Both the EU / US forums should be combined

For the umpteenth time I have no admin powers on the forums. If someone is getting flagged. I suggest they look at their own behaviour.

If people could stop naming and shaming me for things that are nothing to do with me I’d be very happy.

If you (in the general sense) are someone who can’t adhere to the rules of the forum. Don’t blame me.

So sick a minority of posters derailing every subject with this nonsense.


Just to clarify I never named or shamed you per say as I said that I didn’t believe it to be true. I merely gave someone the answer to the question they asked, if you have a problem with me doing that then maybe you and this person should actually sort out the problem and go forward being either friends or simply block and mute each other.

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Considering yet another post is flagged that doesn’t break the CoC in any way simply because its slightly unfavorable to this person does speak to some truth in what the general consensus is around here.

Was that post flagworthy? No.

Stop using flagging as a downvote and stick to the topic at hand.

That said, no clue what moderation is like on the US forums but I sure hope its better than here where it feels like a once a week occurrence.


all im saying is that if you want to insult me do it.
you want to answer me? do it?>
but do it with reason not bans and reports.
i ask some questions (really heavy questions) and all i get is ban . why
when when i argue with you right im not getting mass report but as soon as she joins the chat this happens?
i have right to think about some things


I dont know your history with Puny. I saw some days ago she tried to explain cross realm sharding to you and you had a go at her instead of just either ignoring her or saying thanks for explaining why u see the same bots no matter what realm u log into. Thats what gets you in trouble. If u cant handle Puny, or dont like her, the forum has a nice little ignore function you can use to not see her posts.


You’re 100% within your right to talk about anything that doesn’t discredit the COC and have opinions that follow the Code of Conduct

I have heard stories of others having the same problem in the same situation but until you make a ticket and have it investigated you’ll not have a resolution to your situation.


look my friend their knowledeg about this was good but not as me
i was talking about phase and multiple accounts and things like this but she was talking about if you put your monk statue in a realm on the ground you can see it in another realm too so its not 500 account but they didnt know we went to 30 diffrent realms in warmode off and on and see their army of account . not even in connected realms but in disconnected realms too.
i never talk without facts. but sadly they was not sure what im talking about

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It’s the same with the hyperspawn in Azure Span. 8 months 2 parties of Zandalari Hunters are farming non stop… no idea about this but check them every time i’m doing some Wq

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And all im saying is that sometimes its just better to not get into an argument abt things and just ignore and move on. If you start with personal attacks you will 100% get flagged, no matter who it is you argue with.

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Would be nice to have more interaction from blues over here, I do feel were slightly ignored at the best of times.

Ah so thats what i was seeing yesterday when i was doing some quests in azure span. Some hunters just doing barrage constantly so everything died :sweat_smile:


i was doing this in the first days but when they remove ban and silenced me when i was talking how make wow clean i was angry i asked them why and i got no answeres but after a while i found every time that she is in my topic this will happens


The funny is that they are months and months there and they have the same gear 420k health all of them with same pieces (prob multibox+boot_)

I’ll make sure to go back and report them. First time i see something like that so wasnt sure if they were botting or not.

Don’t expect anything they are more valuable than you

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yes most of them are playing with borrowed accounts and they farm for someone els and that guy pays them. thats why they have no right to do anything els with that account but farming. so mostly they are low

Oh i dont expect anything, but at least i’ll know i did my duty :blush:

Americans tend to not understand sarcasm.

Its bad enough here with people missunderstanding intentions of posts in their own ways.

If usa was here people like me or anyone opinionated would be forever banned.

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Other than that i hope to see Us-Eu combined .

There are so many topics in Us forums that Eu forums is like Fallout wasteland :smiley:


guys im going in the game . thanks for your time it was a noice chat GL