Brewmaster totally ignored

I feel like Blizzard forgot Monk has a spec called Brewmaster. Every week there is ZERO update on the spec like there is no problem. In the meanwhile

  • The least played tank spec
  • Worst tank as it falls the easiest
  • Hardest to play so it requires 5+ macros.
    We see weekly changes on the meta classes and on Monk there is always Misteaver and Windwalker.
    Brewmaster? What is this?

We did just recently get a master of harmony buff and this week a shado pan buff. So while we need some more updates it’s not like we don’t exist.
It’s just that other tank classes are more popular.
But yeah I would like a buff to passive tankiness and self sustain

Brew feels actually not like a Tank for me. I think the problem are not the hero trees its the stagger/dodge mechanic in m+. and much to low selfheal with orbs and expel harm.

They also made changes to Paladin and they got from 11% representation to 34% to the prior week where brewmaster is still at 3.9%. Source is mysticstats.


Idk what people have with Brewmasters… I find them extremely durable. Was playing just yesterday with one in SV 11, who was only 620 ilvl. At no point was he even close to dying.
Also, the entire damage rotation can be put on 2-3 buttons basically with 1-2 macros. If might be not the most efficient one but very close to it.
I’d always take Brewmaster over DH or Bdk.

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Shado-pan buffs are just joke. Master of harmony still less yoyo effect. Passive tankiness and self sustain just like Broadbelly said is bad. Blizzard totally ignoring brewmasters. All is matter how warriors do and Oomkins… Sheesh
Zug Zug me smash!

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Will never happened. Brew is the less represented spec in the game so blizz just does not give a sh*t about this spec.
They have data and feedback but just not time neither dev in order to fix it.
Maybe 12.0 they will give it a look but it is not likely to happened.

You clearly not getting it, or dont understand anything about BrM

U don’t , just count how many thousands of prot warrs and bears Mordrim beats in rio score :slight_smile: ‘‘brewmaster terrible tank’’ lmao.

It’s less down to the Brewmaster than to the player Modrim. He could probably be one of the top players with any class, but that doesn’t say anything about the balance of a class.

This is not how stats work. In order to have a better knowledge of how good is a spec you have to look at median and variance in key level and both show that BrM is in a really bad shape.
Popularity of BrM is just a consequence of that. The same goes for the entire monk class actually.
BrM take too much damage compare to how little it can heal. Monk devs, if they exist, are the only one that get the memo about nerfing tank substainability.
The issue is maily sphere barely not poping anymore so monk is one of the 2 tank with war that need to be babysit by a healer except war takes half the damage BrM take.
Blizz should think about choosing a way for BrM between dr (buffing stagger and hp) or healing (doubling sphere proc).
Nuzao as a cooldown also need a major rework.

I think people are exaggerating how bad Brew is by quite a bit.

In raid, it is basically the strongest tank spec and by a mile. No other spec is truly capable of solo tanking Court enrage, taking 2-3 Essences in a row in Ansurek P3 & also the best tank to hold Ansurek+take the Feast in P1.

The only problem I have noticed is the healing orb reduction - Brew suffered the most from the tank nerfs because a lot of their self-heal also came from the S3/S4 tier set, which with sal’salabims just kept you alive on it’s own in a lot of M+ pulls. Now that it’s gone and the healing orb nerfs hit, actively casting vivify has become a thing >.<

^ This means that in content where you won’t always have a pocket healer, like M+, you require a lot more planning and communication compared to other tanks. This is not an issue in the raid, because the only bosses you really need healer assistance are Princessu and Ansurek, and for both of these pre-assigning LoH, TD, GS and so on solve it already.

For this season, it should be fine as is (the spec is playable at a high level and both of the trees are viable to a degree) but for season 2, I 100% agree that we need some support. If we don’t get a tier where we’re as lucky with stagger’s value, the spec won’t see play in high world ranks unless ww or mw are horrible.

BrM need a way to deal with large pack. All other tanks has a way to increase their substainability with the number of mob except BrM either by increasing their resource generation or reducing their active mitigation cooldow or both.
In this category anvil and stave fails badly and mastery does not help neither.
Increase stagger is not the solution since under shuffle we will hit the diminishing return hard cap next season.
The solution could be to remove diminishing return on anvil and stave and increase sphere generation with the number of mobs and increase hp by 10% (for all monk). My biggest concern is nuzao, it needs a massive reworks with ALL its related nodes.

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I don’t think anyone argues that brew isn’t great for raiding, but so is all the other tanks. Most people who are calling for buffs and changes want brew to be a solid pick for M+ because unless you have a group of people to play with you are out of luck enjoying all the gear you earned with mythic raiding.

We have seen specs getting separate auras buffing certain talents and abilities to make them a better fit for dungeons without effecting raid viability. Brew is by far the least wanted specs in all key ranges, the higher you go the worse its get as survivability issues and lack of actually useful group becomes more and more prevelent. You start doing bigger pulls like other tanks can survive and quite frankly stagger, CB, orb healing is just not cutting it anymore. There are brewmasters who can pull it off in organised groups but that’s a luxory a lot of us don’t have, I feel like the strenght, flexibility and coverage of our defensives are just not tuned for this.

A lot of us here just want the devs to take a look into what makes brew an unfavorable pick in keys. What could they add or tune to make them more popular, could a dungeon specific aura help, anything to make them scale better while tanking bigger target counts?

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I mean, Kriislee and Feelzen did some good points. Im 3k io pugging and its been a long pain tbh. Even more when, after having all 11s timed, spent like 2 weeks playing a complete queue simulator as no one wanted to pick me for a 12. I dont want to reroll to warrior, i really have fun with BrM, im not asking to make us the best tanks, im just asking to fix us, cause we are not good atm.

We need Brewmaster’s Balance Armor go from +45% → 65% and HP from +45% → 55-60% .

In adittion we need a rework on our mastery, cause its a bit useless. And a complete rework on Niuzao. I miss S4 SL brew so hard, why cant they just bring s4 tier p4 bonus as a talent??? like they did with legion/SL legendary of 2 stacks on keg smash?

I mean look at this nerf on early TWW “Spirit of the Ox chance to summon a Healing Sphere reduced by 40%.” Wtf

Seriously, dont change playstyle, BrM’s playstyle is perfect as it is rn. Fix aggro issues by reverting nerfs on spinning crane kick damage (Right now is more damage to use TP, just above 6 targets use SCK xd) or on charred passions talent. Increase keg smash hit area by 25%, revert nerf on healing spheres spawn by a 20% and give that buff to armor and hp. Rework Niuzao, atm wasting 4 talent points for something that should be just 1 is ridiculous. You can just put all that niuzao points together, even add one more like "Niuzao suffers 40% of stagger damage instead of 25% and its Stomp deals +25% damge.

Last thing is our mastery. Works nice for raid but almost useless on M+, you could even allow us to have chance of “dodge” magic spells with our mastery, i mean im a drunk boi , tanking, im unpredictable xddd or even decrease the damage of magic spells? idk.


Right now its easier to tank +10 keys on my 606 warrior than it is on my 622 brewmater monk. One ability from trash pack fills the entire stagger bar + losing 40% of hp at the same time. All i do is pray to reset cooldown on purifying brew faster. Keg smash area is so tiny that its impossible to not lose aggro instantly on pull if trash packs does not spawn ontop of eachother immedietly in the beginning.

Damage is nice on brewmaster, except the spinning crane kick and rushing jade wind hits like a wet noodle, whats the point of even pressing them? I find myself almost never pressing them. My 606 ilvl warrior has over 9 million health, and my 622 brewmaster has 8.5 mil hp? lol… Armor is ridiculously low as well tbh and now with yu’lons grace nerfed into the ground, our main magic defense is now stagger whichs get topped from 0 to max in one spell while still also smacking the healthbar at the same time???

Celestial Brew is actually a joke now after all those nerfs. Clear two FULL stagger bars and the shield is 2 million max, its literally broken instantly. Everytime im tanking 10s, the healer is sweating bullets, and i find myself having to KITE sometimes a regular trash pack with 4 mobs just to recover. Meanwhile on warrior, just facetank everything and spam ignore pain, healthbar barely moves.

I had such a great time Season 3 in Dragonflight on my monk playing brewmaster, It was absolutely golden, Big damage, good self sustain and absolutely ZERO aggro problems. Bonedust brew was my favorite talent and its now gone. I now have TWO brews lol.

Please just make brewmaster not bad again, would be much appreciated…

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Patchnotes announced for 27th and guess who is completly ignored.

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Why are we pretending to be surprised, or even remembered?
I still have hope tho. Still I main this friggin spec, and STILL I suffer for it.

I got to 2621 rating, believe me it is extremely hard for brewmaster to tank +11 and higher keys. Almost every pack makes you feel taking burst damage, brewmaster is very weak. I have no idea why Blizz ignores us.


Im doing 13s right now so imagine, there’s not even a window for mistake. 1 wrong GCD and u die. But its been like that since 11s xd

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There’s hardly 200+ Brews doing “high” keys on RIO, compared to the other tanks. We are not a prio but let’s live on copium for a while longer. :joy: :smiling_face_with_tear: