Brawl: Southshore VS Tarren Mill is a joke

Why did you make this a thing!? There’s far too many people, farrrrr too laggy and the fact NPCs count towards a kill is ridiculous as well.

I’m trying to understand why you think this current brawl is playable.

It is not and they don’t care. What I have noticed this time is huge queue times. I usually queue whilst doing WQ’s, dailies etc. If it pops during that I join, if not I log on to another character. This week I’ve been in two brawls in total (1 hour+ queues)

It seems people are just not bothering with this alpha level POS

While i cant say it runs perfectly smooth, i dont realy think its that laggy… Ive had harder times in ashran, or during new world bosses, and my pc is pretty medicore, if even…

Also, its unrated, no chalenging content, with barely any reward apart from few honor/cp and fun, nobody forces you to do it and u wont fall behind if u dont, so i dont see why would blizz “fix” that instead of tons of other more important things

compared to vale of eternal lags this brawl or any other bg run nearly lfawless.

It’s been laggy since it was an anniversary event and later returned as a Brawl. For some reason they just can not cope with that many players.

Seriously? I was casting eye beam for 10 seconds. I was 1v1 with a rogue at Alliance base, this wasn’t even grouped, I couldn’t cast anything because of lag.

I like to think of the lag in both this brawl and in epic bgs as an extra layer of rng in the game. Is the person I’m attacking still alive? Is the person I’m healing still in range? Did that spell actually cast? Have I got any vooldowns left? Am I still alive? Who knows? Roll a dice and in 10 seconds you can find out!


You innocents have no idea how that was when 2*40 raid teams met there in vanilla…



To be fair this is probably the one thing in the game where they could leave the lag and call it deliberately authentic. I don’t mind it as it’s a bit of nostalgia.

Like i said… I did 3(?) yesterday, and it was much much better than doing worldboss in vale for example… And once again, my pc is medciore at best…

I wish I could find some of my screenshots from that. But I know that who-is-who on server were all there, and we played on potatoes with web-speeds that younger people cannot even imagine that existed.

I did that brawl myself when it was a anniversary event, and it wasn’t then even as remotely as laggy as the original events it is based on. And I doubt that this 2020 edition is close to either the originals and the 1st anniversary event lag-mode.

The NPCs are important part of the original experience as NPcs also gave dishonorable kills, and horde always tried to lure alliance also get them in combat, and alliance did not sulk on that and returned the favor. When guards got into mix, it meant bad business the team that was pushing.

Does the brawl also give the title in 2020 ?

alliance are not bothering with it. no point in feeding horde 1000 honor kills and conquest. if you want mercenary queue and fight it among yourselves. world of hordecraft

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