Bring back bonus rolls or give us better bad luck protection please

I mean with the nerfs to m+ end of run (below heroic raid for content that is way above heroic raid in difficulty at +15) and the decrease in actual loot m+ is dropping then its no longer a viable gearing method past heroic raid.

I’ve considered quitting these last few days. The only upgrades ive had in the last two weeks is 2x vault and a world boss drop. I’ve done 7/10 raid bosses on both weeks and about 20 runs in m+ with around 3 loots in total form them all. That should not be the case, it is not ‘exciting’ to get a drop, there is no relief, there is no ‘awesome’. it is frustrating being so goddam dry. If i wanted a classic gearing system then id play classic.

i feel sorry for you if you get excited over a loot drop that is relevant for only a few months.

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This I agree on. High keys should give the same Ilvl as mythic raid at the equivalent difficulty level, with weekly vault giving the 233 gear.

Excited? No. I have not gotten excited over a gear drop in a while. The only thing that could excite me now is getting the PvP elite set.

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I would like to mention pvp gearing here, and i think it can be increased with a very smooth groth rate, but give a huge bump for 1st ranked title to let people who are focused on pvp a better progression in the form of content they prefer, without feeling the need to go for pve to be on pair with pveers playing arena who are already quite often better geared than dedicated pvp players:
Unranked - 550
1400 - 900
1600 - 1200
1800 - 1350
2100 - 1400

No, I dont, cause I allready had two items from GV on my m+ bar I absolutely dispicr GV implentation because if you get multiple dupes (Already had that to happen) its not a good feeling at all.

Run the hamster wheel.

Run it moooooooore!


I have 3 specs to supply, both my weekly vaults have felt like a waste of time due to getting horrible gear for all my specs already

I swear this vault is friggin rigged, i have 3 different loot prios and i cant even get 1

I am sorry to hear that, friend. I hope your next vault gear will be better!

Ditto, On my previous main, a druid, wich is sitting at 180 ilvl I for sure as hell wont enjoythis method of gearing up and at least baseline getting gear for three 4 different types of loot :confused:

I disagree. BR’s were nothing but a silly idea pre-Activision and for good reason.
Two rules Mike MORHAIME lived by in WOW: 1) Never ask the community to lead the game’s ideas, but be open to supporting community ideas. 2) Never use real money for in game buys. Both have happened. Leave the loot as it is. Everyone’s in the same boat. If you want better loot, do more stuff instead of having alts alts alts. I focus on one main and have many items from mythic dungeons and some raiding. It’s awesome as it is.

They been with Acti since SwP in TBC …

40 loot chances in 1 reset is alot of grind maybe you need to read peoples posts and find out facts before posting tripe .

They are so peity now they do not even gives runes in LFR .

“Make loot matter!”

Mm’yeah, the only reason it mattered was because they came with unique abilities that were overpowered. Not because they had a low drop rate. :rofl:

Well there were also the unique looking ones I guess. Most of the stuff blends in now.

It is terribad if for 4 weeks after expansion lauch I still used previous expansion items, not because I didn’t do stuff. I did clear normal an half hc, did quite a lot M+ and never got any neck up until 2 days ago.

irony is that he himself is just playing mythic raid and nothing else.
no m+, no pvp
biggest troll and mongrel ever existet.

Bonus rolls and raid tiers back. Would be perfect.

Don’t be silly. MMOs are for grinding, not for fun :stuck_out_tongue:

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