Bring back bonus rolls or give us better bad luck protection please

]Since you like statistics and maths, why dont you calculate what effect it has on motivation of peolpe wanting to progress through content thats soon rendered useless?

Those pver players that are around 200 or higher generally have alot more time then 12 hours per week and I do 3 chars, thus I have 3x the covenant

Well, if you don’t do M+ for fun in the first place…then there is a problem.

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Or they can increase your chances to win with each successive failed roll, so that after 4 failed rolls your chance has gone to 100%. Easy and quick fix.

If you cant understand the simpoly concept of dont change whats not broken and change what was broken we wouldnt be here complaining.

Fact is: TF was the only problem.

Gear that dropped normall for example 100 ilvl, could proc to 145 ilvl due to TF.

Except, it was kind of broken. And I say this as player who mainly did M+ to gear up in BfA.

The problem is our mindset. No more, no less.

Where are those numbers from? You have less than 20% chance. 80% or more chance to fail.

No, TF was broken. Rest just needed a tiny bit of scaling change. But amount of loot was fine…

Well, it is not that bad in my opinion. You can do all sorts of content and have up to 9 choices of gear each week. That is without considering that you would likely get at least something from the content itself. So that is 2 months if you only include the weekly chest and much shorter if you do enough content in between.

IJ dont want welfare quest gear or GV gear. I want my sence of progression back.

But there is progression. The weeky vault itself is progression and depends on how much you have progressed during the week.

“Sence of progression”

Dont use one word. Welfare loot doesnt give people that.

Why do you call that loot welfare? You need to put effort to get all those options, and at high Ilvl at that.

And also, the chance of getting no gear from the content each week is extremely low.

No you don’t.

You do one mists 5 and you get 210 ilvl in GV. Thats not a hard dungean.

But you only get one option if you do one dungeon. If you do more dugeons and raids and PvP you will get 9 options. That is a pretty good chance of getting the upgrade you desire.

Raids do not scale.

LFR only gives 187 loot. You think thats worthwhile?

Normall will only give 200 lookt unless you kill last two bosses.

Do they not give up to 3 additional options depending on the number of bosses killed?

RPG. <- This is what it is aint it?

So why do I even need to explain that my sence of progression shouldnt need to come from GV?

You’re talking about target farming for a BIS? Thats good. I am, talking about soft cap 184-197 range which is no where where one should feel the need to get BIS. The only BIS you could possible need is a legendairy due to the amount of DPS the legendairy adds gives.

What do you mean by soft cap range?

Do you know the meaning of soft cap?