Both the EU / US forums should be combined

I feel like if both forums were combined we would find a much greater discussion pool towards everything that is Warcraft and feel like with how much the company itself makes this should be more than doable.

I’m assuming the reasons this happens is because of regions but I do feel in a forum setting it would be ideal not only for the players but also for blizzard to get a better understanding of what’s being spoken about in more common basis.

What do you think?


I think they should stay separate because the flag-gangs are much more active on the US forums. And I mean flagging posts/threads posted by people who have said something in the past that they got a forum vacation for or something like that.

I understand this kind of thing is very common these days, cancelling someone, not taking their apologies seriously and just giving them no second chances, but I feel like there are places where people go to great lengths with that type of anti-bullying (which sounds ironic because some of the people joining the crowd have sincerely good intentions).

Also I kind of like the more intimate feel here. You have time to read all posts during the day for the most part. Sometimes the US forums get very spammy too, and the off-topic tendencies are much greater, especially on the weekend. So the great threads get buried deep beneath Khaz Algar :smiley:

I think it is just a matter of time they will be merged, though


Having another flag-gang might not be too bad, might even out the one we got here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


some really interesting points I wasn’t aware that the US forum was a lot more unforgiving than the Eu forums.

It has mostly to do with people just being much more active there in comparison. I think many EU users have an account there as well so they can participate. Very rarely does a new topic not get any answers for example.

Yeah tbh for the most part the EU forums are quite civil compared to the US counterpart. I can speak only for myself of course :smiley: But they have a lot more outright trolling there as well. And the few times some posts have been removed here in the EU forums were because someone had an unresolved or imaginary beef with someone else.

But yeah I think the merging of the two is an eventuality. Until then we can call this place OURS :smiley:

The US forums is a cesspool of non wow related topic. Their culture and the rest of the world dont mix well.


I have zero interest in taking part in the US forums. I have a character that can post there.

We don’t have the same reset days, we don’t have exactly the same client, we can’t help each other out in game, we are in different regions.

I just don’t see the appeal. We are not the same.


I think it would be better if the devs started paying attention to the EU forums. When was the last time we had a blue reply to anything arround here? Giving feedback, sharing concerns and discussing ideas feels like screaming into a empty void, when we never get any repsonse to anything.
Personally i have no interest in engaging with the US forums, too much political extremism going on over there, but it would be nice to have some indication that devs actually read EU forum posts aswell, since we represent at least as big a portion of the playerbase as US.

I would prefer combined forums, or at least be able to post with my play-character over there. I did make a US starter character so I can post on the US forums, but I’d prefer using a proper character for that purpose.

The only real downside I see is that making in-game friends through the forums would be harder (I’ve played with Uda, Amonet and Keento that I met through the forum, and I enjoyed that a lot).

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To be fair the EU is just the same :smiley:

Totally agree there.

I do not think that is true. just the have more admins/mods to be seen doing things to the threads.

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You can go to Reddit and chat with all WoW regions with few restrictions.

Us forum is worse. Much worse. Terrible.


I do wish they would let US accounts to be merged to EU to be honest or create a super server that allows you to go between both through a process if u move country or previously played on one not in ur region my friend has that issue and had to walk away from 5 years worth of gaming to come here.


Yeah but the EU forums have died out compared to what it was its down to about 20/30 user’s now in its hey day it was just as bad.

I’m for it.
I love seeing different takes from different cultures and perspectives. Makes discussions more interesting and diverse.

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As someone who actively uses the us forums… the eu posters would get eaten alive.

Its for the best the two are seperate.


I am not opposed to combining the forums. The forums software is based on Discourse, and they could build this now to authenticate your character from any region.

But the question is how to migrate old threads. They’d probably have to archive this board in some way.

The even bigger question is culture fit. The vibe on the EU forums is definitely different from US.


Shame being an undead priest I would have enjoyed watching that.

I never understood this split. It isn’t that we are playing a different game.

It was originally because of a technical reason. The game’s regions being separated meant that the character databases were separated. That separation still mostly exists, but some parts in the background are combined.

I think its being kept that way for community management reasons.