Bots are everywhere

Never played long on pservers but it makes sense that there is almost no bots down there because their presence is against interest of the server. Unless there is cash shop which sells in-game currency bots are bad for business because they inflate prices by pumping gold into economy. Inflated prices > need for gold > increase need to buy gold. I am not an economist but I think that’s how it’s works

My experience on private servers is that people for whatever reason think there is no botting.

Botting on pservers happens differently and in most cases not so obviously like on Blizz realms.

And I never played on the low pop ones with a handfull of people so idc how some dead server manages to be Bot free because nobody wants to play there… The big ones have the same issues, botting and goldselling on top of that they have hacking going on in a much bigger scope than on Blizz

I start feeling the same here like they are in connection with the sell websites .

Private servers usually can’t get sued if they kick a legitimate player

Private servers better than the blizzard service against bots. thats a fact.

neither can blizzard…maybe go read the current TOS
they can ban you without giving a reason.

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How are people so naive?

I’ve noticed a lot of bot hunters and rogues in the open world while levelling. It’s a fair bit of free honour though which is nice

Bumping again, attempting to quietly farm Marks of Sargeras early in the morning… 3 Horde and 1 Alliance Bot at Death’s Door area farming away.

This is absolutely ruining the game for me at the moment and i’m actually considering just quitting again. I am trying to play properly by farming materials in my spare time etc and its just become a massive chore due to the amount of bots. It seems that Blizzard almost want you to purchase gold from the third party sites, the only other option now is to roll a mage and boost dungeons for gold (even then you are supporting the bots by buying their farmed items).

Its disgusting.

I have read the TOS and as far as i can remember it hasn’t been challenged in court so it’s legal value is still undetermined.

the fact that you press agree on “we can ban you without giving you a reason” will make nothing helps if you get a sudden ban for no reason & without been giving a reason.

you can’t gain anything by suing blizzard if they banned you, cus after all? you own nothing.

Now there are more bots in open world areas than actual players. I already cancelled my sub. Good job, Blizzard.


blizzard is surprised that people are departing from wow tbc classic? Bots are everywhere, you can’t farm normally anymore because there are bots on every spot. I’m also canceling my subscriptions any time soon … I won’t be playing a game where cheaters are acceptable

They are coming back so fast because there is lvl58 boost. There is no fix for this except by banning bots literally on daily basis which won’t happen.

On my realm there is a druid bot in Terokkar forest who used to be botting in Azshara before TBC. I reported it then and I reported it now. Still there botting. This one’s not boosted ofc, but I’ve seen several other bots on boosted chars still with some communal greens.

I’m absolutely shocked that bots are everywhere when they added boosts to the game! Absolutely shocked, couldn’t have seen it coming that it would be even worse than Classic which was bad enough.

From what I can tell there’s been a weird bug where if you use their nameplate to report them and they run far enough to where their nameplate disappears when you submit it d/cs you.

activision boss too busy rolling on dough and smoking grass to deal with cleaning up the game. I mean a clean and tidy game is a great game.

There will always be bots. Kill them if you can, report them, but do not expect anything. Its been like this for years now.

Bots at throne. Bots at dead mire. Bots at mage village. Bots at brd. Bots everywhere.

Stop the bots! Respond to reports! Stop just letting bots take over every farm spot.