Both the EU / US forums should be combined

I never read the US forums so dont really know how it is over there. I dont feel any strong need to be on same forum as them, but it would probably make the forums more «alive» then they are now.

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They gave up on the eu forum long ago most people use it as a chat group now.

Most the key posters here probably already actively post on NA forums

Its very toxic but like in a fun way.
Its also extremely fast paced. You never run out of things to read or people replying to you.
People can be extremely aggressive to you on one thread, and your bff on another.

Ive had to check myself when coming back to talk on the eu forums because what would be a normal conversion there would get you banned here haha

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I did make a char for it when they made the community council, but i never got around to actually start reading and using the US forum. Maybe if i get too bored with EU at some point and need my popcorn fix :popcorn:


I made one for beta testing feedback ages ago, I can’t remember what expansion it was now but they didn’t have an equivalent on EU at the start. Very occasionally I will post on a the bug report forum but generally I just fill in a bug report in game.

Thats the thing though, it does matter. Anyone here could argue and more likely than not nohing would happen. It sucks but its true and its getting tiresome pretending it doesnt happen.

But again to the topic at hand :joy:

Yeah same, but I suppose due to the whole tues/wed maintenance etc they keep it separate as well.

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I wouldn’t say that’s what’s happening.
From what I have seen is people get rightfully suspended and then, on the very first day their vacation ends, they repost almost the exact same thing they were suspended for. No wonder they get flagged. The main issue is that suspensions tend to be way to short, so obviously people don’t learn


You left out the essential part of what i said though, if you start using personal attacks it will get flagged. At least most of the time. You can argue all you want without starting to insult the person(s) you are arguing with. But enough abt that indeed.

Yeah I was trying to say it happens more rarely here than on the US forums. In general, people tend to be more civil here, no?

I would have to agree. On US forums there often very politically charged topics that go south very quickly. They usually result in namecalling and prompt closure by moderation :dracthyr_crylaugh:
The other issue is that people use flags as replacement for downvote button. I’ve once made a thread that was favorable towards Plunderstorm(unpopular opinion, I know). That thread was flagged and then restored by staff 3 times :dracthyr_shrug:


Fur the Horde.

I am suspicious.

No you’re just a hot mom.

Also thanks everyone for your views on the matter i understand why people would and wouldn’t want them to be combined.

It might give blizzard a reason to update and make their COC a lot more detailed maybe :slight_smile:

And they’re bloody yanks, innit gov!?


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Then Blizzard mods need to get themselves into gear and take an absolute no nonsense approach to abusing the report function… giving those abusing it a month long vacation without appeal.


You should be :imp:

To give my opinion on the subject. While I personally wouldn’t mind if forums were to be combined, I can also see that a lot of people enjoy different “vibe” of EU version. So I’m more than fine with them staying separate. I just wish I could use the same character on both.

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Actual abuse, like flagging on multiple alts is punished.

Flagging gangs don’t really exist. Yes sometimes a post is buried and it’s hard to work out why, other than maybe people disagreed but people may also simply feel someone is trolling but that’s for a moderator to review and apply the rules if applicable. Five flags isn’t hard to reach IMO, there are enough people on these forums to make that pretty insignificant.

The bulk of the buried posts are naming/shaming, insults, racist/xenophobic, mentioning private servers or simply masked swearing. No one is immune, I’ve had stuff buried and restored, it is a shame when posts aren’t always restored when no action is taken though.

I think people hide behind blaming others because it’s easier than accepting responsibility and not doing that behaviour again. I don’t find it hard to post within the rules. Though the filter has occasionally caught me out with things I have no idea what they mean in the context of being banned. Usually a word that is more known in the US than this side of the pond.

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I usually do not argue with anyone. But it is clear from the evidence that Goldray was really right, i know that you two having this kind of fights for a long time but if you noticed each time that a fight starts his post gets muted either by you or your fans.
im not trying take his side but i say what i see


Can we just focus on what the OP asked and not the same bothersome conspiracy, it is all the time now and so many threads get derailed just quit it and start brushing it off and carry on with topic started.
If you are annoyed by somebody ignore them and if they have been rude flag them but stop all the drama let the forum mods and the CoC deal with it.
It is getting to the point we will have no posters left either due to vacations or people that fed up they just do not post anymore which would be a great shame to see.


I have no ‘beef’ with anyone and frankly find the whole concept childish. A blind man can see I am never the aggressor. I am just here for fun and interesting conversations and occasionally we help others out too.

I treat posts in their own right, for the merit of the topic/discussion they bring. There are posters I’ve agreed and disagreed with their points of discussions. That’s how opinions work. However insulting others or blaming them is not discussion.

Several regulars I keep in touch with can barely be bothered with the forums because of how awful this behaviour is. I think the only way to stop it is to ignore it and move on. Lets stop letting a few derail.

I’m really looking forward to the new expansion.

As for the EU/US. I don’t think they are going to be a happy marriage, at present people can choose to take part in both courtesy of their EU sub, providing they make a US starter account on that bnet and level a character to 10. Doesn’t really take long. I’m not sure if you can just create a timerunner now. Would be instant then.

Who knows it may happen one day. But it’s going to be so annoying with half the players out of sync with the other half due to different dates for everything. I really don’t fancy moving onto a US reset time. It’s really awkward for most of us in the EU.

Man what in gods name did I unleash when I made this nice little chill topic.