Bring back Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to vendor

Hey Blizz, because Shadowlands is delayed please bring back Brutosaur to his vendor until the new prepatch content start, so we have something to do while we wait.

I was motivated to buy him and now I have time to grind because of the bad health situation outside.

Please give me this possibility until prepatch so I can enjoy something and not have to constantly listen about the bad situation outside.

Thanks for understanding,

Loyal WoW player


Might see the mount on the BMAH in the future. :man_shrugging:


I think that the mount looks so cool, I’d love to use it on this character cause it fits so good with my zandalari, a big mighty dino! But alas I’m not very good with my gold :pensive:
I ended up spending it all on flight paths and transmogs! :slight_smile:

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i agree that stuff which was being removed with prepatch in anticipation for a SL release of the end of oct should be put back in the game until 2-3 weeks before SL release.

who knows when SL will release at this point, and as such, its a tad unfair.

however, this mount (and all removed stuff) shouldn’t have actually been removed in the first place :\

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bring back scarab lord, bring back death demise, cqoneueror of naxramas, original razashi raptor, zulian tiger for those who didnt waste $$ on server transfers during wotlk to cheese to get them


Because of Shadowlands and the pre-expansion content delay we saw that Blizz extended the Mythic mount normal drop rate, the Azerite essence availability and Winds of wisdom exp buff.

So Blizz should definitely extend the availability of the Brutosaur mount at the vendor.

Because of the current work from home for many like myself, many of us players would surely like for WoW to keep us involved like getting the Brutosaur until the delayed Shadowlands content.

Hope someone from Blizz sees this, cuz for them its just a hotfix to put Brutosaur back to its vendor until the delayed content finally starts.


You only had a mere 11 months heads up he would go away in the prepatch.

So time to check the BMAH now and pay way more than the 5 million static price he had on the vendor.
And his starting price on the BMAH is 5 million gold :smiley:

So happy farming!

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Yes but unfortunately things did not go according to plan for many this year including Blizz, that is why the expansion delay and the BFA content extension, why not also extend Brutosaur mount at vendor then?

Because they were pretty clear:

It will get removed with the prepatch.

They didnt add in the following line:
The removal might be delayed or changed if we delay the expansion due to issues with the quality of the product we want to deliver.


The removal is bound to being X weeks before SL release, so if said release gets delayed so will the removal date of the Dino change.

I dont see how delaying the xpac is a ‘‘valid’’ argument to ask for something they announced SO long ago that it would get removed.
And after it gets removed, you ‘‘suddenly’’ have the time to farm the gold.

Even tho you were fully aware of the removal.

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If you couldn’t afford it yet you probably will never afford it.

You had about 2 years to get it yet you didn’t. It was known months ago that it would be going away to the BMAH. You still didn’t get it.

You missed your chance. Get over it.


A player who doesn’t have a longboi or any Mage Tower appearances yet understands if you don’t put in the effort for a time limited event, you don’t get the rewards


I bet they`ll put this bad boi in the ingame shop eventually. Activision wont mind some extra cash.

I don’t understand the need to have limited edition items in a game, from my point of view they can bring back everything they took out.

Also, I would gladly share my tower appearances or old transmogs with the player base if I could.


I wouldnt bet money on that, because i think its highly unlikely.
I do believe we will get some form of recolor or rare spawn drop in an upcoming expansion after Shadowlands.

yeah not only might. the starting bid is 5m. :sob:

means you will most likely have to pay max gold for it.

Technically it’s always been on the in game shop. It’s called the WoW token.

If you wanted to buy a longboi with WoW token gold, it would cost like £500 or something.


As I said, because of the current unexpected WoW content draught it would be nice to have something to do and not unnecessarily remove content.

I am sure that there are players like myself that would still like to get the Brutosaur mount with a combination of grinding and purchasing WoW Tokens.

Enabling Brutosaur mount at vendor is a Win-Win situation for Blizz and WoW players - that way Blizz would get new funds from WoW Token and players would get the Brutosaur mount before prepatch content launch.

It’s still there. It’s on the BMAH.

Just expect it to go for 10 mil instead of 5 mil. Now you need to grind twice as much gold, so now you have twice as much content to do.

If you honestly think people are going to buy tokens for this mount, then you’re mad or they’re mad.

I estimate it would cost around £400 to fully cover the 5 million cost of a longboi. Folks who were willing to do this already did it. Folks who were close and couldn’t quite get the 5 million in time maybe bought a token or two to finish the race before pre-patch.

You knew this was happening. It’s been fairly common knowledge if you paid even the tiniest bit of attention to WoW news. Removing a 5 million gold mount from a vendor to put it on the BMAH isn’t removing content.

And like I said, now it’s technically doubled in price so you have twice as much gold farming to do to keep yourself occupied.



I bet you think you’re clever.

You never even bothered to address that point.

The mount is still in the game. It isn’t unobtainable.

It was REMOVED from one source (the vendors) and then PLACED into another source (BMAH).

This is like complaining that your favourite store is gone forever when all they have done is relocate to new premises down the street.

i hope you dont bet. you’re not off to a good start. no i dont, i think i was funny.

and ive had a non stop weekend at work so im not in the mood to try to explain to you why you cant equate items removed from their usually achievable source to a vastly harder source.

you can not compare a 5M (still TOO expensive) mount available 100% of the time from a vendor, to the same mount costing up to 10M and which is TOTAL rng if it even EVER shows up on the bmah.