I’ve now been reporting the same bots for over a month… /who deadwind pass, see a guildless hunter there? Yeah you’re 99% sure thats a bot. How they even level 1-60 and manage to farm for months despite countless reports is beyond me.
*deleted names of the bots as it may be monkaTOS… I’m sadly not immune to bans since i’m not botting or a part of the mafia!
Find your celebrity at Deadwind pass any time on any day of the week with their best friend Boar.
Reality is, go to any place in the game and you got bots leveling, farming, flyhacking, teleporting. And yall said you increased the black lotus spawn rate…?
From 2023, source
“We hear folks say things like “just ban the bots” a lot. We ban tens of thousands of bots a week. It’s not visible to you just how much we do, and that is absolutely another problem in itself; we need to be better at surfacing these actions (more on this later). The truth is we’ve never been better and more effective at identifying and actioning malicious accounts, and our Game Security Operations (GSO) team that handle these actions are iterating and innovating on a nearly daily basis.”
Did you get better? Did you get better at surfacing these actions? Is this what innovating on a nearly daily basis for 640 days looks like, on anniversary servers with GDKP banned?
Will we see any bots banned before GTA 6 release? I heard the mafia discord mass reports are succesfully banning more actual players than blizzard bans bots.
Is that the solution? Massive player discords mass reporting bots? Seems to be working just fine for these derps and with no consequence at all!
Try to undercut boosting prices: YOU’RE BANNED SIR.
Start botting: YOU’RE GOOD, SIR, no ban for you our most valuable customer sir, sir.
With the amount of bots it MUST be good business! Should’ve exploited the SOD boons for ez thousands of gold, should’ve botted so I didn’t have to level or farm any gold at all. So many mistakes! Exploit early and exploit often, it doesn’t pay off to be a good boi!
oh, and start banning the gold buyers! Buying gold is clearly with no consequence too, sigh, but then again you would lose subscriptions, right. Damn what wouldn’t the investors say, they want sub numbers up up up and never down!