Bring back Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to vendor

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: U wot?

Even with the transfer cheesing the Scarab lords are still a lot fewer than the people with the CM sets, the MT skins and the Brutosaurs

I think you can still get it on the Black Market Auction House, could be wrong.

This can be dealt with as playerbase.
Given they give us a heads up in time they will remove it.

And they do with all these rewards / mounts / etc etc.

Boost people into participating into content they might otherwise skip if they dont offer time limited rewards.

And gives you a nice memento of being part of an ingame event / challenge or expansion content.

if keeping yoursef busy is your goal, you can still farm gold even without any brutosaur available from a vendor, I’m pretty sure there will be some new goldsinks in SL, and you might want to start farming now.

Each to his own. To me it is a source of frustration each time I think about them. Just like the event pokemon in mainline games

Hopefully I will eventually reach an enlightened state where all this will no longer matter to me

removed stuff should stay removed, learn to appreciate the value of absence.

The only absence I would appreciate is if they were removed from everyone.

that says a lot about you.
would you burn the mona lisa only because not everyone can have one in their living room?

Strawmans are nice
Mona lisa was not a limited edition item that was widely distributed at one point

envy is not.
being a limited edition widely distributed is not the point, the pont is being limited and unavailable.
would you destroy all the rare bottles of a limited edition of wine because you can’t affor one?
is this example more simple to grasp?

Too bad the game is built around creating envy. Both the constructive one and the one that is not.

Real life rare limited edition bottles etc are still possible to change owners, soulbound stuff do not. Please stop drawing examples out of reality cause this is not reality. It is a game and it is designed to exploit human feelings for profit.

Have a good night, I have had enough attempts of being gaslighted for today.

Edit: It is part of your job as a poster to give proper examples instead of exaggerations that try to equate me to some philistine who would destroy cultural heritage

they are called examples, they’re an effective way to explain stuff making comparisons.
most of the people understands them istinctively.

But the game isnt created around this mindset.

As i posted before: time limited rewards or challenges have their place and create a reason to play for many. Or to keep playing.

The game never was designed to spark envy or jealousy along the playerbase.

I kinda feel sad reading this, are you putting out the suggestion you are playing for “epeen”?

Or are you playing for your own entertainment?

Because i think the 2nd one is the most important no matter if you are a world first raider or just farming transmog and doing pet battles.

Because not many people knew or engaged in this abuse. Bring it back now that we know

I think this was one of the silliest removals from the game and I did not get it a year ago, and I still do not get the reasoning behind this.

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Funny part is, there was complete silence on Blizzard’s part about its removal until it was datamined. Then, if I remember right, the cited reason was them realizing the mistake they made in adding a mount with such heavy utility that it took away from cities. Basically you can have a Transmogrifier, the Letterbox toy, Repairs/Food and the Auction House wherever you went, and pretty much never visit a city. Saturation of such utility risked cities emptying.

I’m glad I have mine…I love reading these forum posts- so much content :smiley:

ALL jokes aside though it’s available on BM.

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I dunno.

I started playing in mid/late Legion, and I’ve come across a whole lot of transmogs, mounts and even items that’s not in the game anymore.

The challenge mode transmogs from MoP. I really enjoy them, I want them - but I wasn’t playing the game at the time, I didn’t do those challenges. Therefore, I don’t have the mounts or transmogs.

Like Mage Tower Challenge in Legion? Yes, I did them on my Feral and my Fury - and it felt good, like, reaaaaally good when I completed the challenge, especially since I was a big noob at the game back then, and some would consider me as a noob today too. They removed the challenge and the rewards, and I was so glad that I managed to complete the challenges. I had something I worked really hard for, and it feels special to have the sparkle kitteh and those big ol’ swords for my fury.

The Brutosaur? Yes, I started to farm gold for that one at the beginning of the expansion. Actually, I farmed gold for two, one for me and one for my gf. When I later heard that the Brutosaur would be gone, I felt good again.

Since me and my gf worked really, really hard to get our hands on one of those each. Days, and days of farming materials, days and days of putting it all out in AH to get the gold.

The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur was another type of challenge in the game, and a really, really big gold sink in the game too.

So, I dunno. I want all of those rewards from content too, that’s no longer available. But it wouldn’t be right. Those who earned it, earned it at the time. I missed those boats. I wasn’t playing the game at that time.

… And to give people the chance to get their hands on those items now, would make the items far less special. And I assume that the ones who really did those challenges back in the days would be kinda pissed off, if they were ever implemented in the game again.

I just would had liked to have all the opportunities to make my characters are pretty as possible at any time without time limits and compulsions to give up on other games to engage in huge time sinks to gain pretty time limited participation awards (not awards of excellence). Nothing related to epeen

I could not play enough of other games than WoW this past year between the Brutosaur gold grind, the M+15 keystone master and the rank 4 purification protocol. It is not that fun to play a game because you have a “job” in it.

When I meant “enlightened” I meant to have less desire to obtain such cosmetics and me learning to be happy just looking someone on a pretty mog without feeling the desire to also have it, because clearly I am creating my own problems here. IT would also save me a lot of sub money to only play for the story.
I think I am finally getting close to that now with Systemlands and how screwed up the endgame looks like.

I apologize for being pretty bad at making my point with written words.

PS: @ Heylé They are only special for those who do not have them. After one has them they do not even think about them unless they decide to use them. Because there is no true feat of excellence behind them.