Both the EU / US forums should be combined

Yeah but they pretend to be the good guys so it’s all okay!


Interesting you should name her. Interesting. Are you still stalking her on AD and mentioning her when she isn’t even IN the thread? You have a worrying obsession with Afenton that really needs to be either stopped by you or Blizzard.

If you wanted me to explode on you Skull you should have been here a few weeks ago.

But I wouldn’t because, sadly for you, you’re not Loréal.

You’re not worth it.


Talk about unhealthy :roll_eyes:

Given how she in the latest Puny thread ‘‘Are you horde or alliance’’ or whatever… She responded… ‘‘Horde… I sometimes play alliance but mostly Horde it is way more interesting trade chat :smiling_imp:’’ Id say she stalks me more than the other way around. Given how I account for like 80% of the horde trade chat social chat

She did do me a great service by ignoring me here on the forums though… Unlike you…
Why you think I’d want anything to do with someone who constantly lies about me. And mentions me in a bad light here on the forums is beyond me.

But lets just say I am more afraid of her than she is of me.

I don’t know about this… Or what your talking about… But soul? I promised to not derail this thread any further… Why don’t you join me?

If you wanna talk :poop: to me or about me… we can add each other on disc

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The very fact you managed to come away with the takeaway “SHE’S TALKING ABOUT ME!!” speaks volumes. That did you NO favours whatsoever, if anything it exacerbated it.

Get over it dude. Seriously.

Yet you Keep. Bringing. Her Up…

lol no you don’t. But if it’s any consolation, judging by the screenshots I have seen, she’s not the only one you like to harass on AD chat. I don’t even HAVE a toon on AD I played with for at least 4 years yet I’m somehow in your rogue’s gallery.

No one is going to “hate you” just because you have some warped sense of “I need attention!” no matter how many times you beg on the forum or make yourself a laughing stock in AD chat. Well. The 20% of all AD users using chat when you’re not hogging the 80% of it. How paranoid do you have to be to believe than an entire realm, one of the biggest realms in the game, all have a vendetta against you… I feel sorry for the player who has “Souldefiler” on that realm, they must be seeing your 80% of chat and thinking “Eh? What did I do? I don’t know you and I never use the forum…”

Where have I lied about you Skull.

Did you or did you not in a previous thread ask that everyone hate you?
Did you or did you not continue to peddle conspiracy theory on AD chat channels claiming you were being harassed by every poster you could name that second?
Do you or do you not peddle the conspiracy theory that the forum is rigged against you and posters get away with stuff you don’t?

That’s your problem. Not hers.

And that shows her quality. That she isn’t in the least bit perturbed by a mewling manchild crying because people were mean to him on an online forum.

But if you want SOME validation that she is indeed a cruel vicious monster…

She has been known to stalk me on Blade’s Edge on a moth mount so she can run around me with Arfus. Then I just tell her to wait here until I get my Hunter then she screams in terror and flees.

Maybe try that? Roll a hunter.

No I won’t be doing that. You wouldn’t last 10 seconds. This forum protects you here.

We are literally playing on the same server :man_facepalming: And you guys have been dogwistling and talking about me ever since I got banned…


actuall… (You take screenshots of me in trade but deny stalking me lmao… then in the same breath say I am the stalker is rich)

Christ (Did i? Why don’t you show us? I would love some context… I still find it ritch you are calling me the stalker… When you are literally following my every move and comment. Would love to see what Skullfox ‘‘harrasment’’ looks like in comparison to you guys)


Alright you do you dude… Stop being so desperate. I don’t know what I did to set you off so much lately but I have seen it.

You either directly or inderectly or dogwhistle about me all the time. If you don’t wanna settle this then thats fine. But i guess il be the one for a change to tell you guys too ‘‘let it go’’ for once.

Enough derailing the topic then. It’s not okey when I do it. And its not okey when you do it either… This aint rules for me but not for you.

Forums protect you guys way more and beyond. And thanks for letting me know I guess.
Yet somehow I am the stalker and the harasser? I can’t believe you guys even believe your own crap your saying.

Still would like to know how I’ve harrassed anyone and what you guys define harrasment as. I truly want to know now


ngl i dont think the us forums should be joined with these forums

its hard enough being the most hated guy in the whole eu but would be awful being the most hated guy in whole world

ofc americans tend to like me because i have a great work out routine but until they see my pictures of my 84 inch biceps we do not get along for some reason

they seem to think i am too dramatic

i tried playing on us servers once but no one wanted to be my friend the whole server was out to get me because i said i liked torghast
they forced me to unsub and throw away my computer

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Thorghast was fine in the end… And something else to do besides m+ and raiding at least.

It just released in a very unbalanced way and people got extreme fomo for not getting their legendaries fast enough to keep up with the m+ keys.

‘‘If i don’t get this ASAP I wont do enough DPS or be as good and I wont get invited to keys! everyone is going to leave me behind! And il never get keys done!’’

But the final version of thorghast was fine and doable. And fun even

But did you remember to keep all that “art” I sent you on request? I don’t want to spend 12 hours emailing you that stuff again.

I would love if you showed us all if not at least me the ‘‘art’’ you collected from totally not stalking me

You and tens of thousands of others. Did it EVER occur to you that you may NOT be the centre of attention in AD?

No we haven’t. If you refer to the forums, you have not been mentioned ONCE.

No not Jesus, Afenton.

No I didn’t. Because I don’t play on AD. Kindly remind us how someone who doesn’t play on AD can take screenshots of AD chat.

No seriously. Tell us. We’ll wait.

What I HAVE seen, and from at least TWO different sources, is you naming and shaming people in AD chat deliberately trying to play the victim game. I would post them Skull but unlike you, I’m not out to get banned to prove a point.

And don’t ask me to link them. I’m not that stupid. Neither are you.

Did you or did you not bring up Afenton when she hasn’t even written in this thread or indeed been active on the forum for about 3 months now.

Again. No I don’t. I’m only trplying to you because A, I feel it necessary to try and educate you, and B. Well there is no B because the A was so great.

I’m sorry you spend all day worrying that Souldefiler, scourge of the Forums with spies everywhere in the game and Blizzard dancing to my tune spends all their time worrying about what Skullfox may be doing that day. Frankly I’d rather watch my dogs clean themselves.

No, again. Afenton. Not God. She might be your God, but she’s not mine.

I’m not the one asking for a discord “fight”. Oh right. You’re a forum PvPer… Yeah we all remember that one too.

Nope. Only when you blow little snotbubbles about your latest “everyone’s out to get me”.

Why would I want to fill an already bursting discord DM with your desperate need to “forum pvp”. Regardless of the fact you wouldn’t last ten seconds, I’m not going to oblige your sad little cry for attention. I prefer to let you sit and fume with your little arms crossed.

Yes they are. You’re talking to a guy who once got a ban for posting a video of a bald bloke in a wheelybin.

There you go. You answered your own question previously. Well done. No really. Well done. If you wanted yourself to look silly, you didn’t need my help in any way whatsoever.

Already told you. But here’s a recap.

Going onto AD chat channels and naming and shaming people from the forum who don’t even play on that realm.

Now Skull. Ask yourself THIS question.

What would YOU do if I was to go around Blade’s Edge and naming and shaming YOU to everyone.

If you say “meh. I wouldn’t care” we all know, Even you. That you are lying to try and save face.

Given Afentons affixation for trolling me and your guys recent dogwhistling about me ‘‘the guy who gets yelled at only but isn’t at fault for anything…’’ Of witch you above even entered the chat with me saying I was… I have my severe doubts.

Dogwhistling is the art of talking crap about someone without directly mentioning them… And I am not that stupid to haven’t noticed how many times you in particular have cried about the ‘‘guy that always gets yelled at but never takes blame’’ lately…

I don’t care if it was you or who ever did it… The fact of the matter is you came in here and said I somehow stalk afenton… When you guys are literally following me around taking screenshots and sharing it amongst each other and calling me the stalker later…

Its increadibly two faced in comparison.

As for naming and shaming these two people? The only time I have named and shamed anyone on AD was the guy who tried to sell RP names here on the forums. And appeared in trade chat later trying to do the same… Whom later sent his friends on me to send me death threaths… WHO LATER aftenton defended. After a 12 hour trade chat battle.

If there are more accounts than that, I would like to know what the hell you are talking about.

Did you or did you not in return literally bring up screenshots you and your friends are taking off me when I speak in trade or anywhere else for that matter?

As for mentioning afenton context matters. I brought up Afenton cause she actually followed trough and ignored me as I had hoped you would do to… That is not stalking.

I am not either… I am asking for for you to stop derailing this thread and take up any crap you have with me over on discord. Rather than derailing this thread further… there is a difference.

Yeah no… Like I said i have been reading the forums. And you out of all the regulars seems to have me on your mind the most lately.

Mhm… yeah alright… So instead you wanna take our loundry out here before everybody and take your desperation to defend your self in front of everyone? While we could have cleared this out and be over with it in minutes in stead. But you do you.

No they are not.

I am sure you could sacrefice a months ban or so if it meant convincing the whole forums how evil and vile I truly am.

At least help me out. Who have I named and shamed… What did i do? Cause I really cannot recall

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The only way I found facebook useable was to use one of the settings, ironically it’s called Feeds and it’s hidden with a drop down/expand menu. This shows me the updates of the people I’m friends with or specifically follow.

On Insta I reject every suggested page but it’s a pain in the posterior to keep all their suggestions at bay. I can cope with the odd ad once every five posts but I only want to see the people I follow.

On twitter I use the ‘following’ to actually see the updates from the people I am am interested in. Occasionally I venture into ‘for you’ but mostly it’s just whatever some algorithm thinks I want to see and often it’s got no clue.

I did join the various spin offs when twitter starting going down the tubes but I haven’t really found them the same, the engagement just isn’t there.

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