Botting problem

It feels and looks like there is a huge increase in botting last 2 months. Usually they are at tamed bloodfeaster spots. Even atm all the spots that drop that mount has a group of balance druids even mounts up at the same time. Idk how often blizzard bans them but the group i’m reporting for like 3 weeks still didn’t get punished.
Blizzard please do something about it


The multiboxing addon EMA allows all to mount up at the same time with the master character - just so you know.

If it is a legit boxer they aren’t doing anything wrong… if they are bots that is bannable.

This isn’t multiboxing i’ve been observing them for a while . They are there 7/24 without a break day or night doesn’t matter. Same people and actually all the spots probably taken by the same guy cuz names are identical

How do you know?

Are you also there 24/7 watching them?

Yeah sounds like a multiboxer - bots have random weird names.

Yes i’ve been watching them. I do have a weird playing schedule because of work . Sometimes i play at 3 am and sometimes i do play on normal hours and whenever i log in i went to see if there is anyone still there. I always see the same names farming without stop

I talked to a guy who multiboxed for 20+ hours every day to farm gold… yes there are people that play to that extreme.

Unless you whisper them, don’t assume stuff. If they don’t reply even after several tries but they are clearly attacking mobs, sure, they might be bots…but for god’s sake, make sure and don’t report cuz ohmahgawd they mounted up at the same time.

I can’t tell you how many times i had to talk with Blizzard because people falsely report for botting.

Oh and on a personal note, sometimes i do farm +10 hours a day.

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I have never had a Blue contact me due to reports in 12+ years of boxing. Maybe it’s because I only box 3-5?

Yea no idea, i have been teleported several times aswell, checking if im actually there… usually i start spamming chat and jumping around with like IIIMM HEREEE NOT A BOT. :rofl: It is rare but it happens, especially when u don’t move for a long time.

I whispered / tried to duel every character / send trades multiple times to every character in that group. I do know there are multiboxers and it’s legal but a full stack group doesn’t respond to anything attacking without stopping for 3 weeks straight is not natural. I wouldn’t created this topic if i wouldn’t be sure that they are botting.

We can block all of that with a multiboxing addon :stuck_out_tongue:

(Thanks Ebony)

Some boxers turn off all games comms in - people don’t have to reply if they don’t want to.

at the end of the day, the report system is absolute …
People abuse it daily for various reasons and it is impossible to know if anything happens or not. 2 days ago i got a real life threat by someone and also asked for my address who was mad because i took a phase for myself and i reported the guy, no idea if Blizzard does anything.

lets be realistic here, those are bots 99% of the time.

i have seen those “multiboxer” druid partys many times. and in nazjatar, they follow the exact same flypoint around the map that is set by the bot program. make turns at the exact same spots over and over e.g

Yeah, done the same thing for months to build capital for my 8 accounts as a multiboxer. Herbing, mining. Again, make sure they are bots. That 99% is far from the truth.

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Then only thing i can do is keep doing what i do and check them time to time to see if anything changed. I’ll just continue reporting those to see if anything happens and if they are botting i should see results soon then?
But my problem is not knowing how often blizzard takes action or checks them

Report and move on… it’s not your issue to deal with past the initial report.

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it is completly random. Few months ago i went to Stormwind and Goldshire to do a mount show and entertain people with 8 accounts…guess what happened? Got reported, got silenced for days cuz BOOOOOT :angry:

Did you speak with Blizzard about them putting a note on your account that you are a known multiboxer?

I called them on the phone years ago to do it and have had no issues.

Honestly, i love Asmon and his content, he is an awesome streamer and a cool guy…but i hate it when he goes on a bot hunting rampage, the thousands of spergs in the viewers don’t care if someone is a bot or a multiboxer, they see druids with similar names and they report people like madmen.