Bring back bonus rolls or give us better bad luck protection please

Aye, but where exactly is this soft cap you speak of? Are you unable to get higher gear than that by doing higher M+ or raids?

Where are your numbers from? 80% chance to fail? Uh ok, get better? Time a key is now 2 items per group which used to be 3. Do the maths yourself.

Standard mythics are a plentyfull source thus make a natural soft cap of 184.

But that soft ccap is made useless cause week 7 is coming soon cause you play 3-4 EBG’s and you get free 197 gear.

Normal mythic dungeons are merely the stepping stone into M+, so that is fine in my opinion.

Who is your main char? I would really love to see formyself how unlucky you were.

I dunno, if They want us to play all forms of content then the answer is to make those fun. To me personally if I want pvp I will go play a different game and raiding is about as engaging as wast hing paint dry…

And that is fine. You are not forced to play all sorts of content if you wish to gear up. You are merely going to be gearing up slower than those who do all sorts of content.

Putting more effort into gearing by doing more diverse forms of content is rewarded with more gear. That is only natural.

I doknt know what it takes for you to see the fundemental issues where M6 and less are not worth people’s time anymore. This used to be different due to the way loot dropped and the way the tier went overtime untill near the end of the tier.

This change happens 5 months before the end of the tier, which is why this is a fundemental flaw because you’re taking heaps of content away from those who have only around 12 hours to play a wweek.

Not really about effort, it’s a game and I’m not going to do content I find weak or uninteresting.

Buit I put more efford then people who play EBG’s. Dungeans take 20-30 minutes. If I play 10 dungeans, I could of played at least 30 ebgs cause EBGS nowadays arnt so epic anymore. They last 8-10 minutes bercause everyone just rushes last two towers or docks.

And that is perfectly fine. Again, you should not have to do content you do not want, or be forced into it. You can still gear by doing what you want. You can do M+ and gear up to 210/215 without ever touching raids or PvP. You will just be gearing slower than you would if you would do everything.

Imagine going from 2.5 guaranteed weekly items to 1 and calling it an upgrade.

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2.5 guaranteed random items which more often than not were a side grade or a downgrade to be disenchanted as opposed to 1 item which has up to 9 different options and therefore is much more likely to be an upgrade?

I think we can both recall the weekly complaints about the weekly chest RNG in BfA.

It went from 2.5 non-gear-improvements to 1 almost guaranteed improvement. Good deal.

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Actually no, I lied.

  1. PvP chest.
  2. Conquest Cap PvP item (pick one)
  3. Mythic + chest
  4. Currency for azerite
  5. Vision item
  6. Coin.
  7. Warfront

People always complained, yet BFA 8.3 after the currency vendors people ran the most alts. Hell I geared 4 of them, two on new servers.

Probably because it’s assumed that between m+ release and week 7, mythic+ players have been sinking time into m+ to get gear above 184.

I mean it’s not free 197 gear, it’s gear that is 158 which you can upgrade to 164, 171, 177, 184, 190 and then 197. Taking a helm as example, that costs a total of 825, 500, 650, 1000, 1250 and then higher than that so probably 1500 and 1800 so you’re looking at about 7500 honor for that “free helm” which takes several hours to grind and that’s assuming your BGs are win streaks and the optimal bg (such as av).
So about the time you can run 6 dungeons, which would net you on average 1 or 2 loot depending on timing.

I fail to see the issue?

As another poster said as well, 197 gear aint all that. Those of us who do rated PvP know firsthand there are pveers in pvp with better gear than us already by some margin looking at health pool disparity. So at best, in 2 weeks we will be closer to them, assuming their gear doesn’t upgrade in 2 weeks.

Maybe you should stop spreading your time between 3 chars. You say you have 12 hours to play, but you’re not using 12 on one char, am I right? So what you’re expecting to see better progression by actually focusing a char maybe 6 hours a week? You’ll see it, but it will be slow ofc. If I only out 6 hours into my PvP guy a week I’d be power in gear as well.

This is a luck problem, not a loot drop problem. You can buff it to 60% and still get no loot in ten runs. What then?

People keep saying stuff is rosy for pvpers, my GV loot was trashy this week. So yay, just conquest then, which I won’t spend until next week due to prices. No upgrades this week then no matter what I do. Marvellous. How’s that for progression?

From all I care, that chest could of been removed too. It wasnt even my main source of progression

Less raid drops
Less m+ drops
Crafted gear very weak
No bonus rolls
PvP gear still bad

Iam sorry do you even raid or do m+ atm do you think it is fine you go over 40+ chances on loot and just get AP .

How dare you sit there and tell us its fine when you are telling players who do far higher and more content than you .

Your whole post is abouit me attacking pvp players?


My post involves about m6 and less being removed as a proper means of progression come week 7. M6 rewards 197 gear.

Normall raid rewards mostly 200 gear etxept for last two bosses.

It doesnht leave much space.

And epic bgs consist of two maps that I know off, The one where everyone goes docks. and the one where everyone goes last twotowers.

On docks you just camp arbalasts and defend = free honor. That doenst take several hours.

I do low keys at the moment, yes. Nothing special.

I am stating my personal opinion on the matter. You are free to disagree. Even if I spammed high keys and had curve at the moment, my opinion would stay the same.

The only point I agree with is that the crafted gear is too weak. It needs to be better in my opinion.