Botting problem

Makes a change from Horde bias I guess :woman_shrugging:

anyone who contributes to the destruction of a healthy in-game economy is scum. that includes multiboxers, boters, boosters, token buyers etc

I’m not going to argue with you, shame you need to resort to insults.

I am off to reactivate some accounts to go 5 box.

Laters :wave:

Boradcasting macros, keybinds, playing around with window layouts, CPU usage, etc. can be done without a single third party program, all of these can be found ingame and with a little bit of knowledge how things work and what stands as automated and broadcasted.

Don’t get confused over automating and broadcasting stuff, two completly different things. Also, there are several blue posts (even archived ones) confirming why is it allowed. Do some research then come back.

I think its a fair reason to be annoyed when people with absolutely zero knowledge start assuming stuff and trying to push the bot agenda upon you.

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i thought u said u didnt farm anything lol?

I’ve reported this forever and all I ever get told is that they’re multiboxers. Though they’re clearly using AHK to sit there 24/7 - so if you have a guardian druid, just sit on them and AHK swipe and right click and watch a movie.

Not all multiboxers are bots, but all bots are multiboxers.

everything for blizz must be done for free. Report,provide evidence and what not. They must control their game and what is going on there.

Well I did some outdoor raw farming for the first time today and I made 50k in 3 hours not counting the cloth/BoE’s I put on the ah.

I’m on a dead server and it was pretty chill.

i doubt anything will get done… i made my comments on multiboxers a while ago, and apparently if its for farming, its legit either way :slight_smile:

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