Botting problem

I always reply to whispers or chat, then if they get abusive I tell them to stop or I will report them for harassment.

Yea i might actually do that eventually. At this point i am even worried when i transfer millions from character to character lol.

Yeah I would, it will save a lot of hassle for the gms and you.

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yeah blizzard knows i am multiboxing aswell . never had any pobloms with anyone in game for a long time …

How many do you box? Do you have a note on your account?

moustly 5x diff classes

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No matter how many posts people made with this, its always ends this way.

Multiboxers argue with non-multiboxers, over bots.

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I’m not arguing.

Bots are bad and should be banned. Many times people get confused though.

That’s why it’s best to report and move on, a bit weird to keep checking on them.

Yeah but anytime someone make a post about bots, the 1st question is: “are you sure it was a bot”.
And where we go again…

The never ending cycle continues.

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You can only blame the people for having no knowledge and assuming stuff which is backed by the bad report system we have in game.

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It’s a fair question. No bot is running around with identical names.

As multiboxers we don’t have to duel, trade or reply to you. Doesn’t make us bots.

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I personall dont care about it anymore, i dont report anyone, be it bot or multiboxer, or premade group finder advertiser. Nothing will change $$ over all.

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Blizzard do ban bots.

I also know of a 24 multiboxer that got a perma ban reduced to 6 months recently - even though they say they did nothing wrong.

Even the 6 months are stupid if he didn’t do anything bad…this is why i hate this report system

Yeah it makes no sense… why reduce it if they are so sure they broke the rules?

wow token price goes up more peoples buys tokens almoust 200k+ now

It was higher last week

When someone buy it with cash (to get gold), it goes down

When someone buy it with gold (to get subscribtion/balance) it goes up.

Depending how many there is of each of those, it either goes up or down.

Is it in the area of war campaign alliance in naznir? Where blood trolls? I saw 10 yesterday. I thought they are bots . But then they mounted all together. I think that’s just multiscum. Bots are in Isle of thunder farming tmgos and mote of harmony and cloth. They run around in circles, 15 yards away from each other so this can’t be a multi boxer…

ITT salty multiboxers getting mad as hell when players report on bot activity and claim its a boxer.

Just lol @ the state of multiboxers with huge chips on their shoulders. You know deep down your automated playstyle is only allowed because activision loves that sweet $$$.

Keep reporting them, that’s all I can suggest. I know it seems frustrating when they don’t instantly disappear but Blizzard do want to hear about bot accounts.

They like to send thank you in game mails to players who help remove bots. It would look something like this