosting was massively out of control in season one and pretty much every ranked player excepting the glads selling the boosts were unhappy about it because after week 1 or 2 of the pvp season the lower brackets became contaminated with high ilevel players (even in the unranked bracket).

You’ll just have to take my word for it, or not, up to you. But I’m not defending boosting or my efforts in season 1 as some kind of “medal” as I was a mediocre player. I have no reason to exaggerate how much boosting was going on. As said it doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue this season (ofc it still exists) but the claim it was a “smaller issue” in season 1 is just factually incorrect to me.

I mean, if you weren’t there, what are you even basing this claim on? For example your statement of “less people supplying boosts in season 1”? Where does that come from if you weren’t there? How do you feel you can say this? Honest and good faith question.

Wrong, i’ve played on very low populated realms. They are also filled with boosters in trade chat, they are everywhere. There is no realms anymore where you cannot avoid them.


Yeah and those are not claimed to be boosters. What’s your point? It’s like you are mixing several problems and strawmaning between them 24/7. Booster statistics were about presense of boosters in games, period. Nothing else (like our skills or comp or reason why we lost etc) was involved in creating this statistic.

I’d do it if we won aswell, so pala didn’t even matter. I just had no time reporting during fight so I reported after game, loss or not.

It meets at certain price, yes. So prices must have been much higher, so boosting was less accessible or attractive, so probably happened less.

I got same result, but from actually checking video of 31 games played and counting boosters, fun fact is that before I did that thorough research I felt that boosters are in like 60% of games. So maybe in your case this bias applies aswell and boosters really were in like every sixth game. But I guess we’ll never know for sure now.

Something that kept progressing till now, 50k+ hp people in 1.5k cr is nothing special now. That said, sometimes low hp people are more scary because if they got that far they have to have some skills. But actual boosters combine both gear and skill so usually there is no solution for that random cr losses.

Well, isn’t some time needed for booster to get ready for boosting? To gear his character, practice new meta, etc? Do you think all boosters that we have now already were there at first day doing their job?
I’d say there can even be several generations of boosters, first ones boosted the next ones that learned to play a bit, got best gear and then started boosting others, etc (all while original boosters remained and kept doing their job), so boosters tend to multiply over time until next expansion or patch hits. And as this happens - prices drop, boosting becomes more accessible and more of people buy it, so more of it happens.

The real problem isn’t even trade chat, it’s meeting them in arenas, and there all realms are merged from what I know so it doesn’t matter.

Time is needed sure, but not as much as you think. Started to creep in by first couple of weeks and by week 4 or 5 it was fairly common to see boosters at the rate described given at this juncture they would have had 5 pvp chests and 5 weeks of conquest behind them which easily meant 8 or so of their slots would be at glad level unless they were super unlucky.

Some would do it by week 2 even without much of the gear as you could see it from their rating. Even in the first two weeks people absolutely hammered to get rating to make their first chests as good as they could be, and these people were confident they could make money by boosting lowers even without a huge gear advantage due to their skill level.

The gear just inflated the problem. As said blizzard introduced this pvp gear changes largely in response to the sheer amount of people who felt “pvp was necessary” and would be getting boosts for it as part of this.

It’s just a shame the solution was largely done in a way to mainly discourage pvers from seeking boosts/feeling they’re needed rather than discourage boosting in pvp full stop because it wasn’t only pvers complaining about it, there has been (since 9.0) a huge sentiment in the pvp community that the gearing should not be tied to rating because all it does is hard-scale differences between players (and make boosting more attractive) when skill alone should be enough to separate the players out.

Better players should get the gear quicker but they shouldn’t get better gear full stop, it’s not necessary.

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It seems we are both inaccurate . I have a warrior on Mazrigoz. Ok I admit there is the odd one but nothing like Tarren mill. Hardly a peep out of them. It’s my play alone away from everybody realm.

Another one of these…

Just make boosting against ToS. Problem solved.


Just like making drugs illegal irl solved the problem of people taking them.


last week china called mmorpgs an electronic drug

Yeahhhhh the real world is a lot harder to manage or check than a game, which has logs and statistics about nearly everything.


If there’s a demand there will always be a supply. There also needs to be a will to enforce it.

‘Just say it’s not allowed and it will stop’ I mean, that’s laughable.