Bring back bonus rolls or give us better bad luck protection please

As the title , i like if we could have atleast 2 BR’s per week just like we had for MoP, WoD, Legion and BFA .

Going 15 raid bosses 2 world bosses and countless mythic+ without loot is crushing .

I can accept bad RnG as i have played without break since 2005 and i love earning my gear via raiding with my guild and doing dungeons with my friends . I will grind countless hours to earn emblems /tokens/currency to fill in missing spots but this system atm is just plain wrong .

Either give us BR’s or look into the BLP system as it does not seem to be working at all if we have one this expac that is .


Pretty much dissapointing. Might try to get into pvp this expansion.


But moooom! I like it the way it is now :sob:

You will be just as disappointed there waiting every week to buy a piece of gear when u can only gain a little bit of conquest per week

Prefer this over wasting 3+ hours to clear raid only to get anima. I didn’t even started heroic and already don’t want to do it.

You just need time to get used to it. It is not that bad.


Well i mean it’s the least they can do by giving us br back we might get some loot.


Incoming “BuT LoOt MatTerS nOW ItS NoT ThAT BaD” comment


It really is that bad and yet again the have made proff gear useless when it was pretty good from classic right up to WoD were you could make an item and then upgrade in later patches .


Its like saying lynching yourself doesn’t hurt… after your skin hardens enough and you get used to pain and misery.

Current system is bad, worse than TF ever was. With TF you could at least get quickly to some baseline power level, now, if you get recked by RNG and not get upgrade for a weapon, you will be below everyone and there is nothing you can do about it (at least for weapon dependant classes)


I’m affraid Blizzard takes weekly chest as bad luck protection and they won’t bother if there won’t be enough shoutout about scarce drops and how unfan game became.


You’ll be more than suprised how many people “dispised” the idea of getting loot left, right and center.

Those types of players go with the excuse: “If we all get too much gear, then what else can we do?! Theres nothing to do after! We’ll be OVERGEARED in less than a week!”, others will say “LOOT has to mean something! You need to EARN IT, if you didn’t sweat, had your girlfriend/boyfriend leave you, your family disowned you or the fact you preserved yourself so well in your room that it’s considered an old abandon tomb, then you didn’t EARN your share!” and then proceed to explain how it’s bad.

How many items used to drop from raids in BfA and before? 5 per 20 like the first raid-week in SL? Now it is 3 for 20.

I mean, for M+ it went down from 3 to 2 per timed run. You can shout out as much as you want, but that is not (only) why some did not get loot for like 10 dungeons. It differs quite a bit, but not thát much.


I see no issue with no bonus rolls. Gear is supposed to be hard to get now. This encourages people to play multiple forms of content, as it is the best way to gear up

Ion wants people who play all sorts of content to have an edge in gearing over those who do not.

It doesnt differ much?

But it does, very much so, the more runs you make.

You cant base this on one run. You have to take multiple into account.

It differs 33%. So not in the slightest chance is this change the reason for no drops in 10+ runs or bosses.

There should be a “debuff” that increasing the drop chance of the items in the same tier after each defeated boss. For example if you cleared 5 boss in normal raid then the next boss should have a 45% chance to drop something, same in m+. By that way they can’t abuse it with farming low lvl keys then do a big one or do normal raid then hc. Or anything really, I would take anything at this point.
Its not normal that I jumped 3 ilvl in 2 weeks while others who were lucky are already over 200 ilvl by doing the same things.

But it does, statasticly wise it definiatly does. The more runs you take into account, there’s a surprise motivationial variable coming into play here.

And on top of that, for 10 runs you had 30+2 chances on loot. Now its just 20.

It doesnt matter about that 33% less chance. If its not fun, its not gonna be fun.

And less not forget first sofft cap for pve players is at 184 while pvp players come week 7 have instant 197 gear.

Yet most PvEers we meet who PvP are already around 200…don’t talk nonsense.

The more runs you do, the closer you get to the 40% chance in M+.

Once again you don’t seem to understand what I meant. In m+ it used to be a 60% chance to gain an item, now 40. That difference does not solely explain the dry streak some players experience.

Since you like statistics and maths, how big is the chance for no item after 10 runs with 60% drop chance vs 10 runs with 40% drop chance?